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Truth not for social, but for the Way to the Life.


I understand that elections require gaining an advantage, thus various campaign tactics are employed. However, when democracy and freedom face off against extremism, and honesty against hypocrisy, there is no need for further exaggeration or pretense. 

The truth is enough, because the Buddha requires the truth from his disciples, God requires the truth from his apostles, Allah demands the truth from his believers, and the Creator wants his created beings to be truthful. Only the truth can garner the recognition of inner divinity; with true truth, we can advance towards what is right and good.

For instance, I've encountered a lot of insincerity in dentistry, and I'm also practicing how to be genuine with patients in an indirect way. Wise kindness is the true form of compassion. As a medical practitioner, one must achieve this, and I am still striving to do so.



This is the JLM, and I will stand up for the Voice of us about the Democracy and fundamental freedoms and rights.
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