Why we choose Make over Zapier (Make vs Zapier)?

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Last Updated:2023/Sep/10

Make vs Zapier (Make.com vs Zapier.com)

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, automation and workflow optimization are essential for businesses and individuals alike.

Zapier and Make.com both offer unique solutions to help users streamline repetitive tasks and boost productivity.

If you wanna see first-hand on how Make and Zapier can streamline data automation, you can directly register free accounts both at Make and Zapier.

Register a free account at Make.com

Register a free account at Zapier

For people still wondering which platform is better for the automation tasks, we would like to share our experience in choosing between Make and Zapier.

Although we finally adopt Make as our primary tool for data automation, it does not imply Make is absolutely superior in every aspect.

Readers should make their own judgements based on the business needs and task requirements in choosing the automation platform.

Limitations of Free Account

According to Zapier's pricing plan (https://zapier.com/app/pricing), the free account can creat only "single-step" zaps.

This "single-step" restriction basically means a zap could perform only one action.

Unfortunately, our data automation project requires several actions to complete the required job such as writing data to Google Sheet and passing extra infomation to Excel.

The free account of Zapier does not allow us to perform two actions in one zap.

In the following zap, we try to export data from HubSpot to Google Sheet.


After passing the data to Google Sheet, we intend to synchronize the data with Excel in OneDrive.

However, the free account of Zapier does not allow us to add an extra action to synchronize with an Excel file.

Without actually trying whether a zap will work or not, how are we supposed to believe that Zapier can help us get the job done?

In contrast, the free account of Make.com does not have any restriction on the number of "actions" in its free account.

Make.com calls each automation workflow as a "scenario".

In each scenario, we could add several actions to complete our automation task.

In the following screenshot, we create a scenario in Make.com to export data from HubSpot to Google Sheet and Excel.


This scenario involves two actions (writing data to Google Sheet and Excel). Such a design is not allowed in the free account of Zapier.

Webhook in Zapier requires Premium

For engineers working on data synchronization on the web, webhooks are powerful tools in data automation over the web.

If you job is heavily related to data synchronization over the Internet, inevitably there will be situations in which webhooks become an indispensable option in synchronizing the data. Sometimes, webhooks may even be the only option in data synchronization.

On one occassion, we try to use "webhooks" in Zapier and bump into the following screen:


Ouch, the webhook app in Zapier is a "premium" feature, which is NOT available for free accounts.

Now again, how can we trust Zapier to get the job done "without" even trying the webhooks in the first place.

In contrast, Make allows us to use webhooks in the free account so that we can truly validate the automation workflow actually works.

See the following screenshot in which we rely on a webhook to export data from HubSpot to Google Sheet.


Zapier Misses the Custom Fields from HubSpot

When designing one zap in Zapier to access the data from HubSpot, we encounter a mysterious issue in which all custom fields of HubSpot display "No data".

After searching for a solution on the web, we read the following webpage discussed in Zapier community.


The preceding webpage illustrates our problem in which standard default fields pass through while all custom fields are missing.

This is truly a deal breaker for us since our data synchronization will utterly fail without fetching these custom fields from HubSpot.

In the end, we turn to Make.com and successfully access the HubSpot data with all custom fields inside.

Connecting with HubSpot from Make.com

Connecting with HubSpot from Make.com

Connecting with HubSpot from Make.com is a breeze for us to set up.

No more juggling with tedious settings. Make.com really makes it straightforward to design an automation workflow.


Very few software or applications are perfect in this world. Likewise, neither Make or Zapier is perfect either.

We choose Make thanks to its easy connection with HubSpot and a rather generous policy for free accounts to try all features.

Hope our experience may help some engineers in choosing the appropriate automation platform for their jobs.

Register a free account at Make.com

Register a free account at Zapier

Google News 追蹤
我們深入探討了 Zapier 作為一種無代碼自動化工具的功能和使用方法,幫助用戶將超過 5000 種應用程式串接起來,從而自動化繁瑣的重複性工作。無需程式設計技能,用戶只需設定觸發條件和後續動作即可輕鬆開始使用。本文涵蓋了 Zapier 的基本概念、操作步驟及實際應用示例,幫助企業提高工作效率。
你是否曾經遇過公司內部繁瑣的流程,需要填寫各種複雜的表單?或者是公司的資料雜亂的儲存在 Excel,主管希望能夠用更聰明的方法管理訂單或庫存?這時候,你可能會想:「如果有人幫我們開發公司系統,就能解決這些問題了」。然而,可能是公司沒有IT 部門又或是受限於預算,這些願望總是無法實現。
  除了上篇提到的 Data Wrangler 外,SageMaker 還有許多配套的功能,其中有個叫做 Pipelines 的東西,說是可以用來構建、 管理及自動化深度學習流程,能夠節省人工操作,有那麼神?這次就來試試 Pipelines 能夠為我們帶來什麼體驗。
透過 Google Sheets 和 Make 打造專案任務自動提醒系統,當一到專案任務重要時程,系統便自動寄發專案任務的提醒信件或行事曆邀請,給專案任務負責人和相關團隊成員,確保專案進度如期完成,有效提升跨部門溝通協作效率!不再花費時間人工追蹤時程進度,釋放時間及專注力,專注在更重要的工作上!
Zapier 是一個為用戶自動化各種重複性任務的產品,從總融資僅一百四十萬的 Bootstrapped 公司成長為估值五十億的巨頭。本文深入探討了 Zapier 成功的關鍵 Driver、產品阻力和 Product Market Fit,以及其 SEO 有機成長的策略。透過串接各種應用程式的 API 幫助用戶自動化工作流程,成為了軟體公司不可或缺的聚合平臺。文章提供了 Zapier 從創立到發展的詳細故事。
透過 Webhook 與 No Code 自動化工具,在 SurveyCake 問卷填答後,自動寄個人化信件。全程無需寫程式,即可自動帶入問卷特定填答內容,還可與 Google Sheets 結合,帶入不重複專屬序號至信件中,讓行銷應用更完整!幫助你節省人工成本,提高資料準確性、通知即時性和工作效率
RPAI 數位優化器要來分享一個 Power Automate 企業應用實例,雖然以下流程似乎可以用 Google Form 搭配其他自動化工具來完成,不過我們可以嘗試看看如果是在 Microsoft 生態系中,我們該如何使用 Power Automate 來完成!
我們深入探討了 Zapier 作為一種無代碼自動化工具的功能和使用方法,幫助用戶將超過 5000 種應用程式串接起來,從而自動化繁瑣的重複性工作。無需程式設計技能,用戶只需設定觸發條件和後續動作即可輕鬆開始使用。本文涵蓋了 Zapier 的基本概念、操作步驟及實際應用示例,幫助企業提高工作效率。
你是否曾經遇過公司內部繁瑣的流程,需要填寫各種複雜的表單?或者是公司的資料雜亂的儲存在 Excel,主管希望能夠用更聰明的方法管理訂單或庫存?這時候,你可能會想:「如果有人幫我們開發公司系統,就能解決這些問題了」。然而,可能是公司沒有IT 部門又或是受限於預算,這些願望總是無法實現。
  除了上篇提到的 Data Wrangler 外,SageMaker 還有許多配套的功能,其中有個叫做 Pipelines 的東西,說是可以用來構建、 管理及自動化深度學習流程,能夠節省人工操作,有那麼神?這次就來試試 Pipelines 能夠為我們帶來什麼體驗。
透過 Google Sheets 和 Make 打造專案任務自動提醒系統,當一到專案任務重要時程,系統便自動寄發專案任務的提醒信件或行事曆邀請,給專案任務負責人和相關團隊成員,確保專案進度如期完成,有效提升跨部門溝通協作效率!不再花費時間人工追蹤時程進度,釋放時間及專注力,專注在更重要的工作上!
Zapier 是一個為用戶自動化各種重複性任務的產品,從總融資僅一百四十萬的 Bootstrapped 公司成長為估值五十億的巨頭。本文深入探討了 Zapier 成功的關鍵 Driver、產品阻力和 Product Market Fit,以及其 SEO 有機成長的策略。透過串接各種應用程式的 API 幫助用戶自動化工作流程,成為了軟體公司不可或缺的聚合平臺。文章提供了 Zapier 從創立到發展的詳細故事。
透過 Webhook 與 No Code 自動化工具,在 SurveyCake 問卷填答後,自動寄個人化信件。全程無需寫程式,即可自動帶入問卷特定填答內容,還可與 Google Sheets 結合,帶入不重複專屬序號至信件中,讓行銷應用更完整!幫助你節省人工成本,提高資料準確性、通知即時性和工作效率
RPAI 數位優化器要來分享一個 Power Automate 企業應用實例,雖然以下流程似乎可以用 Google Form 搭配其他自動化工具來完成,不過我們可以嘗試看看如果是在 Microsoft 生態系中,我們該如何使用 Power Automate 來完成!