2023-03-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 15 分鐘

薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Nun (第三集)-薩迦狂尼盜用法王信紙印章募款/法音法師

同時再再呼籲尊貴的第41任薩迦法王 Sakya Dolma Phodrang、第42任薩迦法王 ,傾聽薩迦派眾弟子最真誠告白的心聲,許許多多的弟子懇請薩迦法王明智公正處置,盡快撤換狂尼在台灣的職務角色,最好是指派合適具戒,手腳清白的格西、堪布、仁波切的人選駐台北薩迦文殊佛學會及所有薩迦道場弘法,薩迦法王目前尚存的「英明」,才不會落得「縱徒行兇」之名,也不要草菅台灣人學佛的慧命!
這些來自各國的善信讓阿尼賺飽了錢,很多的現鈔是用布袋和紙箱,一箱一箱存放在她房間的床鋪底下和走道,到過她房間的人曾說:『你這裡連走路的空間都快要沒有了,這一箱一箱一袋一袋的到底是什麼呢?』阿尼露出詭異的笑容打開其中一箱,滿滿的美金現鈔! 阿尼說:『你知道修建寺廟有多辛苦嗎? 那須要多少的錢嗎? 你知道我們很多小喇嘛身上都有疾病嗎? 他們都長期營養不良嗎? 請你們回國後盡量匯款給我,來改善這些事情吧…..』阿尼用非常少的盧比,給寺廟的僧人打賞,但這些錢對僧人來說已經是一份驚喜了! 於是阿尼漸漸得到僧團的信任,在單純善良的僧人大眾們以信任的前提基礎,疏於防備之下,阿尼做出了令人髮指,不敢相信的惡事。
而這時候的阿尼,她走路的時候,對一般的喇嘛、平民百姓,是用鼻孔看他的,身邊好像有狂風一樣,你沒站穩都會被她身上的風吹倒,有時這些喇嘛僧人遠遠的光看她走路那種傲慢自大的姿態,就能辨識出這個人就是阿尼! 中國話說:『走路橫著走』,應該就是這個意思。
不知道是否是佛陀不忍心再讓阿尼造這樣的重業? 還是護法空行沒辦法坐視阿尼的種種膽大妄為行徑,終於阿尼的惡行被大家逮個正著。當寺廟管家及僧眾通知阿尼,因為她嚴重違犯戒律,特別是密宗的金剛三昧耶戒,所以要請她離開寺廟時,阿尼除了滿口的謊言為自己說謊辯護,並在僧眾前上演了一哭二鬧三上吊等等鬧劇,而且用種種的威脅利誘口吻,對待她的上師及這些僧人,完全沒有正視到自己的錯誤和真正的問題。當寺廟眾僧將她逐出之後,所有僧人不約而同地感覺到鬆了一口氣,彷彿經歷一場除障大法會,拋出大紅多瑪(除魔儀式),終於將魔鬼驅逐了一般。
阿尼悻悻然的走了,卻把她佔據寺廟最大的一間房間牢牢鎖上,以侵占的方式拿走了鑰匙,並大聲揚言:『你們扳不到我的! 當我再回來的時候,你們會更加的敬畏我…』
請期待下一集: 狂尼洗錢金庫 – 印度小白宮
There are numerous reasons why A Ni was kicked out of the temple. Some of them not only violated the Buddhist precepts, but also infringed the ethic and law. One of her cleverest tricks is to exploit H.H.'s name to contact disciples around the world, and then she organized many tour groups to gain lots of the commission and kickbacks. Moreover, she claimed that some H.H. or Rinpoche was going to build temples everywhere, so that she could raise a large amount of money from those loyal followers. However, at last, the temples were not built up, the quality of the sangha’s lives were still under poor condition, and those numerous donations were gone.
The donations from all over the world are all in A Ni's pocket. Cash is packed in boxes and sacks stored by under her bed and sidewalk in her room. Someone who had ever been her room asked A Ni, “What are those boxes and sacks for? There is nearly no space to walk through.” A Ni smiled viciously and opened one box full of US dollar in cash. A Ni said that,” Do you know how hard it is to build a temple? How much money does it cost? Do you know many of our junior lamas are ill and malnourished? When you go back, please do your best to transfer me the money to help improve these situations to be better.
A Ni just gave very few rupees to the monks in the temples. However, that amount of money was quite pleasantly surprised for the monks. Thus, A Ni gradually earned trust from the Sangha. Owing to trusting A Ni, the Sangha never thought that A Ni would do those gruesome and heinous crimes. They cannot even believe that A Ni stole His Holiness's letter paper and stamp, and made use of the Rinpoche's name to raise money from many enterprises, celebrities, movie stars, and bigwigs privately. In particular, A Ni fundraised money from those loyal benefactors in Taiwan, who received the letter with His Holiness' stamp, and firmly believed this request was from H.H.. Therefore, they directly transferred the money, or asked other's help to hand in cash to A Ni. However, with so many donations, the temple is still lack of fund, and lama's quality of lives still don't get any improvements. On the contrary, A Ni's life has huge change with better quality of life. So, till now, many of you got the impression that you may receive a Buddhist Statue, a thangka or some special blessing gem, and then A Ni would tell you that these were all from His Holiness's order so that she could earn your trust to ask for next fundraising.
At the moment, A Ni was very arrogant. She walked around with her nose in the air. She is just like a storm wind, if you don't stand firmly, you would be blow away. Thus, while some lamas saw the haughty walking posture, they could directly recognize it's A Ni, which just like a Chinese old saying, “walking in a cocky way.”
Maybe Buddha cannot bear A Ni's disgraceful and evil conduct that may bring her bad karma. Or maybe the defenders of Buddhism can't sit by A Ni's unscrupulous behaviors. Finally, A Ni was caught. When she was informed by the Sangha to leave the temple owing to her violating the precepts, especially the Samaya precept of Tantric Buddhism, A Ni not only lied and pleaded for her crimes in front of all, but also made an ugly scene to threaten her master and monks who asked her to leave. At last, she still didn't admit her mistakes and problems. After the monks and nuns expel her out of the temple, everyone felt relived and just like experienced an intensive ritual practice, throwing away the red shalze torma to expel devils.
A Ni left angrily. She occupied and took away the key of the biggest room in the temple which was locked by her without permissions. She yield loudly and said that, “You cannot defeat me. When I come back one day, you all will respect me more than ever.”
Next episode is coming soon. "Crazy A Ni's Vault For The Money Laundering- Little White House In India."

薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy Ani 藏傳佛教薩迦派有一位在台灣北部穿著像出家人的女性,聽說自稱叫「法因法師」 阿尼曾說:「在薩迦派,我才是真正的佛母,我雖然不是法王,但我是女王!」這位完全不像出家人卻穿著出家人衣服的狂人,被薩迦派信徒普遍的唾棄卻拿她沒辦法,暗地裡都稱她為「薩迦狂尼 」。
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