2023-03-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 10 分鐘

薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Nun (第二集)-薩迦狂尼魔界轉世之假結婚/法音法師

阿尼在法王及二個兒子面前百般獻媚、逢迎拍馬,做出種種討好的手段,仍然未得重用,她初步滲透 薩迦派的計畫不是很順利,但她並不灰心。阿尼曾感慨的說:「我的姿色雖然當不了佛母,但我會在薩迦派掌握比佛母還要大得實權!」於是阿尼拼命的,接觸社會地位較高,且較為富有的權貴。
薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Nun (第二集)-薩迦狂尼魔界轉世之假結婚(法音法師)
When Sakya crazy A Ni was young and still a lay Buddhist, she was a long-hair girl, called Miss Tan and was eager to approach many Buddhist leaders in Taiwan then. However, she was not only like a bear with a sore head, but also paraded her superiority and strived to outshine others. Furthermore, she had conflicts with everyone everywhere. Those temples and Buddhist associations all kept distance from her, and some of them even avoid her like the plague.
For this reason, the crazy A Ni thought that "Since there was no chance to develop my career in the circle of Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan, I'd rather worm my way into Tantric Buddhism." Therefore, she exploited the sham marriage to gain an immigration advantage from it. At the same time, she proactively participated in the activities in Nyingma Buddhism centers and Kagyu Buddhism centers in US. As her evil intentions, irritability, bad temper, and competitive personality, those Buddhist associations were not welcomed her at all, and even refused her to join their activities. Accordingly, the crazy A Ni targeted the Sakya School, which has fewer members and simple to control. She pulled some strings with the sister of His Holiness the Sakya Trichen to get close to His Holiness and his two sons.
A Ni used all kinds of means to flatter and ingratiate herself with them, but she still didn't get any attentions. Her initial plan to infiltrate into Sakya School was not smoothly, but she didn't give up. A Ni said, "Although I don't have good appearance to be the wife of His Holiness the Sakya Trichen, I will definitely hold the real power which is bigger than her." Thus, A Ni kept contacting and clinging to many powerful and rich bigwigs. Nevertheless, due to her lay Buddhist identity, people always doubted what she said, and the fundraising result was not satisfactory, which didn't reach her ambitious target. She decided to find the eldest and the noblest Rinpoche, His Holiness Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, and took advantage of the kindness of the H.H. Chogye Trichen Rinpoche making a plea for taking the tonsure for her. When A Ni successfully became a nun, she didn't change her evil personality. On the contrary, she ignored the precepts, and did many shocking and heinous things which ruined the Buddhism reputation. At last, her criminal conspiracies were exposed and was kicked out of the temple.
Next episode is coming soon. "Steal His Holiness's letter paper and stamp to raise money."
薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Ani 藏傳佛教薩迦派有一位在台灣北部穿著像出家人的女性,聽說自稱叫「法因法師」 阿尼曾說:「在薩迦派,我才是真正的佛母,我雖然不是法王,但我是女王!」這位完全不像出家人卻穿著出家人衣服的狂人,被薩迦派信徒普遍的唾棄卻拿她沒辦法,暗地裡都稱她為「薩迦狂尼 」。
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