2012-10-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

2012年UK工黨黨魁Ed Miliband演講

    2012UK工黨黨魁Ed Miliband演講

    聽聽看聯合王國工黨黨魁Ed Miliband的演講。
    他的演講重心One Nation從人性的積極面出發、扣緊人性,呼應人性。從而工黨的鋪陳政策──其合法性,建立在人性,更在全民、與全民的人權。他從全民而來,他激勵全民,當然也服務全民。
    40是個開端:Both of my parents’ came to Britain as immigrants, Jewish refugees from the Nazis.  I know I would not be standing on this stage today without the compassion and tolerance of our great country.  Great Britain.  Ed Miliband無須掩飾其血緣出身。那位「沒有人性的領導者」也曾說過一模一樣的話。可惜,因為沒有人性,並非真心,所以遮遮掩掩、所言非所行。

    With one million young people out of work, we just can’t succeed as a country.  With the gap between rich and poor growing wider and wider, we just can’t succeed as a country.  With millions of people feeling that hard work and effort are not rewarded, we just can’t succeed as a country.  And with so many people having been told for so long that the only way to get on is to be on your own, in it for yourself, we just can’t succeed as a country.

    Those with the broadest shoulders will always bear the greatest burden.  I would never cut taxes for millionaires and raise them on ordinary families.  That is wrong, that is not being One Nation.  I will never accept an economy where the gap between rich and poor just grows wider and wider.有能力的人要承擔更大的責任。我絕不為以犧牲一般家庭為代價,為富豪們減稅。這是錯的,這不是「一個國家」。我絕對不接受會不斷擴大貧富差距的經濟模式。

    There is no future for this party as the party of one sectional interest of our country.假使本黨僅為本國的少部分人服務,本黨就沒前途。

    Of course, this government promised change, but things aren’t really changing.  So I have got a message for the banks, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.  Either you fix it yourselves between now and the election or the next Labour government will once and for all ensure that the high street bank is no longer the arm of a casino operation and we will break you up by law.當然,本屆政府承諾過要改變,但根本不動如山。我對銀行提出如下的敬告:要敬酒還是罰酒?要不,銀行們就要從現在起到選舉前立即改弦易轍,否則下屆工黨政府絕對要這些趾高氣昂的銀行不再能以賭場的行徑獲利。我們絕對會立法禁止。


    But here is my favourite one of all.  There’s one more, here’s my favourite one of all.  There is even a bloke, and I think they call him Lord Hill who went to see the Prime Minister.  He made an appointment during the last reshuffle in order to resign.  But David Cameron was too incompetent to notice that he wanted to resign.  So Lord Hill is still in the Government.  This lot are so useless they can’t even resign properly.還有還有,就這個,我最愛舉此為例了。有個人們稱他為Hill大人的傢伙去見首相。他選在內閣改組時約時間,以便能圓滿的辭職。但David Cameron首相竟然無能到無法察覺其辭職的本意。讓Hill大人至今還留在內閣中動彈不得。這款團隊連好好辭職都沒能力。  

    Ed Miliband's speech to Labour Party Annual Conference 2012



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