Interior Design 室內設計

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EcHouse matched more than 2000 successful decoration cases! Hong Kong has an inch of land, and of course everyone wishes to make good use of every corner of the dwelling! Even a small area can rely on interior design with different intervals, materials, and styles, they can greatly increase the interior space and create various feelings!
Whether it is public or private housing, village houses, industrial buildings, shops, restaurants, etc., interior design is very important~
If you want to know more about interior design, please keep reading! The following will also provide you with different decoration cases from small (about 300 feet) to large (about 1000 feet), introducing various interior designs!
Home designs
200 feet interior design
【荃灣映日灣】interior design
PreviousNext【傲凱】interior design
200 feet public housing estate interior design
【柴灣環翠邨】interior design
PreviousNext【葵涌葵盛西邨】interior design
300feet interior design
【金獅花園 】300feet house design
PreviousNext【豐寓Edition178】322feet house design
【煥然懿居】302feet house design
PreviousNext【紅磡煥然懿居】368feet house design
400feet interior design
【御景灣】463feet house design
PreviousNext【薄扶林置富花園】439feet house design
500feet interior design
Small space does not mean that there is no room to use. Even if there is only 500 feet of space, it can still take into account practicality and aesthetics. The layout of the room in the new unit may not be suitable for all the household. The household in the above video needs an extra room because of the number of people living in it. Does the sample room make the space feel oppressive? In fact, suitable decoration materials can often increase or expand the space! If you don’t know where to start, you might as well try “wood” as the theme. The following case in Ho Man Tin is a good reference!In the following 500-square-foot decoration case, the style is unified, making the originally narrow wall look wider and making the space feel larger. Suitable home decors keep the space spacious and bright. Sometimes you can be bold and add some bright and special furniture to increase the vitality, and make the whole house more colorful.The original 500-foot 2-bedroom unit was transformed into an 800-foot unit because of the addition of a loft! Take advantage of the high ceiling to create more storage space and separate the upper and lower floors. In addition, the master room is also decorated with a light purple color, which is not visually cramped.
【何文田冠德苑】563feet house design
PreviousNext【黃大仙現崇山】570feet house design
If you want to create an exquisite house, the importance of storage cannot be neglected. Adequate storage can save space and extend vision. It is not difficult to see that the above five units have created a lot of storage space, whether it is wall cabinets that integrate with the environment, storage of folding furniture, or the use of hidden storage spaces such as floors. In short, make good use of each Inch space, let the living space easily become a comfortable harbor for rest!
2020 whole-house renovation predicted budget (for reference)
HOME DECORSMALL FLATMEDIUM FLATLARGE FLATsize300-500 sq. feet500-700 sq.feet800-1000 sq.feettime period2 months2.5 months3 monthsClearance$8000-$10,000$10,000-$15,000$15,000 or aboveHydroelectricity$30,000-$50,000$50,000-$70,000$70,000-$90,000Cement Sand$40,000-$60,000$60,000-$80,000$80,000-$10,000Woodwork$60,000-$80,000$80,000-$100,000$100,000-$120,000Paint$15,000-$20,000$20,000-$30,000$30,000or aboveFurniture$80,000-$100,000$100,000-$120,000$150,000or aboveFull budget for renovation$250,000-$300,000$300,000-$400,000$400,000-$500,000
Interior design and home decor - Loft
Loft is a good technique to make good use of the space of the housing enterprise! More and more people choose to build a loft at home, and there is more storage space within the house. If you want to know more about the precautions or requirements of the loft, you can refer to the following video! !
Interior design and home decor - Platform bed
In the days when the house does not have enough storage space and wants to increase the storage capacity, while doesn’t want to have too many lockers in the house, the platform bed is definitely the best solution! The following video has a bedroom and platform bed to solve all storage troubles! Everyone may wish to consider installing a platform bed!
Japanese interior design
Speaking of Hong Kong people’s favorite decoration style, the Japanese simple Muji style. Simple living in a busy city is certainly a longing, no wonder Hong Kong people love it! The basic colors are white, transparent, wood color, and earth-tone color, with the concept of natural and simplicity!
Characteristics of Japanese Interior Design
1. The design should be fresh and natural, and simpleIn Japanese-style interior design, colors tend to focus on natural colors, such as the colors of bamboo, rattan, hemp and other natural materials, forming a simple and natural style. The characteristic of Japanese home design lies in meditation to generate wisdom, and the pursuit of peace of mind. It shows simplicity and uses different thicknesses and intervals to increase the level of space. The most common way is to use “wooden grille.2. Design with coexistence of natureThe spirit of Japanese interior design style is to combine architecture and nature, indoors and outdoors, unique natural landscape and tranquility can be found in Japanese courtyards. Flowers, flower arrangements, and pruning art are used vividly in Japanese style design to bring the indoor scenery extend to the outdoors to achieve the same effect inside and outside.

house design interior design home decor

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除了樓價高企,裝修費亦水漲船高,動輒逾10–30萬元不等,對於不少剛上車的港人來說絕對不是一個小數目。因此,部分銀行推出裝修貸款,以助客人好好裝修家居。以下是一些銀行的裝修貸款按揭計畫,大家可以作參考。 華僑永亨 「裝修貸款」最高貸款額為120萬元,最長還款期達60個月。 東亞 渣打 申請資格:
如果你收到屋宇署的清拆命令,可否向申請延長清拆違例建築物的時限呢? 答案是可以的。你可以向屋宇署提出書面申請,並在書面申請中說明需要延期的理由及清拆有關違例建築物的合理時間表。請將書面申請郵寄或傳真到屋宇署 (地址:九龍旺角彌敦道 750 號始創中心12樓;傳真:2537 4992)。
【裝修Budget】好多朋友問,裝修想再整靚啲,或者想早啲開始裝修,但係彈藥唔夠,有冇計?梗係有!裝修個Budget最啱就係用裝修貸款解決,好處係可以分期還,一般都做到6-48個月攤還,申請裝修貸款,咁樣你嘅裝修Budget就靈活得多啦! 申請人必須持有香港身份證並已年滿18歲;
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