2024-07-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 38 分鐘

AGAINST Infiltration of Ideologies: Far-Left and Far-Right



    The process by which communism infiltrates political parties and leads them to abandon national interests and promote communist ideology typically includes the following steps:

    1. Ideological Infiltration: Communists first infiltrate on the level of thought and ideology, exploiting social discontent and economic inequality, promoting ideals of equality and social justice to attract supporters.

    2. Internal Organizational Influence: Communists infiltrate existing political parties, gradually obtaining key positions to influence party policies and decisions. This method was evident in many countries in the 20th century, where the Soviet Union supported communist movements, using espionage and political manipulation to influence local parties.

    3. Propaganda and Control: They utilize media and educational systems to propagate communist ideas while suppressing dissenting voices. Communist countries like China and the Soviet Union practiced this extensively, using state-controlled media and educational institutions to indoctrinate communist thoughts and suppress opposition.

    4. Political Manipulation and Coercion: Communists use political manipulation and coercion to consolidate their control within and outside the party. This strategy includes manipulating elections, assassinating political opponents, and using military force to threaten opposition, as seen in Soviet actions in Eastern Europe.

    5. Infiltration of Social Movements and Unions: By infiltrating and controlling unions and other social movements, they further influence and mobilize the masses in support of communism. This method has been applied in many Latin American and Asian countries.

    These steps illustrate how communism gradually infiltrates political parties and ultimately achieves control over national policies and societal ideologies.


    The process by which far-right ideology infiltrates political parties and leads them to abandon national interests and promote far-right ideas typically includes the following steps:

    1. Ideological Infiltration: Far-right ideologists exploit social discontent and fear, especially during periods of economic instability and prominent immigration issues. They promote nationalism, xenophobia, and racial superiority to attract voters who feel ignored by mainstream politics.

    2. Use of Social Media and Propaganda: Far-right groups adeptly use social media and other digital platforms to spread their ideas. These platforms provide tools for rapidly disseminating information, allowing them to influence large numbers of people in a short time. For instance, right-wing populists often use social media to spread false information and conspiracy theories to incite fear and hatred.

    3. Infiltrating and Altering Party Structure: Far-right elements join existing political parties, gradually gaining influence and power through grassroots organization. They may participate in local elections, gradually obtaining key positions within the party and influencing its policies and direction. For example, in some European countries, far-right elements have successfully infiltrated mainstream parties and pushed policies towards more nationalist and xenophobic stances.

    4. Manipulating Public Opinion: Far-right groups manipulate public opinion through media and public activities, promoting their extreme views. They may organize protests, marches, and rallies, using these events to expand their influence, attract media attention, and garner more support.

    5. Intimidation and Violence: In some cases, far-right groups use intimidation and violence to suppress dissent, intimidate political opponents, and target minorities, thereby consolidating their power and influence.

    6. International Connections: Far-right groups often establish connections with similar organizations in other countries, exchanging strategies and support. For instance, some far-right organizations receive funding and training from foreign entities to enhance their influence and organizational capabilities.

    These steps illustrate how far-right ideology infiltrates political parties and, through a series of strategies and tactics, influences and changes the direction of party policies, ultimately leading the party to promote far-right ideas and abandon national interests.

    Combined Effects and Strategies for Biden Administration and Allies:

    When both communist and far-right ideologies operate simultaneously within the same political environment, the result can be significant political instability and polarization. The presence of these opposing extremist ideologies can lead to increased social division, undermine democratic institutions, and erode public trust in government. The potential for violence and unrest is also heightened as each group may resort to more aggressive tactics to assert its influence.

    To counter these threats, the Biden administration, in collaboration with allied nations, can undertake the following strategies:

    1. Strengthening Democratic Institutions: Reinforce democratic institutions and the rule of law to protect against extremist infiltration. This includes ensuring free and fair elections, protecting judicial independence, and safeguarding the integrity of the legislative process.

    2. Promoting Civic Education: Invest in civic education to foster critical thinking and resilience against propaganda. Educated citizens are better equipped to recognize and reject extremist ideologies.

    3. Regulating Social Media: Work with social media companies to identify and mitigate the spread of disinformation and extremist content. This can involve stricter regulations on platform accountability and transparency.

    4. International Cooperation: Collaborate with international allies to monitor and counter foreign interference and support for extremist groups. This can include intelligence sharing, joint cybersecurity initiatives, and coordinated responses to disinformation campaigns.

    5. Supporting Civil Society: Strengthen civil society organizations that promote democratic values, human rights, and social cohesion. These organizations can play a crucial role in countering extremist narratives and fostering community resilience.

    6. Economic and Social Policies: Address the underlying economic and social grievances that extremists exploit. This involves implementing policies that reduce inequality, improve economic opportunities, and enhance social mobility.

    By taking these steps, the Biden administration and its allies can work to counter the influence of both communist and far-right ideologies, promoting stability and democratic resilience in the face of these complex challenges.

    The point of view from the JLM.
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