更新於 2024/11/17閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

2024 1117 Derek:欣喜者 Rejoicer

2024 1117 Derek:欣喜者 Rejoicer


Dear Derek,







抽到的塔羅牌是【欣喜者 Rejoicer】。


















福生無量。祝福你 ~



2024-11-17 Derek: Rejoicer          



Dear Derek,


Ever since you shared your challenges and difficulties with me, I’ve been acutely aware that I lack the practical ability to help you. At the time, all I could do was ask the universe for guidance and relay the messages to you.


Back then, you were in a state of turmoil—your thoughts chaotic and scattered—making it hard for you to absorb much.

Earlier today, I suddenly felt a strong intuition to once again seek blessings for you from the universe.

The Tarot card I drew was The Rejoicer.

How wonderful! I felt a sense of relief wash over me. It seems that your benefactor must have been moved by your passion and sincerity, lending you a helping hand to navigate through this difficult time.


While feeling this surge of joy and warmth from the card’s message, I took the opportunity to ask about your current situation:

How are things now? Is everything okay? Are things improving as suggested by the card? Has the issue been resolved?


And most importantly, have you, through this experience, gained deeper understanding and clarity? Perhaps now you better recognize the risks of quick fixes, the dangers of being overly ambitious, and the differences between professional partnerships and personal emotional connections.


You replied, “Finally, I can breathe a little easier.” You also mentioned that while your benefactor has provided significant guidance and support, they also have many suggestions and opinions about your current business state. They’ve asked you to submit a plan for improvement along with a more concrete repayment timeline.

You admitted you cannot let your guard down just yet, but the most critical and dire period has indeed passed.

Wow! I’m genuinely happy for you.


This life lesson may have come at a steep price, but when evaluated from a higher perspective, it’s worth it. After all, you’re only in your twenties, and this is unlikely to be your last entrepreneurial venture.


In life, every encounter is for our growth, and every path is one we’re meant to walk.

Falling down can instantly multiply our life experience several times over.


Falling early in life ensures fewer regrets down the road because, as long as the “green hills remain,” there will always be fuel for the fire.

Facing hardships while young is a blessing. Youth allows us to recover from setbacks, to stand up again, to rejoin the fight, and to one day return triumphantly, riding the winds of our resurgence.


May blessings be abundant. Wishing you the best!






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