2021-11-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

虛愛 3

    愛要直接 就算冒險 不懷疑自己的直覺
    不要反對 我的特別 只對猶豫的人說抱歉
    愛要直接 我不搞曖昧 不夠乾脆的人 會被黑
      浪費時間 排什麼隊 我在眼前
    第三章 解釋
    原來當部落客 Youtuber 這樣賺...? 開豪車住豪宅耶~
    阿不都長那樣!? ( 差我一點哈哈!)
    心想都有一個幸福家庭還找我幹嘛?( 啊我就長的普普!maybe 胸部大一點這樣!?)
    現在台灣時間10:52 am 英國 2: 52 am ( 他應該睡死xd)
    我: yo ! busy daddy! why I dont know you have a son and you already married?
    ( 先換好衣服~出門喝咖啡吃早餐~)
    A few hours later~
    William: Good morning my love..hope you have nice dream last night..
    ( 後面一長串噁心八拉不知從哪來的愛情詩句~說真的有看沒懂!白眼翻到底!哈)
    我: pleas speak chinese
    William: How are you?
    我: why I dont know you married and have a son?
    William: ya,Im married ...but I like to chat with you , talk with you let me happy
    我: oh really? so this is real you? ( 截圖他Ig 上傳)
    我: I even dont know you are a famous blogger and youtuber yet?
    William: (已讀不回........)
    我: why not answer?you are such a lier
    William: No..Im Christian I cant lie..
    我: so? its that IG real you or?(白眼)
    William: Yes that is me ,but Im try to vedio call you see face in face but you dont want. Im married but Im still like you
    我: why?you dont love your wife? ( 乾~現在怎樣?要我當小三?白眼!)
    William: I love my wife but I like you too
    我: ..........( Holly shit)
    我: why you want chat with me?
    William: Beacause you look cute and pretty and sexy have big boobs,and Im believe the god will give me a pretty woman and born two kids.
    ( 我性感可愛? 啊我就只是胸部大了一點而已!哈哈!之前發給他幾張性感大奶照哈哈)
    我:I think you forget you already have wife and son
    William: ya but Im still like you
    我: ( 乾!現在是在鬼打牆?哈哈)
    我: I dont think you have family and still want chat with me its right thing
    William: chat with you let me happy and I want still chat with you..
    我:.......( 現在是什麼情形?omg)
    我: Im go out with my friends now...hope you have good day today..
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