2024-09-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 23 分鐘

good at......

  1. I'm good at public speaking.
  2. You're good at summarizing.
  3. I'm pretty good at writing.
  4. I'm pretty good at planning.
  5. I'm pretty good at summarizing.
  6. You're good at public speaking.
  7. You're good at writing.
  8. I can handle the slides. 投影片
  9. I can handle the report.
  10. I can handle the presentation.
  11. I can handle the schedule.
  12. Can you handle the presentation?
  13. Can you handle the report?
  14. Can you handle the slides?
  15. Can you handle the schedule?
  16. I'm pretty good at writing, so I can handle the report.
  17. You're good at planning, so can you the schedule?
  18. I'm pretty good at public speaking, so I can handle the presentation.
  19. You're good at summarizing, so can you handle the slides?
  20. You're good at public speaking, so can you handle the presentation?

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