2023-09-03|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘











    A good person should have qualities similar to water:

    They give without expecting anything in return, like how water nurtures everything without asking for reward.

    They are humble, like water that stays in low places even if others don't prefer it.

    They have a calm and deep mind, and they are honest in what they say and do, just like water that reflects things clearly.

    They can adapt like water does, going with the flow of situations.

    They are flexible in their actions, like water that adjusts to different circumstances.

    A person of virtue, like water, does not contend with others, so they avoid causing mistakes and resentments.

    1. Qualities 優點、特質
      • Definition: Distinctive attributes or characteristics that define a person, thing, or concept.
      • Related Words: Traits, attributes, characteristics
      • Collocations: Positive qualities, negative qualities, personal qualities
      • Example Sentence: She possesses many admirable qualities that make her a great leader. 她擁有許多令人欽佩的優點,使她成為一位出色的領導者。
    2. Nurtures 培養、養育
      • Definition: Supports and fosters the growth and development of something.
      • Related Words: Cultivates, fosters, encourages
      • Collocations: Nurtures relationships, nurtures talents, nurtures creativity
      • Example Sentence: The school environment nurtures students' curiosity and love for learning. 學校環境培養學生的好奇心和對學習的熱愛。
    3. Humble 謙虛
      • Definition: Having a modest or unassuming nature; not proud or arrogant.
      • Related Words: Modest, unpretentious, meek
      • Collocations: Humble attitude, humble background, show humility
      • Example Sentence: Despite his success, he remained humble and approachable. 儘管取得了成功,他保持著謙虛和親和的態度。
    4. Adapt 適應
      • Definition: Adjusts to new conditions or situations; changes to fit different circumstances.
      • Related Words: Adjust, conform, modify
      • Collocations: Adapt to change, adapt to challenges, easily adapt
      • Example Sentence: The ability to adapt quickly is crucial in today's rapidly changing world. 在當今快速變化的世界中,快速適應的能力至關重要。
    5. Adjusts 調整
      • Definition: Makes changes to achieve a better fit or alignment with a particular situation.
      • Related Words: Modify, fine-tune, alter
      • Collocations: Adjusts settings, adjusts plans, adjusts to circumstances
      • Example Sentence: She adjusts her schedule to accommodate her new job responsibilities. 她調整自己的時間表以應對新的工作職責。
    6. Resentment 憤恨、怨恨
      • Definition: Bitter or angry feeling due to perceived unfair treatment or wrongs.
      • Related Words: Bitterness, indignation, grudge
      • Collocations: Feel resentment, hold resentment, harbor resentment
      • Example Sentence: Over time, her resentment towards the situation grew stronger. 隨著時間的推移,她對這種情況的憤恨感變得更加強烈。
    7. Contend 競爭、爭奪
      • Definition: To engage in a struggle, competition, or disagreement; to strive for something
      • Collocations: Contend for victory, contend with challenges, contend against opponents
      • Example Sentence: The athletes will contend for the championship title in the upcoming tournament. 運動員們將在即將舉行的比賽中爭奪冠軍頭銜。

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