The just a little harder, when brought about by friends.
For all you care, this wine could be my blood.
For all you care, this bread could be my body.
歌詞裡分為三個部分,頭尾由信眾們安詳合唱:「我們努力一點可以成為使徒,甚至退休後來寫福音,讓事蹟永存,我們也會被後人知道。」這段頗有Hamilton的Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story的歷史批判史觀角度,當代的故事將由活下來的人們繼續述說,然而以文字、口傳卻不見得能再回溯現在發生的事,古老神話裡耶穌為何犧牲、猶大背叛的真正原因都將由後人解讀。
Always hoped that I'd be an apostle.
Knew that I would make it if I tried.
Then when we retire, we can write the Gospels,
So they'll still talk about us when we've died.
Peter will deny my in just a few hours.
Three times will deny me, And that's not all I see. One of you here dining, One of my twelve chosen Will leave to betray me.
Every time I look at you I don't understand 每一次我看向你的時候我真不知道 Why you let the things you did get so out of hand 你非得讓事情變得如此一發不可收拾嗎 You'd have managed better if you had it planned 明明你好好遵循、好好規劃管理的話
73版的則是謎樣劇情讓我快笑死,一開始耶穌暴氣時沒人鳥他,眾徒低頭繼續吃麵包喝酒,直到猶大跳出來情侶吵架,綜藝跑走一次,耶穌追上來給他遺落的墨綠外套,猶大又吵架,再次綜藝跑還順手牽羊,帶著一群羊咩咩奔走。我問號滿天飛,耶穌也是空張著手阻攔,呆在原地。(這段1973版請至連結)而後續下一首經典難唱的客西馬尼,我在入坑曲提過在此略過,真的可以去看一下各版飆歌技唱這首歌時的表現;下下一首則是 The arrest,開頭有著名的猶大之吻,聖經記載上確有此段,為了讓羅馬士兵能在眾人間標記出耶穌,背叛者猶大走到他身旁落下一吻,帶有背叛陰險、悲慟不捨、自責難捱等又愛又恨的眾多複雜情緒,在韓劇《黑道律師文森佐》便有提及此事,畫作猶大之吻代表著親密的背叛。音樂劇各版詮釋此環節風格不同,有興趣者請自行查看(享糧)。
第六首,誰是彼拉多?執法罪人的納悶【Trial Before Pilate】
I see no reason. I find no evil.
This man is harmless, so why does he upset you?
He's just misguided, thinks he's important,
But to keep you vultures happy I shall flog him.
Don't let me stop your great self-destruction.
Die if you want to, you misguided martyr.
I wash my hands of your demolition.
Die if you want to you innocent puppet!