Inktober2023 Day16-18

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

Day16. ANGEL (16/31)
Inktober's sixteenth word is ANGEL 天使

Should the lower body series become a series? This time, I want to combine two prompts into one character. For the lower part, 'ANGEL' is used in an attempt to create an elegant and sacred feeling, as well as a generous 'Holy Grail' (hmm?). (To be revealed on 10/19 for the upper half.)


Day17. DEMON (17/31)
Inktober's seventeenth word is DEMON 惡魔

A demon who tells cold jokes; if you don't laugh, she'll freeze you! Is this truly a form of tsundere personality? Whether drawing an ANGEL or a DEMON, I've referenced various outfits, and experimenting with clothing combinations this weekend has been quite rewarding for me. (To be revealed on 10/20 for the upper half.)


Day18. SADDLE (18/31)
Inktober's eighteenth word is SADDLE 馬鞍

Originally, I was thinking of drawing a girl in a riding position with a saddle, but later, I thought, what if two girls could be on the same "saddle" at the same time? Would it be more fun?


如果要從側面的角度去看待生活的話,也會發現每天其實都有不同的進展,某個時間點認識了某個人、某一日巧遇了誰、某天晚上誰坦承了些什麼、某一秒我們無話可說似乎封鎖了彼此,雖然變化之大就像曇花的開落,但其實也只是匆匆一瞥而已。 無足輕重的,and time goes by.
Tono’s island 的其他內容
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