How to cover your sliding glass doors?

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It is nice to opt for sliding glass doors as they are a functional and stylish choice for any home. It gives you easy access to the outdoors (your garden or backyard), allows the natural light and fresh air to flood in your living space.
It is becoming a famous option for homeowners because of the huge size and width plays a role in expanding the spaciousness of any room in any house.
Although sliding glass doors are a great choice, they can be surprisingly cumbersome at times. Because of their large size, it may be a bit hard to cover them with window treatment and lack of privacy. As a matter of fact, if sliding glass doors are left uncovered, it can cause damage to your belongings if exposed with sunlight.
Disadvantages of leaving your door bare
Lack of privacy
While sliding glass doors provide a stunning background in the form of a breathtaking view of the natural view outside, it cannot provide you the privacy that you need.
Exposure to sunlight, street lights at night
As you are allowing the natural light to come in, you do not only allow the light in it to come with excessive exposure to harsh sunlight and heat too. This can hurt your furniture if they are exposed with the harmful UV rays.
The same goes to the light from outside lamps. The lights that sneak in through your bare glass door can affect the quality of your sleep.
Well, covering the huge sliding glass doors can be challenging but if you are looking for options to cover your bare sliding glass doors, there are actually many solutions to choose from.
Vertical Blinds
Vertical blinds are not necessarily the most ordinary, affordable and usually the common type of window treatment used by homeowners to cover for two-panel sliding glass doors. They are one of the most versatile solutions for sliding glass doors as they are available in various ranges of colours, textures, panel styles and the materials as well (fabric, aluminium, vinyl).
Vertical blinds are also durable which can stand for crowded areas or rooms. They can also be adjusted to allow access through the door panel and while the stationary panel can be covered if it is adjusted. It enables you to maximise your views as the blinds have minimal stackback.
Vertical Cellular Shades
If you are a fan of traditional vinyl vertical blinds, then this may be the best recent alternative for you to go for. If temperature control is your main concern, vertical cellular shades will let you be in control and keep your room insulated and at a comfortable temperature by preventing air from entering and escaping.
As always, curtains can be the simplest and most cost-effective ways for you to cover your sliding glass doors. You can always adjust the curtains to fit the entire glass doors despite the entire length. It can also make your ceilings look taller if you cover both window and door.
But it can be cumbersome too as it gets into your way if you want to use the sliding glass doors. Preferably, to choose curtains that slide easily along the rod and use a tie-back on the closed side of the door for safety.
Plantation Shutters
If you are looking for maximum privacy, protection, safety and ventilation, shutters for sliding glass would be the perfect choice to cover your bare sliding glass door. If you are planning to have plantation shutters on other windows, then this is the right one to fit your taste. It comes in many colours and sizes.
The shutters are usually installed on tracks to slide along with the door. It also allows easy access to the outdoors. Not to forget, plantation shutters are extremely durable and construed to last. They are the best in saving the energy due to the insulating design.
1. Drapery will cover your sliding door without getting in the way of door use in a fashionable way. You can choose either to cover the door or pull it back to the sides according to your preferences (decorative hardware or decorative tiebacks).
You can be in charge of the light and privacy control with sun protections and energy-saving insulation. If you want to go for further coverage, then you can layer the drapery with blinds or shades.

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我們是一個有孩子的家庭,擁有一個很大的開放式陽台,通常用來曬衣服和讓孩子在陽光下玩 樂。然而,陽台的安全一直是我們的擔憂之一,特別是考慮到孩子的活潑好動和對周圍環境的好奇心。一般傳統的鐵窗安裝在這樣特別尺寸的陽台上會有一定的難度,因此我們透過朋友的介紹,決定安裝隱形鐵窗,一次解決各種隱患和擔憂。
【高雄】軟裝設計推薦-如何挑選窗簾?4個技巧增添居家巧思! 在居家空間中,窗簾是不可或缺的元素之一。它不僅能夠調節室內光線,更是打造居家風格的亮點。那麼,在眾多的窗簾款式中,你知道該如何挑選適合自己家居的窗簾嗎? 以下 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 分享4個挑選窗簾的技巧,幫助你在窗
在都市繁忙的板橋區,高樓層住宅成為現代家庭的首選。為了在陽台上創造更安全的居住環境,我們選擇了專業的防墜鐵窗。這不僅是對家庭成員的安全保護,同時也為陽台注入了新的時尚元素。以下是我們的安裝心得分享。 在這個高樓層的城市住宅中,陽台是家庭共享的休閒區域。為了在這個空間營造更安心的居住氛圍,我們選
想保留住家裡的光線,卻不知如何挑選適合的遮光窗簾?調光簾是一個不錯的選擇。本文介紹了調光簾的光線控制、隱私保護、美化空間等特色,並提供了選購調光簾的注意事項和推薦產品——VB blind。此外,也列出了調光簾的優缺點,幫助你做出明智的選擇。
捲簾特色簡介 捲簾是一種簡約實用的窗簾,其特點在於構造簡單可以輕鬆捲起,使室內外的光線靈活調節且不易故障。這種窗簾通常採用聚酯纖維材質,外觀包含各類花紋布料、透光或遮光材質,可以適用各種不同的使用場合需求。
我們是一個有孩子的家庭,擁有一個很大的開放式陽台,通常用來曬衣服和讓孩子在陽光下玩 樂。然而,陽台的安全一直是我們的擔憂之一,特別是考慮到孩子的活潑好動和對周圍環境的好奇心。一般傳統的鐵窗安裝在這樣特別尺寸的陽台上會有一定的難度,因此我們透過朋友的介紹,決定安裝隱形鐵窗,一次解決各種隱患和擔憂。
【高雄】軟裝設計推薦-如何挑選窗簾?4個技巧增添居家巧思! 在居家空間中,窗簾是不可或缺的元素之一。它不僅能夠調節室內光線,更是打造居家風格的亮點。那麼,在眾多的窗簾款式中,你知道該如何挑選適合自己家居的窗簾嗎? 以下 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 分享4個挑選窗簾的技巧,幫助你在窗
在都市繁忙的板橋區,高樓層住宅成為現代家庭的首選。為了在陽台上創造更安全的居住環境,我們選擇了專業的防墜鐵窗。這不僅是對家庭成員的安全保護,同時也為陽台注入了新的時尚元素。以下是我們的安裝心得分享。 在這個高樓層的城市住宅中,陽台是家庭共享的休閒區域。為了在這個空間營造更安心的居住氛圍,我們選
想保留住家裡的光線,卻不知如何挑選適合的遮光窗簾?調光簾是一個不錯的選擇。本文介紹了調光簾的光線控制、隱私保護、美化空間等特色,並提供了選購調光簾的注意事項和推薦產品——VB blind。此外,也列出了調光簾的優缺點,幫助你做出明智的選擇。
捲簾特色簡介 捲簾是一種簡約實用的窗簾,其特點在於構造簡單可以輕鬆捲起,使室內外的光線靈活調節且不易故障。這種窗簾通常採用聚酯纖維材質,外觀包含各類花紋布料、透光或遮光材質,可以適用各種不同的使用場合需求。