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The final slipped my mind! 我忘記期末考試了! The midterm slipped my mind! 期中考 The reading completely slipped my mind! The term paper completely slipped my
Hybrid classes ate on the rise. 正在興起 Ebooks are on the rise. Tuition costs are on the rise. Online classes are on the rise. Entrance exams are in
On one hand, fast food provides convenience. On one hand, interships provide new experiences. On one hand, education apps provide convenience. On o
I'm falling behind on the essay. I'm falling behind on the slides. I'm falling behind on the reading. I'm falling behind on the homework. I'm all
I'm good at public speaking. You're good at summarizing. I'm pretty good at writing. I'm pretty good at planning. I'm pretty good at summarizing.
Do you wanna swap notes? 交換筆記 Do you wanna swap numbers? Do you wanna brainstorm together? Do you wanna work together? Do you wanna go over the sy
Have you submitted your homework? Have you finished your essay? 論文 Have you started your project? Have you submitted your essay? Have you finished
積極含義 fascinating 非常有趣的 convincing 令人信服的 insightful 非常見地的 中性或負面涵義 original 獨特的;有原創性的 unusal 不尋常的 名詞 point of view 觀點 argument 論點 句子 I comple
What are your thoughts on learning to code? What are your thoughts on studying abroad? 留學 What are your thoughts on learning English? What are your
Could you rephrase that? 換個說法 Could you clarify that? Could you expand on that? 詳細闡述 Could you repeat that? Could we discuss the lecture after cl