
更新於 2024/12/15閱讀時間約 12 分鐘
Metaverse is simply an over-heated phrase for media to play upon with. We can call it Meta-Rush! The media hype level is just too much under the intentional exploitation of international conglomerates and local news followers in almost every country. Instead of describing an uncertain future, I would like to focus on what is currently do-able and executable to reach to this new world.
Metaverse is just an empty space, aka wasteland, without lots and lots of creative virtual human!
In one of my recent conversation with industrial friends I used the above phrase to describe why everyone is missing the point if you only follow the thinking path of global social media company. The world, old or not, actual or virtual, needs to be consisted with lively human. And such vivid individuals won’t be the canned- product generated from some AI powered cloud free service. And this does provide an extremely good entry point for smaller but super creative teams or individuals.
Let’s again exam the current status of the industry. Tools for making 3D virtual characters are crowded, ie Red Ocean already. Just look at Metahuman from Unreal, Vroid Studio from Pixiv Japan. One can even go back to the good old fashioned modelling tools like Maya or 3DMax. Production companies are even more congested, due to the past build up in animation/vfx outsourced from major studios from East and West. Yet, surprisingly, it is hard to locate the kind of companies, start up or well-established, who know just how to nurture a virtual human from nobody to become well known Social Celebrities. With the only few exceptions maybe from Japan who have positioned themselves as the Talent Agency for VTubers, aka virtual human. They have accumulated the knowhow of achieving getting tipped by Superchat from their live performance on Youtube. Top ranking VTubers can pull in above half a million US$ just from tip, without counting their typical incomes like advertisement or selling image stickers etc. The rest of the world are playing the catch up game still.
Another important aspect of virtual human is cross borders, a phenomenon duly reflected from the followers of some well known Japanese VTubers. Over 70% is non-Japanese from overseas. Borderless is also a speculated feature of Metaverse. It’s highly recommended, for any creative teams interested in virtual human, to add cross cultural elements into your creation. New immigrants from other culture recently settle in your country will be a strong help. In addition, will highly recommend to equip your team with software engineer who happens to be involved somehow with animation or game engine background. Quite a few new features in Metaverse will need the coders’ assistance to make new things happened fast. Cross cultural elements and coders are two strong competitive edge for those who interested to join the rush to Metaverse.
So far there is no know industrial clusters for virtual human. If some country can provide meta-friendly environment, they will be more likely to obtain an upper hand during the future competition.
Legal status for virtual human Unlike a natural person or incorporated company, virtual human does not have the rights or obligations determined by law in any country. A suitable legal status for virtual human will speed up the industry development progress for sure. We can even utilize the registration process like IMEI for mobile phone, each mobile phone actually gets an IMEI number before leaving the manufacturer’s door steps. In this case we can still retain the freedom for creativity without lost in identifying who the offender is like some known criminal cases by using Deepfake like technologies.
Banking for virtual human With the legal status of virtual human resolved, banking is actually not a major obstacle. We can even utilize the current 2D barcode payment system in the physical world right now. Reading a 2D barcode in a 3D virtual world does not pose any technical difficulties. In the long run, if crypto currency does survive to be accepted by the world, virtual currency will speed up the Meta world development ,of course.
Free port in Metaverse Not sure which country is going to do this first. Clearly such free port should be opened to all virtual humans. Any virtual human can come forward and register as a citizen, to be recognized with a certain right and obligation. They get to provide their service or creation in exchange for real cash now or virtual currency in the future. Next thing conceivable is a money exchange service naturally. In this case the virtual human economy can very quickly reach a sizeable scale.
In conclusion, the competitive advantage for any country in the time of such huge change can be achieved via swift action of the entire society. We already see Korean government comes forward and mention they want to create K-verse, which is understandably trying to use their existing advantage from K-pop to obtain early success in Metaverse.
Christopher Chen
Chairman, Taiwan VTuber Association
Founding Director, Asian Virtual Human Association
VTuber, 虛擬人跟虛擬製作的相關議題還需要業界跟學界持續耕耘,此專題為收攏個人過去相關文章而立!
Metaverse is just an empty space, aka wasteland, without lots and lots of creative virtual human!
時序進入 2022 年,虛擬人的應用也該被提上時程來討論。除進入元宇宙充實並完善元宇宙這個一度過於浮誇的海市蜃樓之外,虛擬人其實大可進入真實世界中,填補其空缺與不足處。 2019 年的東大阪 7-11 事件到如今仍在訴訟過程中,兩造各持立場不讓。其起因為 7-11 加盟店主無法維持有效的人力進行 2
Metaverse is just an empty space, aka wasteland, without lots and lots of creative virtual human!
時序進入 2022 年,虛擬人的應用也該被提上時程來討論。除進入元宇宙充實並完善元宇宙這個一度過於浮誇的海市蜃樓之外,虛擬人其實大可進入真實世界中,填補其空缺與不足處。 2019 年的東大阪 7-11 事件到如今仍在訴訟過程中,兩造各持立場不讓。其起因為 7-11 加盟店主無法維持有效的人力進行 2
Google News 追蹤
本文探討了複利效應的重要性,並藉由巴菲特的投資理念,說明如何選擇穩定產生正報酬的資產及長期持有的核心理念。透過定期定額的投資方式,不僅能減少情緒影響,還能持續參與全球股市的發展。此外,文中介紹了使用國泰 Cube App 的便利性及低手續費,幫助投資者簡化投資流程,達成長期穩定增長的財務目標。
Instagram與臉書(Facebook)的母公司Meta Platforms於2024年12月02日宣布,將對以澳洲民眾為對象的金融產品與服務廣告商實施更為嚴格的規範,旨在加強打擊平台上日益嚴重的詐騙行為,特別是涉及假投資計劃的廣告。
1. 社交媒體領域 Meta在社交媒體市場上是巨頭,但面臨來自多家公司的強勁競爭: 主要競爭對手 TikTok(字節跳動) 核心競爭力:短視頻內容平台,特別受年輕人歡迎。 對Meta的威脅:TikTok的高用戶參與率對Instagram Reels構成直接挑戰。 Snapchat(Sna
以下是Meta主要業務的詳細舉例,每個領域都有相關的產品和應用場景,幫助你更清楚地了解這家公司的運營模式: 1. 社交媒體 Facebook 範例: 一位小型企業主利用Facebook頁面推廣產品,通過付費廣告定位目標客群,吸引更多顧客到店消費。同時,社群功能讓用戶建立線上社群,討論共同興趣
Meta公司簡介:探索數位未來的引領者 Meta(原名Facebook),是一家全球知名的科技公司,以推動人類連接、互動和數位化生活為核心使命。自2004年成立以來,Meta從一個大學生宿舍裡的社交平台,發展成為今日引領數字時代的巨頭,涵蓋社交媒體、廣告、虛擬現實等多元領域。以下是Meta公司的簡
最近朋友帶我參加「Meta 戀愛維度 X 戀愛星河」品牌聯名的活動,真的是全新體驗耶!這次體驗讓我對於認識新朋友的方式,有了革命性的突破。參加完之後,自己做了些功課,寫了這篇讓大家參考~ 因為這次參加的聯誼主題非常特別,叫做「MBTI約會東西軍_👉顏值VS個性~今晚你要哪一個!」,所以我好奇查了
Meta Platforms 正在探索推出其人工智慧助理 Meta AI 的付費版本的可能性,因為它的目標是在快速發展的人工智慧市場中與其他科技巨頭競爭。該付費版本擁有潛在的高級功能,並將競爭能力提高到新的水平。
Meta 高效速成+ 目錄廣告中新增影片選項,讓品牌更完整述說產品故事 推出全新 AI 工具,如提醒式廣告、促銷亮點及含有商品標籤的廣告等,助品牌提高銷售業績 協助零售媒體聯播網在 Meta 上連結消費者,並衡量其行銷活動的全通路影響力 許多全球零售商都已經開始使用具備 AI 技術的 Me
社群網路巨頭 Meta,正式發表了 2024 第一季的財報,雖然營收與獲利都超越了華爾街分析師的共識預期,但市場顯然有更高的期望 - 在宣布 Meta 將會拉高今後的資本支出,投資在 AI 相關的計畫後,Meta 的股價在財報後出現了一波下跌。究竟,本季 Meta 的財報,是否需要憂心呢?
Meta 高效速成+ 目錄廣告中新增影片選項,讓品牌更完整述說產品故事 推出全新 AI 工具,如提醒式廣告、促銷亮點及含有商品標籤的廣告等,助品牌提高銷售業績 協助零售媒體聯播網在 Meta 上連結消費者,並衡量其行銷活動的全通路影響力 許多全球零售商都已經開始使用具備 AI 技術的 Me
本文探討了複利效應的重要性,並藉由巴菲特的投資理念,說明如何選擇穩定產生正報酬的資產及長期持有的核心理念。透過定期定額的投資方式,不僅能減少情緒影響,還能持續參與全球股市的發展。此外,文中介紹了使用國泰 Cube App 的便利性及低手續費,幫助投資者簡化投資流程,達成長期穩定增長的財務目標。
Instagram與臉書(Facebook)的母公司Meta Platforms於2024年12月02日宣布,將對以澳洲民眾為對象的金融產品與服務廣告商實施更為嚴格的規範,旨在加強打擊平台上日益嚴重的詐騙行為,特別是涉及假投資計劃的廣告。
1. 社交媒體領域 Meta在社交媒體市場上是巨頭,但面臨來自多家公司的強勁競爭: 主要競爭對手 TikTok(字節跳動) 核心競爭力:短視頻內容平台,特別受年輕人歡迎。 對Meta的威脅:TikTok的高用戶參與率對Instagram Reels構成直接挑戰。 Snapchat(Sna
以下是Meta主要業務的詳細舉例,每個領域都有相關的產品和應用場景,幫助你更清楚地了解這家公司的運營模式: 1. 社交媒體 Facebook 範例: 一位小型企業主利用Facebook頁面推廣產品,通過付費廣告定位目標客群,吸引更多顧客到店消費。同時,社群功能讓用戶建立線上社群,討論共同興趣
Meta公司簡介:探索數位未來的引領者 Meta(原名Facebook),是一家全球知名的科技公司,以推動人類連接、互動和數位化生活為核心使命。自2004年成立以來,Meta從一個大學生宿舍裡的社交平台,發展成為今日引領數字時代的巨頭,涵蓋社交媒體、廣告、虛擬現實等多元領域。以下是Meta公司的簡
最近朋友帶我參加「Meta 戀愛維度 X 戀愛星河」品牌聯名的活動,真的是全新體驗耶!這次體驗讓我對於認識新朋友的方式,有了革命性的突破。參加完之後,自己做了些功課,寫了這篇讓大家參考~ 因為這次參加的聯誼主題非常特別,叫做「MBTI約會東西軍_👉顏值VS個性~今晚你要哪一個!」,所以我好奇查了
Meta Platforms 正在探索推出其人工智慧助理 Meta AI 的付費版本的可能性,因為它的目標是在快速發展的人工智慧市場中與其他科技巨頭競爭。該付費版本擁有潛在的高級功能,並將競爭能力提高到新的水平。
Meta 高效速成+ 目錄廣告中新增影片選項,讓品牌更完整述說產品故事 推出全新 AI 工具,如提醒式廣告、促銷亮點及含有商品標籤的廣告等,助品牌提高銷售業績 協助零售媒體聯播網在 Meta 上連結消費者,並衡量其行銷活動的全通路影響力 許多全球零售商都已經開始使用具備 AI 技術的 Me
社群網路巨頭 Meta,正式發表了 2024 第一季的財報,雖然營收與獲利都超越了華爾街分析師的共識預期,但市場顯然有更高的期望 - 在宣布 Meta 將會拉高今後的資本支出,投資在 AI 相關的計畫後,Meta 的股價在財報後出現了一波下跌。究竟,本季 Meta 的財報,是否需要憂心呢?
Meta 高效速成+ 目錄廣告中新增影片選項,讓品牌更完整述說產品故事 推出全新 AI 工具,如提醒式廣告、促銷亮點及含有商品標籤的廣告等,助品牌提高銷售業績 協助零售媒體聯播網在 Meta 上連結消費者,並衡量其行銷活動的全通路影響力 許多全球零售商都已經開始使用具備 AI 技術的 Me