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(2021.11更新)Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案

Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案

Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案




按我免費加入Coinbase,看影片拿加密貨幣 (當你賣出100美金等值的加密貨幣,你和我都會得到等值10美金的比特幣,只要關注我的blog&收集,就可以拿到了)

Coinbase is the world's most trusted place to buy and sell cryptocurrency. Open an account today, and if you buy or sell $100 or more of crypto, you'll receive $10 worth of free Bitcoin!


2021.10 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿BTC token & AUCTION token


2021.08 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿ANKR token & CHZ token


2021.08 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿Fetch.ai token


2021.07 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿CLV/BAL token


2021.06 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿BOND token


Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案


2021.06 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿Amp token


Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案


2021.06 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿MATIC token


Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案


2021.05 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿SKL token


Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案


2021.04 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿FORTH token

與上個月相比,可以看到,目前的Total Balance只剩下2.99了,是因為在4月初時將全部的加密貨幣轉為USDC了,共轉出了236.4USDC,免費得到的就是讚。

Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案


2021.03 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿NMR token

Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案


2021.02 更新 Your Portfolio,看影片,拿NU token

Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案

Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案


2021.01 更新 Your Portfolio

Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案


NuCypher (NU) Answers to quiz:

Coinbase Earn Questions & Answers 答題拿獎勵 問題與答案

NuCypher brings data privacy to public blockchains using end-to-end encryption and threshold cryptography. Learn how it works and you’ll earn up to $3 in NU tokens.


NuCypher Questions & Answers

Q1: What does NuCypher provide to users and apps?

A1: End-to-end encryption


Q2: What does NuCypher use to protect your data

A2: Independent nodes to perform tasks


Q3: Which of these is NOT a use of the NU token?

A3: Paying Ethereum transaction fees


NuCypher Questions & Answers


NuCypher Questions & Answers

NuCypher Questions & Answers


Graph (GRT) Answers to quiz:

Graph (GRT) Answers to quiz:

The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains. Learn how it works and you’ll earn up to $3 in GRT tokens.



Graph Questions & Answers 1

1.The bitcoin network

2.GRT Tokens



Graph Questions & Answers 2

1.What is The Graph?

Answer: An indexing protocol for organizing blockchain data

2. What are subgraphs?

Answer: Open APIs that anyone can query

3.3. What’s the query language used for subgraphs?

Answer: GraphQL



Graph Questions & Answers 3

1.What information is indexed by The Graph?

Blockchain data

2.What do you earn for delegating GRT to an Indexer?

GRT tokens

3.Who identifies high quality, useful data on The Graph?


Graph (GRT) Answers to quiz:


Graph (GRT) Answers to quiz:


Graph (GRT) Answers to quiz:


2021.07 更新 GRT第4題

2021.Graph (GRT) Answers

Blockchain Data



Delegate GRT to a high quality indexer

2021.Graph (GRT) Answers


Compound (COMP) Answers to quiz:

Compound (COMP) Answers to quiz:

Compound is a protocol that lets anyone borrow or earn interest on their crypto. Learn how it works and you’ll earn up to $59 in COMP.


COMP Questions & Answers
Q1: What’s a key benefit of using Compound?
A1: Earning interest on your crypto

Q2: What do you need to do to borrow crypto with Compound?
A2: Supply a crypto asset as collateral

Q3: Who gets to decide the future of the Compound protocol?
A3: COMP token hodlers 

Compound (COMP) Answers to quiz:


Compound (COMP) Answers to quiz:



Maker (MKR) Answers to quiz:

Maker (MKR) Answers to quiz:

Maker is a decentralized finance (“defi”) protocol that lets anyone borrow funds by supplying collateral. Learn how it works and you’ll earn up to $6 in MKR.


MKR Questions & Answers
1 What are the native assets of the Maker protocol?


2. Who runs MakerDAO?

MKR holders

3. What do you need to generate DAI today?

A crypto wallet and crypto collateral 

Maker (MKR) Answers to quiz:


Maker (MKR) Answers to quiz:

Maker (MKR) Answers to quiz:


Celo (CGLD) Answers to quiz:

Celo (CGLD) Answers to quiz:

Celo aims to make financial tools accessible for anyone with a mobile phone. Learn how it works and you’ll earn up to $6 in CELO (initially listed on Coinbase as cGLD).


CGLD Questions & Answers
1.By making crypto accessible on mobile phones

2.Staking, governance

3.Using the Valora mobile app 

Celo (CGLD) Answers to quiz:


Celo (CGLD) Answers to quiz:

sorry, forget to catch image 忘了截圖

Celo (CGLD) Answers to quiz:



Stellar (XLM) Answers to quiz:

Stellar (XLM) Answers to quiz:

Stellar is a platform that connects banks, payment systems, and people. Learn how it works and you’ll earn XLM.


CGLD Questions & Answers

1. A decentralized protocol that unites the world’s financial infrastructure

2. Facilitating low-cost, universal payments

3. Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global

4. To issue, exchange, and transfer token quickly and efficiently

5. It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions 

Stellar (XLM) Answers to quiz:

Stellar (XLM) Answers to quiz:

Stellar (XLM) Answers to quiz:

Stellar (XLM) Answers to quiz:

Stellar (XLM) Answers to quiz:


Band Protocol (BAND) Answers to quiz:

Band Protocol (BAND) Answers to quiz:

Band Protocol brings real-world data to blockchains like Ethereum, Solana, and Polkadot. Learn how it works and you’ll earn up to $3 in BAND tokens.

BAND Questions & Answers

Questions #1: What does Band bring to blockchains?

Answer >> Real world data

Question #2: What are Band’s decentralized data feeds called?

Answer >> Oracles

Question #3: What’s one benefit of staking your BAND tokens?

Answer >> Earn crypto rewards 

Band Protocol (BAND) Answers to quiz:


Numeraire (NMR) Answers to quiz:

Numeraire (NMR) Answers to quiz:

Numerial is a new type of crowdsourced hedge fund, run by a global community of data scientists. Learn how it works and your'll earn up to $3 in NMR tokens.

NMR Questions & Answers

Q1: What does NuCypher provide to users and apps?

A1: A global community of scientists

Q2: Why do data scientists stake NMR tokens?

A2: To back up predictions and earn bitcoin

Q3: What do data scientists pay to obtain Numerai's financial data?

A3: Nothing


Ampleforth Governance Token (FORTH) Answers to quiz:  

Numeraire (NMR) Answers to quiz:

FORTH is the governance token for Ampleforth, an Ethereum protocol that automatically adjusts its native token supply. Learn how it works and earn free FORTH.

FORTH Questions & Answers

Q1: What are Ampleforth's automatic supply changes called?


Q2: What two tokens give the community control over the Ampleforth protocol?


Q3: Ampleforth is a censorship resistant _________ that rebases once a day.

A1:DeFi building block

Numeraire (NMR) Answers to quiz:


SKALE Token (SKL) Answers to quiz:

SKALE Token (SKL) Answers to quiz:

SKALE Network allows any Ethereum application to deploy its own blockchain. Learn how it works and you’ll earn up to $3 in SKL tokens.

SKL Questions & Answers

Q1: Who can deploy a blockchain with SKALE? 

A1: Any Ethereum application

Q2: How can SKL holders receive rewards? 

A2: Delegate SKL to a validator

Q3: The SKALE network is built to support...

A3: An internet of blockchains

SKALE Token (SKL) Answers to quiz:


Polygon (MATIC) Answers to quiz:

Polygon (MATIC) Answers to quiz:

Polygon aims to solve Ethereum's scalling issues by building an internet of blockchains. Learn how it works and you'll earn up to $3 in MATIC tokens.

MATIC Questions & Answers

Q1: What blockchain is Polygon helping to scale?

A1: Ethereum

Q2: Who runs the Polygon network?

A2: Polygon validators

Q3: What is Polygon building?

A3: An internet of blockchains on Ethereum

Polygon (MATIC) Answers to quiz:



Amp (AMP) Answers to quiz:

Amp (AMP) Answers to quiz:

Amp provide instant settlement assurance any time value is transferred. Learn how it works and you'll earn up to $3 in AMP.

Amp Questions & Answers

Q1: What is Amp?

A1: A collateral token

Q2: What does Amp provide on the Flexa network?

A2: Instant settlement 

Q3: What can you earn by staking Amp on Flexa?

A3: AMP rewards

Amp (AMP) Answers to quiz:


BarnBridge (BOND) Answers to quiz:

Risk mangement for DeFi investing.

BOND Questions & Answers

Q1: What is BarnBridge?

A1: A DeFi risk management protocol

Q2: 1.What is SmartYield? 

A2: An APY risk management tool

Q3: What is the Bond Token? 

A3: BarnBridge's Governance Token

BarnBridge (BOND) Answers to quiz:


Clover Finance (CLV) Answers to quiz:

A platform for creating fast, secure dApps.

CLV Questions & Answers

Q1: What can developers build with Clover Finance?

A1: dApps with cross-chain compatibility

Q2: What can you use to interact with dApps?

A2: Clover Finance Wallet

Q3: Clover Finance wants to increase the usefulness and accessibility of ...

A3: DeFi

Clover Finance (CLV) Answers to quiz:


Fetch.ai (FET) Answers to quiz:

Create a self-balancing crypto portfolio.

FET Questions & Answers

Q1: What can people create with Fetch.ai?

A1: Software agents that automate tasks

Q2: What’s one role of the FET token?

A2: To power Fetch.ai agents

Q3: What does Fetch.ai plan to support in the future?

A3: Automated interactions with industries like travel and healthcare 

Clover Finance (CLV) Answers to quiz:


Rally (RLY) Answers to quiz:


RLY Questions & Answers

Q1:What is Rally?

A1:A decentralized network for launching social tokens

Q2: Which of these is not a use of RLY?

A2: Paying Ethereum transaction fees

Q3: Which of the below is NOT how Val’s fans use ValCoin?

A3: Buying Bitcoin

Rally (RLY) Answers to quiz:


 ANKR (ANKR) Answers to quiz 問題與答案

A platform for nodes, staking, and DeFi.

ANKR Questions & Answers

Q1: What does the Ankr platform not provide?

A1: Integrations with traditional banks

Q2: What can’t you do with ANKR Token?

A2: Send wire transfer

Q3: What can Ankr users look forward to in the future?

A3: Earning rewards with advance defi startegies

ANKR (ANKR) Answers to quiz 問題與答案


 Chiliz (CHZ) Answers to quiz 問題與答案

A blockchain for sports and entertainment.

CHZ Questions & Answers

Q1: Chiliz is a blockchain built for…

A1: Sports and entertainment

Q2: What is the main utility of the CHZ Token?

A2: Participating in Fan Token Offerings

Q3: Through their expansion, Chiliz plans to launch new Fan Tokens in…


 Chiliz (CHZ) Answers to quiz 問題與答案


Bounce Token (AUCTION) Answers to quiz 問題與答案

A protocol for cross-chain auctions.

AUCTION Questions & Answers

Q1: What is Bounce?

A1: A decentralized auction protocol

Q2: How can you use Bounce?

A2: Create or participate in auctions

Q3: Where can you use the Bounce app?

A3: app.bounce.finance

Bounce Token (AUCTION) Answers to quiz 問題與答案


Bitcoin (BTC) Answers to quiz 問題與答案

The worlds's first cryptocurrency.

BTC Questions & Answers

A1:What is Bitcoin?

Q1:A digital currency for peer-to-peer payments

A2:What is Bitcoin mining?

Q2:The way Bitcoin transactions are recorded and verified

A3:What is the total supply of Bitcoin?

Q3:21 million

Bitcoin (BTC) Answers to quiz 問題與答案


Loopring (LRC) Answers to quiz 問題與答案

Faster, cheaper Ethereum transactions.

LRC Questions & Answers

A1:What is Loopring?

Q1 :An Ethereum scaling protocol

A2:What is NOT a benefit of using Loppring?

Q2:Requires a traditional bank account

A3:What is LRC?

Q3:Loopring's governance token

Loopring (LRC) Answers to quiz 問題與答案


iExec (RLC) Answers to quiz 問題與答案

Amarketplace for computer power and datesets.

RLC Questions & Answers

Q1: What are the main benefits of iExec’s marketplace?

A1: All of the above

Q2: What is the RLC token used for?

A2: All of the above

Q3: What is The Oracle Factory?

A3: A tool to facilitate the creation of oracles

iExec (RLC) Answers to quiz 問題與答案

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