Reminder for open kitchen

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1. The design of the open kitchen bar
The size of the home is very critical to the design of the open kitchen bar, not every form of open kitchen bar can be suitable for all homes. For example, a small home cannot accommodate a bar that is too long or too wide, especially a style with a washbasin. For a small home, consider renovating the open kitchen into a smaller one, like the small bar in the picture.
2. Fume system
Since the location of the open kitchen is between the kitchen and the living room, leave some distance from the windows. If there is no relatively perfect range hood, the fumes will gather in the home and linger. Over time, a lot of stains develop, especially on walls and ceilings.
3. Open kitchen bar material
The most important thing in the open kitchen is the bar, because almost all kitchen affairs will be carried out on the bar. Such as chopping, cooking, washing, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to use better materials so as not to be easily damaged. Also, care must be taken that these materials are easy to clean. At the same time, the material of the floor is also very important. Because the floor of the open kitchen extends directly out of the living room, the issues of slip resistance and style matching must also be considered.
4. Kitchen storage
The open kitchen is different from the closed kitchen, because the closed kitchen has been partitioned, and there is no need to worry about the messy kitchen utensils affecting the beauty of the home. But the open kitchen is different, as long as you walk into the home, you can see everything. Without good kitchen storage, it's really embarrassing to have friends visiting.
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保持家的舒適 家庭護理的最大好處之一是,它可以讓您所愛的人在他們熟悉的人、事物和設施所包圍的熟悉環境中變老。無論是他們喜歡的椅子,還是他們在後院種的花園,還是附近的朋友和鄰居,都沒有比家更舒適的感覺了。 私家看護促進獨立 私家看護可以提供廣泛的服務,讓您或您所愛的人能夠控制和過上有意義的獨立生活。
1. 人造皮革 人造皮革不是真正的皮革。它是由塑料和橡膠塗層織物等合成材料製成的人造皮革。人造革通過技術大大改善了材料成分,從而提高了沙發的舒適度。它經久耐用,看起來像原始皮革,但它是最便宜的家具皮革類型。 為了區分人造皮革和真皮,請在產品上滴少量水,因為皮革會吸收水分。如果是人造皮革,水只會在上面
Here are tips for packing different items when relocation Books: It is recommended that they can be neatly placed in a 21x12x14 carton, and the weight
The home designer will not only draw the interior design drawings for you, but also make the environmental design meet the practical needs of the unit
如何為初學者製作陶瓷班 陶器不一定是一項困難或昂貴的活動,當然也不需要很多專業工具。唯一的問題是燒鍋,但找到一個友好的陶工或陶藝中心會很樂意燒你的鍋,這將幫助你開始工作,直到你決定這是否是你想要適當投資的愛好。 但是,對於手工製作,您需要開始的是: 一袋粘土 您可以從陶瓷供應商處訂購這些(我們在下面
1.獲得建議。你最好的資源是家人、朋友、鄰居和同事。個人推薦確實是了解潛在員工的職業道德、責任感和可信度的最佳方式。通過在 Facebook ,讓社交媒體發揮作用。通過向普拉提班的成員尋求推薦,我找到了我最新的管家。大約六個月前,一位同學經歷了同樣的尋找,找到了一位願意接受另一位客戶的家務助理。 2
保持家的舒適 家庭護理的最大好處之一是,它可以讓您所愛的人在他們熟悉的人、事物和設施所包圍的熟悉環境中變老。無論是他們喜歡的椅子,還是他們在後院種的花園,還是附近的朋友和鄰居,都沒有比家更舒適的感覺了。 私家看護促進獨立 私家看護可以提供廣泛的服務,讓您或您所愛的人能夠控制和過上有意義的獨立生活。
1. 人造皮革 人造皮革不是真正的皮革。它是由塑料和橡膠塗層織物等合成材料製成的人造皮革。人造革通過技術大大改善了材料成分,從而提高了沙發的舒適度。它經久耐用,看起來像原始皮革,但它是最便宜的家具皮革類型。 為了區分人造皮革和真皮,請在產品上滴少量水,因為皮革會吸收水分。如果是人造皮革,水只會在上面
Here are tips for packing different items when relocation Books: It is recommended that they can be neatly placed in a 21x12x14 carton, and the weight
The home designer will not only draw the interior design drawings for you, but also make the environmental design meet the practical needs of the unit
如何為初學者製作陶瓷班 陶器不一定是一項困難或昂貴的活動,當然也不需要很多專業工具。唯一的問題是燒鍋,但找到一個友好的陶工或陶藝中心會很樂意燒你的鍋,這將幫助你開始工作,直到你決定這是否是你想要適當投資的愛好。 但是,對於手工製作,您需要開始的是: 一袋粘土 您可以從陶瓷供應商處訂購這些(我們在下面
1.獲得建議。你最好的資源是家人、朋友、鄰居和同事。個人推薦確實是了解潛在員工的職業道德、責任感和可信度的最佳方式。通過在 Facebook ,讓社交媒體發揮作用。通過向普拉提班的成員尋求推薦,我找到了我最新的管家。大約六個月前,一位同學經歷了同樣的尋找,找到了一位願意接受另一位客戶的家務助理。 2
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