Breakfast is just a few "hot explosions", don

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Breakfast is just a few "hot explosions", don't pay attention to these four major weight loss traps
We want you to know that everyone is often very loose for breakfast, after all, have a good start to face the work of the whole day. But the more delicious food is often hidden in many calories.
Weight loss is the troubles of many people, often listen to others: "Breakfast should eat like the emperor, lunch, eat like civilians, dinner,", if you want to lose weight, this is not a good idea.
Everyone is often very loose for breakfast, after all, have a good start to face the work of the whole day. But the more delicious food is often hidden in many calories.
Reduction of traps
1: Iron plate surface
It is necessary to lose weight, especially in today's era. At the era of flying over the price, a single point of 30 to 35 yuan of iron plate seems to be a good choice for money. You can also add meat plus drinks, all add up to 70 yuan, but you can have a lot of noon, the CP value is not ordinary, and there is a meat, egg looks good nutrition.
However, such a match is not easy to lose weight. why? If you want to lose weight, eat these foods, there is a 361 large card per 100 grams, and the sodium content is more than 712 mg. Plus an oil and salty sauce, just mourn for the kidneys for 3 minutes. For the kidneys, long-term consumption is absolutely not recommended.
Reduction of traps
2: Cheese
Do you want to lose weight? It's not open in the morning, and a small cheese pie is a simple, delicious choice. However, the cheese cake is actually a crisp, and the whole oil content is very high. The seemingly dry biscuits, the heat of each hundred grams is up to 404 big cards. If you want to lose weight, this is not a good choice.
Plus the sugar, the oil content is high, and the amount of heat taken in a breakfast may be higher than the lunch with dinner. So just think twice before choosing cheese pie.
Reduction of traps
3: Sugar
Speaking of weight loss, you will immediately think of dessert food, this shows that everyone knows that dessert is reduced to killer, everyone knows that sugar high food must be good. The purity bought in the breakfast shop is very high, so the clerk must add a lot of oil to open the sauce,
In order to become the smelt we have seen everyday. It can be seen that breakfast is added to the breakfast when weight loss, and the heat is really unimaginable.
Reduction of traps
4: Juice
Speaking of weight loss, you will think: "Is the juice not affect weight loss?" However, the unhealthy juice is really breaking the glasses of everyone. Of course, the juice is a relatively healthy choice than milk tea, black tea, etc. However, the juice of the breakfast shop is usually a concentrated juice. In addition to full sugar, there is almost no nutrients.
Even the juice, it is necessary to extract about 3 to 4 fruits, and the National Health Department recommends that each person is 1 ~ 2 per day, plus the sweetness of the current fruit, often drinking The next cup of juice is dessert,
There are still few natural fibers. And drinking juice is easy to cause blood sugar rapid rise, long-term consumption will also have the risk of diabetes, and should pay more attention.
If you want to take natural fruit, it is recommended to eat directly to eat complete nutrients in fruit.
Entering the breakfast shop, a dazzling taste on the menu often makes people's index finger, I don't know which choice is better. But I didn't expect to choose one, hidden high oil, high sugar trap in it. It usually spends a lot of time.
Silves are moving and maintaining their body, but 70% of the weight loss can be diet. From today, don't look at the recommended items after entering the breakfast shop, and you will choose a healthy item.
Collected many articles about weight loss, health, mentality and new life. Welcome everyone to watch

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