2024-06-08|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 22 分鐘

Who & 疑問句 & 關係代名詞

Who本身是【疑問詞】或【關係代名詞】, 如果是

「疑問詞」, 可以放在句首, 後面接動詞

Who opened the door?

Who mailed the package?

Who broke the window?

Who當「關係代名詞」時, 前面接名詞, 這個名詞也稱為「先行詞」

Who引導形容詞子句( 關係子句 ), 補充說明先行詞的訊息

Sunnyah talked to a girl Who she mets yestetday.

Sunnyah is diligent person who always gets to work on time.

Sunnyah need a friend who can help she when she is in trouble.


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