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若水藏館 Ruoshui Gallery


Ruoshui Gallery。Taipei,Taiwan讓藝術走進心靈。


羅斯福路一段72巷,腳步太過匆忙就會錯過的一個僻靜的巷子。 若水藏館就亭立在巷口不遠處。簡潔明亮的黑底白字招牌,就如同若水的理念:生活中的自在與美感是一種分享,也是一種體驗。 


由台灣陶藝家章格銘設計的空間,將深色鐵桌蜿蜒出流水意象,象徵若水藏館「水利萬物而不爭」的精神。 店內主要銷售雅緻的生活陶藝品、特色的茶器具,以及具有收藏價值的名家作品;這些都是若水精心挑選過的獨特創作。 



Ruoshui Gallery。Taipei,Taiwan  

It is time for you to return to your simple life, while you begin to appreciate the masterpieces by our artists.

Ruoshui Art Gallery is renowned for its pottery exhibition and promoting tea culture, adding the flavors into our life. We dedicated ourselves to the projects of locating the most appropriate and potential owners/appreciators for our pottery beauties, because we always enjoy the moments when the perfect combination clicks.

Designed by Taiwanese artist Chang Ke-ming, inside the gallery, the dark steel tables features the “running water is doing everything good while it runs through everything,” which is the motto for the gallery, while the bonsais become the best views for visitors while they are feeling the atmosphere and enjoying the tea here.

The comfortable interior of the gallery became the best location for tea and pottery lovers, that they could talk, chat, sit back and relax in the house. 

The gallery also offers sufficient space for organizing penal discussions, workshops, and seminars, in addition to our regular exhibition for pottery pieces. It is our hope to promote the essence of life, arts, and all related information and knowledge of pottery and tea to the public.


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