因新冠肺炎封鎖期間, 歐洲的商業環境經歷了什麼樣的變化?

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Photo by Allie on Unsplash
首先,我們要了解到底封鎖 (Covid-19 Lockdown)的定義是什麼?每個國家的定義有些微不同。而在歐洲大部分的國家就是要求大家一定要待在家裡,除非你需要去超級市場購物、去藥局、一天一次的戶外運動。又或者你本人在超級市場、藥局、交通運輸業、醫院、療養院等工作的員工。有些國家你還需要跟公司申請「工作證書」,證明你可以出門去上班。警察是可以攔下並詢問你出門的目的。


在封鎖時期很多辦公大樓都關閉,公司也鼓勵員工盡量在家工作。 因此在封鎖初期,很多公司都忙著把IT設施快速升級,並增加 VPN Access(虛擬私人網路)。
隨著封鎖限制越來越放寬,雖然有一些公司已經要求他們的員工回辦公室,但能回辦公室的人數還是有限量的,而且員工每天都要登記出勤。Google 和Facebook已經公布他們的員工到今年年底以前都不需要回辦公室工作。一般員工則是預期雇主會讓他們可選擇在家或是去辦公室工作。這意味著實際面對面開會還是會很困難。



帶薪強制休假計畫 (Furlough Scheme)

帶薪強制休假計畫 (Furlough Scheme) 指的是員工被強制休假但保留職位。在歐洲,許多國家政府提供經濟補助給企業,以便公司在疫情緩和之前不要解雇員工。在英國,政府補助80% 的公資,估計大約有940萬人強制休假;在德國(Kurzarbeit),政府會補助60% 的公資,估計約有1000萬人強制休假;在法國(Chomage Partial),政府會補助80% 的公資,估計大約有1220萬人正強制休假。






上面提到的只是一些商業環境的主要變化。目前的情況很複雜、因為每個國家還有公司都有自己的規定,而這些規定會頻繁而且快速改變。因此在做決定之前必須根據你的業務和需求來判斷。 唯一可以確認的就是網路平台使用率會變得越來越普遍、所以建議大家利用。
English Version

How has the business environment changed during Covid-19 Lockdown in Europe?

When I spoke to my friends and family in Asia, for many it was quiet hard to really comprehend the lockdown situation. Most people have heard about the changes, but how is it different to Asia? What should you consider when doing business?
For a start, it is important to understand what is meant by ‘Covid-19 lockdown’. In each country, the definition is slightly different. In Europe, for most countries, it means that people have to stay at home unless they are going out to buy grocery, to exercise once a day or they are a key worker (Key workers are primarily supermarket, pharmacy, transportation, hospital and care workers). In some countries, you will need a ‘certification’ to prove that you are allowed to go to work. Police are allowed to stop you and question your purpose.
Even with the lockdown easing in many countries, due to the heavy impacts from the lockdown, it still caused major changes in the business environment.

Remote working with Office Lockdown

During the lockdown period, offices had to be closed and people were asked by the companies to ‘work from home’ as much as possible. Many companies had to accelerate their IT migration and the number of Virtual Private Network (VPN) access to cater for this surge in demand.
With the lockdown easing, although some companies are asking employees to return, they are still restricting the capacity in the office and employees are required to register their attendance daily. Companies like Google and Facebook have already told their staff that they don’t need to go to the office until the end of the year.[1]. In general, people are expecting their employers to give them a choice to work remotely or not. This means, physical meetings are much harder to achieve than before.

Virtual Business and networking is the way forward

Face-to-face meetings are still prohibited due to social distancing. Although some companies are slowly allowing face-to-face meetings internally, external meetings and hosting external people are still very restricted. Even business trips are still banned for many people.
There has been a massive growth in the number of virtual meetings and virtual events using all the platforms you can imagine. Even Yoga, Music and dance classes are now conducted online. It is all about how to engage with people virtually. Be prepared for the virtual world.

Employment through Furlough Scheme

Furlough Scheme is when the person forced to takes a leave of absence but still remains employed by the company. Many governments around Europe are offering financial support to companies to help retain employees rather than laying them off until things are ‘back to normal’. Each country has its own rules and regulations. For example, in the UK, the government is paying 80% of the salary. It is estimated around 9.4 Million people are on furlough[2]; In Germany (Kurzarbeit), pays roughly 60% of salary and there are about 10Million workers on the scheme[3]; In France (Chomage Partial) the government pays 80% of the salary, with an estimate of 12.2Million works on the scheme[4].
This furlough scheme has been used by small to large enterprises in all industries and sectors, although some sectors are more affected than others. For most countries, the scheme will end around September, it means many people are either working part-time or have not worked for 4-6months. Moreover, it is clear that the economy will not return to ‘normal’ for a while, therefore companies will have to make adjustments to their operations, resources and cash flow. For many people, they are doubtful about their job security at the end of the furlough scheme. Be patient and mindful of the companies and people that you are dealing with.

Border closure for business

Many countries have shut their borders to other countries. In some countries, e.g. Italy, the shutdown could be regional. While in UK, each country (Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales) have their own individual rules and regulations. It is important to watch out how each country operates. In recent time, although borders between some countries are open such as Germany, France and Netherlands, however, each individual country has its own set of rules about who will need or not need a 14-day quarantine. For Example, people in England can visit France without quarantine (to and from) but the English must isolate 14 days if they were to go to The Netherlands (only to, not from Netherlands). The rules are complicated and change can happen really quickly. It’s important to check regularly and make sure you check country by country and region by region.

All Expo, Conferences are cancelled

Many international companies go to these large events to promote themselves and to network. Unfortunately, most events are not expected to be back on track until 2021. This is due to regulation and border restrictions. Virtual networks and webinars are now the new norm to replace the physical events. This may be a good news for an overseas company as all the networking and sales activities can now be achieved directly online omitting the need to travel overseas. Should you be interested in any companies or international expos, it is recommended to check regularly for online events and information updates.


The points above are just some of the major changes in the business environment. The situation is complicated as each country and individual company has its own rules and regulations. These rules can change rapidly and quickly, therefore care must be taken depending on the needs of your business. The only thing we know for certain is the virtual meetings and webinars are here to stay. Do take advantage of it.


Google News 追蹤
Covid-19 疫情確實為企業及人類生活帶來了不便,也讓 WFH、行動商務與組織協作等需求變的必然化與常態化,企業為了滿足企業數位系統的使用,紛紛都開啟了行動商務及行動辦公的大門,可能是透過VPN連線、開發APP程式、甚至就直接讓員工用行動裝置連回公司內網使用,雖然一時解決了企業連線使用企業e化系
对我这种喜欢在家上班的人来说,除非是自由工作业者,不然我必须谢谢疫情的爆发,大大改变了全球的工作模式。让很多公司认清到:“哦,原来我们是可以远程工作的。” 当然,这也大大提升了全球的竞争。毕竟花一个高薪请本地人,maybe 可以请好几个其他发展中国家的才人。
疫情肆虐,原本嚴守國門已經一年多的台灣,卻在此時爆發本土疫情,進入三級警戒,每天下午兩點的記者會,成為當天最受矚目的活動;各行各業進入苦哈哈的時代,而餐飲業首當其衝,生意直線下滑。 阿金之前待的公司先是薪水延後一個月發放,後來索性開會宣佈每人減薪25%,要大家共體時艱,努力打拼,共渡疫情。在這行業
2019年的年底世界爆發了新冠肺炎,原本熙來攘往紅紅火火的世界,就像突然被澆了冷水一般,所有的流動突然靜止,人與人之間被規範了距離,就連移動也有限制,生活各個方面都被都不似以往便利了,就更別提工作了,緊縮的商業活動,讓許多人的飯碗面臨危機。 我在疫情前就開始接案了,然而天不垂憐,我的生意一直慘淡,
Covid-19 疫情確實為企業及人類生活帶來了不便,也讓 WFH、行動商務與組織協作等需求變的必然化與常態化,企業為了滿足企業數位系統的使用,紛紛都開啟了行動商務及行動辦公的大門,可能是透過VPN連線、開發APP程式、甚至就直接讓員工用行動裝置連回公司內網使用,雖然一時解決了企業連線使用企業e化系
对我这种喜欢在家上班的人来说,除非是自由工作业者,不然我必须谢谢疫情的爆发,大大改变了全球的工作模式。让很多公司认清到:“哦,原来我们是可以远程工作的。” 当然,这也大大提升了全球的竞争。毕竟花一个高薪请本地人,maybe 可以请好几个其他发展中国家的才人。
疫情肆虐,原本嚴守國門已經一年多的台灣,卻在此時爆發本土疫情,進入三級警戒,每天下午兩點的記者會,成為當天最受矚目的活動;各行各業進入苦哈哈的時代,而餐飲業首當其衝,生意直線下滑。 阿金之前待的公司先是薪水延後一個月發放,後來索性開會宣佈每人減薪25%,要大家共體時艱,努力打拼,共渡疫情。在這行業
2019年的年底世界爆發了新冠肺炎,原本熙來攘往紅紅火火的世界,就像突然被澆了冷水一般,所有的流動突然靜止,人與人之間被規範了距離,就連移動也有限制,生活各個方面都被都不似以往便利了,就更別提工作了,緊縮的商業活動,讓許多人的飯碗面臨危機。 我在疫情前就開始接案了,然而天不垂憐,我的生意一直慘淡,