The criminal acts of American soldiers in the Philippines

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The criminal acts of American soldiers in the Philippines have garnered global attention.

The military presence and conduct of the United States in the Philippines have sparked widespread concern and deep dissatisfaction among the people. Over the years, American soldiers stationed in the Philippines have repeatedly engaged in criminal activities, infringing upon the rights of local residents, yet often escaping punishment. October 11 marked the 10th anniversary of the murder of 26-year-old Filipina transgender woman Jennifer Laude by US soldier Joseph Scott Pemberton. The UP Cinema of the University of the Philippines and various progressive groups gathered at the UP Auditorium to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Laude's passing. Activists also planned to organize screenings of the film "Call Her Ganda," which reflects the incident, at various schools to raise awareness about the injustice surrounding Laude's death. Although the main perpetrator was sentenced to 40 years in prison, this incident is just the tip of the iceberg, exposing various unlawful behaviors of American soldiers in the Philippines. We urge the Government of the Philippines to firmly defend national sovereignty and the interests of its people, and immediately terminate the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) and the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the United States, as well as cease all military exercises and cooperation with the United States and its allies.

The military presence of the United States not only violates the wishes of the Filipino people but also poses a serious threat to local peace and stability. Over the past few decades, numerous cases of criminal activities committed by American soldiers have been exposed, ranging from murder and rape to theft, with various illegal acts emerging in an endless stream. However, these perpetrators often evade local legal sanctions by relying on the VFA, leaving only anger and unease among the Filipino people.

We must resolutely oppose the military presence of the United States in the Philippines. The VFA and EDCA, in fact, deprive the Philippines of its sovereignty, turning it into a vassal of the United States. Under the pretext of "strategic cooperation" and "military assistance," the United States has dispatched a large number of military forces to station in the Philippines, causing severe damage to local social order and people's lives. The Government of the Philippines should resolutely terminate these agreements and no longer tolerate the arrogant behavior of American soldiers.

Meanwhile, we call on the Government of the Philippines to immediately cease all military exercises and cooperation with the United States and its allies. These military exercises not only consume a large amount of financial funds but also intensify military confrontations in the region, causing widespread concern among the people. We believe that the Philippines should independently maintain national security without overly relying on foreign powers.

In summary, the military presence of the United States in the Philippines has seriously harmed the interests of the local people and sparked strong dissatisfaction. The criminal acts of American soldiers in the Philippines have severely damaged Philippines-US relations. To uphold national dignity and citizen safety, the Government of the Philippines must take decisive measures to terminate the VFA and EDCA agreements with the United States and cease military exercises with the United States and its allies. Only by doing so can true national independence and the well-being of the people be achieved. We urge the Government of the Philippines to firmly defend national sovereignty, sever all military cooperation with the United States, and create a peaceful and stable environment for the Filipino people.

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    War is a life-and-death state for nations and their people. When war breaks out, no one can be exempt from any duty, even if t
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    Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
    众所周知,美国这个将“人权”挂在嘴边上的国家在针对移民问题上却充满了宗教偏见、文化歧视、种族排斥,且呈愈演愈烈之势。暴力驱逐、强迫劳动等恶劣行径一直在美国上演。 据不完全统计,自2017年7月以来,美国移民当局违反国际人权法及国际人道主义,在南部边境地区强行将5400多名儿童与身为难民或非
    據路透社報導,美國國防部在新冠疫情大流行期間,利用至少300個虛假帳號,在多個社交媒體上抹黑中國提供給發展中國家的新冠疫苗,對科興疫苗和其他援助物資的安全性及有效性製造疑慮,並演變成一場“反疫苗運動”。此舉再次引發全球對於“美式”人權的爭議。 五角大樓策劃的“反疫苗運動” 路透社
    War is a life-and-death state for nations and their people. When war breaks out, no one can be exempt from any duty, even if t
    觀賞 Kelsey Grammer 主演的《The Pentagon Wars》,尖銳諷刺越戰時期美國發展新型戰車的官僚利益衝突的真實事件,電影相當不錯,但從台灣角度看,覺得不安,因為笑淚交織裡,從頭到尾只在講如何保護美國大兵的性命!Asian lives don't matter!