Yocan Flat Mini Instructions: A Comprehensive Guide

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Yocan Flat Mini Instructions: A Comprehensive Guide


The Yocan Flat Mini is a popular vaporizer pen that is designed for use with concentrates. It is a sleek and compact device that is easy to use and delivers a smooth and flavorful vaping experience. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to use the Yocan Flat Mini vaporizer pen.

What's in the Box?

Before we dive into the instructions, let's take a look at what comes in the box: - Yocan Flat Mini vaporizer pen - Micro-USB charging cable - Dab tool - User manual

Charging the Yocan Flat Mini

The first step in using the Yocan Flat Mini is to charge the battery. To do this, simply connect the micro-USB charging cable to the device and plug it into a power source. The LED light on the device will turn red to indicate that it is charging. Once the battery is fully charged, the LED light will turn green.

Filling the Yocan Flat Mini

To fill the Yocan Flat Mini with your concentrate, follow these steps: 1. Remove the mouthpiece from the device. 2. Use the dab tool to scoop up a small amount of concentrate. 3. Place the concentrate onto the heating coil inside the device. 4. Replace the mouthpiece onto the device.

Using the Yocan Flat Mini

To use the Yocan Flat Mini, follow these steps: 1. Press the power button five times to turn on the device. 2. Press and hold the power button to activate the heating coil. 3. Inhale through the mouthpiece to enjoy your vapor.

Cleaning the Yocan Flat Mini

To keep your Yocan Flat Mini in good working condition, it is important to clean it regularly. To clean the device, follow these steps: 1. Remove the mouthpiece from the device. 2. Use a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol to clean the heating coil and the inside of the device. 3. Rinse the mouthpiece with warm water and dry it thoroughly before replacing it onto the device.


The Yocan Flat Mini is a high-quality vaporizer pen that is perfect for anyone who enjoys vaping concentrates. With its sleek design, easy-to-use interface, and smooth vapor production, it is no wonder that this device has become so popular. By following the instructions in this guide, you can ensure that you get the most out of your Yocan Flat Mini.

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