
閱讀時間約 4 分鐘
On a snowy evening of Christmas Eve, Mr. Fritz was chatting with Mr. Barck in the front yard. “The smartphone development department of Purejonc dined and dashed, so I have to get rid of ten frozen turkeys after the holiday.” He snorted as the last shipment of cherry wood was carried into the stockroom.
Mr. Barck didn’t answer, pacing back the counter of his Pet Hotel.
He made a phone call.
“Merry Christmas, darling.”
“Same to you.”
This was the password between Mr. Barck and his girlfriend.
After leaving his Purejonc Smartphone on the table, he drove to the meeting place to elope with her.
“Merry Christmas, darling.” Parrot Chirpy let out of his friend as he sang. Now they are the only two creatures in this hotel. “The snow is heavy.” Dog President glanced the landscape outside. But all of a sudden, the electricity failed. President was cautious, so he immediately examined the electricity generator. “Anything wrong?” Chirpy tidied his feathers carelessly. “Oil will be run out in an hour. We’ll freeze to dead.”
Is this working? Chirpy and President poured some beef oil and arranged the batteries of the generator to form a big circle, including the smartphone on the counter. “Stay away!” President panted and pushed the device beneath the wall. They were fleeing and praying at the same time.
The siren started.
The firefighters broke in after thirty minutes. There was smoke everywhere. Something is definitely grilled. Finally, one of them witnessed an unbelievable scene. “Right over there!” he shouted.
Only three piles of cherry wood were burning, above them are three turkeys. A bucket of beef oil was opened. A parrot and a dog were getting warm by the fire—also stuffed.
“Merry Christmas, darling.” The parrot sang.
2025 排程發表詩集《包裹千次》,啊,回到詩集。
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這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
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Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
On a snowy evening of Christmas Eve, Mr. Fritz was chatting with Mr. Barck in the front yard. “The smartphone development department of Purejonc dined
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
On a snowy evening of Christmas Eve, Mr. Fritz was chatting with Mr. Barck in the front yard. “The smartphone development department of Purejonc dined