2021-10-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

[US] Case 181

    解析:Right ovary shows grossly edematous, with a nodular appearance. No vascularity inside the right ovary. Ovarian torsion is first considered; ddx: ovarian neoplasm, PID: tubo-ovarian abscess, hemorrhagic cyst.
    **Ovarian torsion
    多出現在適合懷孕年齡,增加機率的因子有adnexa mass, 和懷孕。超音波影像特徵多元,如:enlarged (4cm) ovary, ovarian edema, variable echogenicity, peripherally displaced follicle (”string of pearls” sign), absence of flow (complete torsion), increased diastolic flow in edematous ovary (incomplete torsion)
    **Ovarian neoplasm
    惡性或良性皆有可能發生,幾乎不會有急性腹痛的情形(除非伴隨torsion),一般來說病人較年長,會想到腫瘤的US特徵:thicken septation (2-3mm), solid component, vegetation(小突起), increased vascular flow
    **PID / TOA
    注意臨床表現,通常伴隨有fever, cervical motion tenderness, vaginal discharge。US通常也可以發現hydrosalpinx. complex multiloculated mass (TOA)
    **hemorrhagic cyst
    無血流。急性期有lacelike echoes, 之後可能會出現fluid-fluid level
    答案:ovarian torsion
    Reference: Radiopaedia, https://radiopaedia.org/cases/ovarian-torsion-10
    A former climber, and a radiologist.
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