2023-05-03|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

記憶海洋。The sea of memory.

妳/你的靈魂擁有的自我意識,承載了沒有極限的記憶體容量。 Your soul own it's conscious, without any limits by the memory system.
不論何時誕生、不論何時離世,妳/你的靈魂一直永遠存在。 No matter when was born、when to leave, your soul will be everlasting.
我們為了防止彼此抄襲制訂專利;卻鮮少有人能夠擁有能力去對抗專制權利…… We protecting ourself right by setting the law to againest each other ; but very few people can has the ability to fight with the autocratic.
似乎,我們總是被他們操控著,無所不是... seems like we all being controlled in everywhere...
兩位畫家在不同時間、不同地點能夠從腦海裡畫出同一幅畫,絕非巧合! Two different painter can draws out same picture in different places and time, it's not only by coincidence!
因為我們都來自同一個源頭。 Because we all came from same source.
就好像海洋一樣。 It's like the Ocean.
分享雨水在不同的城市。 Sharing the rain in different city.
由此可證,想法是值得分享的。 From this perspective, ideas can be sharing.
但以關心彼此所需為前提! but be caring for others at first !
就沒有傷害。 Then it won't hurt.
願誠意心的文字能夠給予精神鼓勵、支持你/妳走過人生黑暗。May CHEN YI HSIN can give you spirit encouragment、support you go through the darkness in life.
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