Swiss B2B Platform Orderfox Surpasses €1bn Valuation

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Zurich, Switzerland - November 26, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - Orderfox Schweiz AG, a leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for the B2B and industrial sectors, has officially surpassed a €1 billion valuation, achieving the coveted status of Unicorn. This significant breakthrough of Orderfox to Unicorn status results from its commitment to integrating advanced AI into industrial and B2B operations.


By managing and interpreting massive datasets, the company delivers customized market intelligence to clients across various sectors, from manufacturing to logistics. Its innovative tools help businesses optimize operations, cut costs, and stay agile in today's highly fluid market environment.

"Achieving Unicorn status is more than just a financial milestone. Rather, it is a recognition of our ongoing mission to revolutionize the use of AI in industrial decision-making," says Derek Tanner, CEO of Orderfox. "Our products, such as Partfox and Gieni, are providing companies with individualized access to market data, empowering them to make smarter, more insightful choices."

Partfox, which enables procurement professionals to source parts and manage supply chains more effectively, and Gieni, which offers AI-powered market intelligence across multiple sectors, have become essential tools for businesses looking to thrive in the face of global supply chain challenges. With a database of over 20 million profiled companies and more than 470 million individual profiles, the firm's platform offers clients a comprehensive and highly detailed view of the industry.

As the company celebrates its Unicorn status, Orderfox plans to expand its global presence and accelerate the development of new AI solutions. The company also plans to enhance its product offerings, broadening its reach to even more industries and geographical markets.

"We are in the initial stages of transforming the industry in positive ways," says Timur Göreci, CRO at Orderfox. "With our unique approach to AI and data analytics, we're confident that Orderfox will continue to drive innovation and create even more value for our clients in the coming years."

For more information, visit the Orderfox Schweiz AG website.

About Orderfox Schweiz AG

Orderfox Schweiz AG is a technology company based in Zurich, Switzerland. It specializes in providing AI-driven solutions designed to help businesses in the industrial and B2B sectors optimize their operations and improve decision-making. With an extensive database of global companies and markets, the brand empowers its clients with actionable insights that drive strategic growth and operational efficiency. The company's products—including Partfox and Gieni—are trusted by professionals in procurement, manufacturing, logistics, and various other industries worldwide.

Media Contact

Brand: Orderfox Schweiz AG

Contact: Dhiviyaa Satkunanathan

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