The crypto

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The crypto market saw a significant decline in 2022, but not all sectors faced the same trajectory. In 2022, the funding market is very active, with capital flowing into the GameFi industry at an unprecedented rate,with start-up game projects being hotly pursued by capital and the industry developing positively.
The GameFi market as a whole saw a 194.19% increase in Q1 funding compared with the data last year and a 40.78% decrease on a season-over-season basis. Out of all project categories, indie games-those video games typically created by individuals or smaller development teams,-were at the forefront in terms of both the number and amount of funding than any other category of GameFi project.

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Cube Era的沙龍 的其他內容
要針對GameFi產業分析,就不得不從經濟模型開始談起。區塊鏈遊戲和傳統的遊戲雖然有著一定的相似性,卻具備了完全不同的經濟內核。一款優秀的區塊鏈遊戲作品,應當還具備三個基本要素: 兼顧遊戲本身的可娛樂性 穩定的、可循環的經濟模型 科學的共識機制 De-Fi(去中心化金融) 收藏NFT+交互式NFT
要針對GameFi產業分析,就不得不從經濟模型開始談起。區塊鏈遊戲和傳統的遊戲雖然有著一定的相似性,卻具備了完全不同的經濟內核。一款優秀的區塊鏈遊戲作品,應當還具備三個基本要素: 兼顧遊戲本身的可娛樂性 穩定的、可循環的經濟模型 科學的共識機制 De-Fi(去中心化金融) 收藏NFT+交互式NFT