Trump terminated Roe V. Wade and took Zero Tolerance Policy

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Matthew 24:15-22

How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!


When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, it ended nearly 50 years of federally protected abortion rights. This decision had several significant and immediate consequences:

  1. State Laws and Abortion Bans: The ruling allowed individual states to set their own abortion laws, leading to a patchwork of regulations across the country. Several states had "trigger laws" in place that automatically banned or severely restricted abortions once Roe was overturned. Other states moved quickly to pass new restrictive abortion laws.
  2. Increased Legal Battles: The decision sparked numerous legal battles as pro-choice advocates challenged state-level abortion restrictions and bans. Conversely, anti-abortion groups sought to enforce and expand restrictions.
  3. Access to Abortion Services: Access to abortion services became highly variable depending on the state. In states with restrictive laws or bans, many clinics closed or limited their services, forcing individuals to travel long distances to seek abortions in states where it remained legal.
  4. Impact on Healthcare: The ruling affected not only abortion services but also broader reproductive healthcare. Some states imposed restrictions that complicated the provision of care related to miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and other medical conditions requiring similar procedures to abortions.
  5. Political and Social Reactions: The decision intensified political and social divisions. It galvanized both pro-choice and pro-life movements, leading to widespread protests, rallies, and increased activism on both sides.
  6. Economic and Societal Effects: The overturning of Roe v. Wade had economic and societal impacts, particularly for low-income individuals and marginalized communities who faced greater obstacles in accessing abortion services. This decision also raised concerns about the potential for increased maternal mortality rates and the broader public health implications.
  7. Potential for Future Legal Changes: The decision opened the door for further legal challenges and changes related to reproductive rights and other issues previously considered settled under the precedent of Roe v. Wade. This includes potential challenges to contraception access, same-sex marriage, and other privacy-related rights.

Overall, the termination of Roe v. Wade fundamentally altered the landscape of reproductive rights in the United States, leading to significant legal, medical, and societal changes.

Trump’s Quotes

  1. Trump: I ended Roe v. Wade and it’s working out
  2. Trump: There has to be some form of punishment for women who get an abortion
  3. Trump called for “punishment” for women who get an abortion. Trump ended Roe v. Wade. Women are now being punished.
  4. Trump brags about ending Roe v. Wade, saying “everyone wanted” women to lose their reproductive rights
  5. Trump: Ending Roe v. Wade was important to everyone. People are very happy
  6. Q: Did you get any sense of hesitation on Trump's part when you asked him if he supports ‘monitoring’ women’s pregnancies? TIME Reporter: I didn't get any hesitation from Trump at all. He’s decided he will let women be prosecuted for having abortions. When I asked about states ‘monitoring’ women's pregnancies to know whether they've gotten abortions, he said they might just do that.
  7. Today, Mike Johnson is making a pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago to link up with Trump. They’re both bragging about ending Roe v. Wade and want to ban abortion nationwide.
  8. Trump: I want to thank the six Supreme Court justices, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett for having the wisdom and courage to end Roe v. Wade
  9. Trump: They tried to cancel Roe v. Wade for many years. We did it. It’s working out quite well, actually

Trump praises Clarence Thomas, who says the Supreme Court needs to look at overturning the right to birth control and marriage equality now that Roe is overturned

The political purposes of overturning the right to birth control and marriage equality generally include the following aspects:

1. Appeasing Conservative Voters: These measures often cater to the values and beliefs of conservative or religious conservative voters, who tend to oppose abortion, birth control, and same-sex marriage. By implementing such policies, parties or leaders can solidify and expand their conservative voter base.

2. Advancing Religious or Moral Agendas: Some governments may be driven by specific religious or moral views, believing that birth control and same-sex marriage go against their faith or moral standards. Therefore, overturning these rights can be seen as part of achieving their religious or moral objectives.

3. Controlling Population Growth: Limiting access to birth control might be viewed as a method to control population growth, particularly in countries or regions where the government believes that the population is decreasing or growing too slowly.

4. Reshaping Social Structure: Overturning marriage equality can be seen as an attempt to maintain or restore traditional family structures and social order, which are believed to be the foundation of social stability.

5. Centralizing Political Power: By controlling these personal rights, the government can further centralize power and establish stronger control and influence within society, especially over women and LGBTQ+ groups.

6. Anti-Globalization and Anti-Western Influence: In some countries, these measures may also be viewed as part of resisting globalization or Western values, which are perceived as foreign and not aligned with their national cultural values.

Comparison with the Tumultuous Axis Alliance:

At their core, the political purposes behind overturning the right to birth control and marriage equality share similarities with the agenda of the Tumultuous Axis alliance (comprising countries like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran), which often includes elements of authoritarianism, centralized control, and resistance to Western democratic values.

1. Authoritarian Control: Both approaches involve centralizing political power and exerting control over personal freedoms and rights. This centralization is a hallmark of authoritarian regimes, where the government seeks to maintain tight control over various aspects of citizens' lives.

2. Resisting Liberal Values: The overturning of these rights aligns with a broader resistance to liberal democratic values, which are often associated with Western influence. Similarly, the Tumultuous Axis alliance is characterized by its opposition to Western-style democracy and individual freedoms.

3. Promoting Traditional or Nationalistic Values: Both strategies promote traditional or nationalistic values over more progressive or globalized ideals. This reflects a desire to uphold what are seen as culturally or morally "pure" values in opposition to perceived foreign or liberal influences.

4. Social Engineering: There is an element of social engineering in both approaches, where the government attempts to shape society according to its preferred norms and values, whether through restricting birth control and marriage rights or through other means of control and regulation.

In essence, while the specific contexts and motivations may differ, the underlying principles of control, resistance to liberal values, and promotion of traditional norms create a parallel between the political strategies of overturning these rights and the broader agenda of the Tumultuous Axis alliance.

Zero Tolerance

The Family Separation Policy, often associated with Donald Trump’s administration, refers to a controversial immigration enforcement policy officially known as the "zero tolerance" policy. Implemented in April 2018, the policy mandated the prosecution of all adults illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. Consequently, children accompanying these adults were separated from their parents and placed in the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Key aspects of the policy include:

  1. Zero Tolerance: All adults caught crossing the border illegally were subject to criminal prosecution, leading to the separation of families.
  2. Child Detention: Separated children were classified as unaccompanied minors and placed in detention centers or foster care.
  3. Public Backlash and Legal Challenges: The policy faced intense criticism from human rights organizations, lawmakers, and the public, leading to numerous legal challenges and widespread condemnation.
  4. Executive Order and Policy Reversal: In June 2018, President Trump signed an executive order to end family separations, but legal and logistical challenges in reuniting separated families persisted.

The policy remains a highly contentious topic in U.S. immigration debates, highlighting the complexities and human impact of border enforcement measures.

Trump Quotes

  1. Trump: “We’re poisoning our country”
  2. Trump: Immigrants are destroying our country
  3. Trump calls for mass detention camps and rounding up millions of Latinos
  4. Trump compares immigrants to cannibals and says “they’re destroying our country”
  5. Q: Would you re-implement family separation? Trump: Well, we have to save our country… Q: Sounds like that’s a yes? Trump: We will say to families, we’re going to break you up
  6. Six years ago today, Donald Trump implemented his family separation policy. He ripped children from their mothers—and he wants to do even worse in a second term.
  7. Four years ago today. Reporter: Your supporters had Nazi flags out there too. Trump: They are who? Reporter: Nazi flags. Trump: I didnt see that. These people love our country.

During Donald Trump's presidency, his rhetoric and actions regarding white supremacy and racial discrimination created significant controversy and contributed to various societal issues:

  1. Emboldening White Supremacist Groups: Trump's often ambiguous or hesitant condemnation of white supremacist groups, such as his response to the Charlottesville rally in 2017 where he said there were "very fine people on both sides," was perceived by many as tacit approval. This emboldened these groups, leading to increased visibility and activity.
  2. Racially Charged Statements: Trump's frequent use of racially charged language, such as referring to COVID-19 as the "China virus" or "kung flu," fueled xenophobia and racism, particularly against Asian Americans. His comments about immigrants from certain countries, referring to them as coming from "shithole countries," further stoked racial tensions.
  3. Policy Impact: Several policies and actions taken during his administration were seen as racially discriminatory. This includes attempts to ban travel from several predominantly Muslim countries (often referred to as the "Muslim Ban"), efforts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and a hardline stance on immigration that included family separations at the border.
  4. Civil Rights Rollbacks: The Trump administration rolled back numerous civil rights protections, affecting minority communities. This included changes in the Department of Justice's approach to police reform and civil rights enforcement, which reduced oversight of police departments with histories of discrimination and abuse.
  5. Impact on Public Discourse: Trump's rhetoric and policies often polarized the public and exacerbated racial divisions. His presidency saw an increase in hate crimes and racially motivated violence, according to various reports and studies.
  6. Protests and Social Unrest: The perception of Trump's alignment with white supremacist ideologies and his handling of racial issues, particularly following incidents of police violence against African Americans, contributed to widespread protests. The most notable were the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020 following the killing of George Floyd.
  7. International Perception: Trump's stance on racial issues also affected the U.S.'s international reputation. Many international observers and leaders criticized his handling of racial matters, viewing it as a step back from the progress made in civil rights.

Overall, Trump's handling of white supremacy and racial discrimination during his presidency led to increased racial tensions, societal divisions, and a significant impact on both domestic and international perceptions of the United States.

Due to the national abortion ban and Family Separation Zero tolerance policy, the fundamental human and reproductive rights would be deprived.

JLMOSXACAD is dedicated to protecting our Democracy and be a defendant for leader of our Democracy, President Joe Biden.
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