2023-12-09|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘


Store owner: Sun and Moon Spa BY middle-aged mature uncle

Master: Thomas

Master’s role in this scene (1/0/Neither/Don’t know): No distinction

Appearance (0-10): 9

Body size (0-10): 8

Shiatsu (0-10): 9

Oil pressure (0-10): 9

Fit (0-10): 9

Boyfriend Power(0-10):10



Sometimes when I drive by a school after class and see high school students pouring out of the school gate, I can't help but feel my blood boil. Nowadays, major restaurants in Taipei focus on strong meat, which looks dirty to me.




When I saw Thomas appear at the Sun and Moon SPA, I couldn't help but make a reservation. Their independent suite was my favorite. It felt like I was having a bakery outside.



Thomas, this little cutie, is basically very Johnny-esque. When he stays by my side, it’s like I’m the president of Johnny’s. I can take good care of my own artists and my parents will thank me. She looks better in person than in the photo, especially her dimples and pink lips.



My skin is very good, it feels very smooth, and the whole thing feels light-years young. I didn’t expect much from the acupressure, but surprisingly it’s not bad. The force is not strong but it’s very comfortable. It can also grasp acupuncture points, which really makes me feel I admired him and thought he was just out to make some money, but I didn't expect that he had a technical background. He seems to be a really good boy who deserves to be cherished by others.


He himself speaks very energetically, without being too effeminate, like the kind of leader everyone likes in his high school class, very sunny.


During the oil pressure, Thomas took the initiative to hold me in his arms, and while kissing me, he played with the two little pinkies on his chest. The faint fragrance really stimulated me. The pink flowers are blooming on the tip of my tongue, with a light soapy fragrance. This cute and serious little boy is really delicious.




He was cute and let me experience the taste of youth again in the bathroom.






LINE: @190lnpll






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同志按摩性幻想小說頻道,台灣的同志按摩服務多元,CP值又高,誠心推薦大家嘗試看看。 一個月更新8-10篇,一天不到7元,CP值最高。 同志SPA詐騙超多,店家料準同志朋友不敢聲張,更有許多店家,打著異男按摩故意拉高收費,卻提供品質低下的服務,許願池需要大家的贊助,感恩熱情的朋友訂閱讓我們維持營運,一起打擊惡質店家。
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