2024-04-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

Dr. Hiram Ip on Overcoming Burnout

As Dr. Hiram Ip, a doctor, I am confronted daily not only with various illnesses—flu, colds, skin diseases, chronic conditions—but also with the hopes and trust of my patients. Working long hours in a high-pressure environment, professional burnout is undoubtedly a common challenge for many in the medical field. I chose to become a doctor initially because I wanted to help others and heal the sick. However, amidst the daily grind and repetition, I sometimes feel fatigued and even question my original purpose.

Nevertheless, I have found several ways to adjust my mindset and maintain my professionalism and patience. Here are some of the strategies I frequently use:

1. Self-reflection and Emotional Regulation

After work, I take time for self-reflection. By keeping a diary or a mood log, I review my emotions and work performance for the day, reflecting on how I could better handle patients' emotions and needs. This not only helps keep my passion for my work alive but also provides opportunities for continuous learning and growth.

2. Continuous Learning and Growth

Medicine is an ever-advancing field, with new research and treatments emerging constantly. I regularly attend seminars and further education courses, not only to update my medical knowledge but also to break away from the monotony of daily tasks, reigniting my motivation.

3. Setting Boundaries and Time Management

Learning to say "no" and managing a balance between work and rest is crucial in preventing burnout. I strive to find a balance between work and personal life, ensuring I have ample rest and time with family and friends.

4. Cultivating Hobbies and Leisure Activities

A doctor's life should not be confined to hospitals and clinics alone. I find that cultivating hobbies and engaging in leisure activities greatly aids in maintaining mental health. Whether it's sports, reading, or traveling, these activities allow me to temporarily detach from work stress and rejuvenate.

5. Seeking Peer Support and Counseling

Exchanging experiences with colleagues and sharing strategies for handling difficult situations are invaluable supports. When necessary, seeking professional counseling is also a good option; it helps me manage stress and maintain mental health.

How do doctors maintain a stable mental state?

For a doctor, maintaining professionalism and patience is not just a professional requirement but a responsibility to the patients. Through these methods, I continually adjust myself to ensure that I can provide the best medical service during consultations while also taking care of my own physical and mental health. This balance allows me to face each day's challenges with a positive attitude.

Dr.Hiram Ip cares for you.

I focus on providing patients with advice on preventing diseases in their daily lives. When encountering cases with severe symptoms.
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