Flow, the secret to happiness

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The link of the presentation:
After watching this video, I made a summarization and wrote down my reflection and thoughts. I hope this material can help you explore deeper into this topic. And, if you have any ideas, please feel free to contact me or give me some comments. :)


In all of our life, what are we pursuing? We all know it. We spend our time pursuing wealth, success, and respect. We want them to be successful because we want happiness. But is this right? Does it make sense? The fact is, in most cases, YES.
A study out of Princeton University found that there is a positive correlation between happiness and wealth, to a point of about $75,000 per year. When people make less than $75,000 a year, they face trouble caused by a lack of money, and shortage of money could potentially lower their life satisfaction and happiness. For people who make at least $75,000 a year, they have sufficient room to do what they intrinsically want, without considering money on everything. But in the meantime, earning more money cannot make them happier.
So, money is important for most people, isn’t it? It is self-evident and we all need to confess it. However, humans are intricate, so happiness is. We can also comprehend that, by our past experiences or by the study above, money is also not everything.. Therefore, being happier does not only mean having more money. Whether we love what we are doing and feel meaning from it are also critical.


The psychological concept “flow”, which was proposed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is another essential element in a fulfilling and happy life. Flow is a mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, enjoyment, and lost a sense of time. In a flow state, we can contribute more, accomplish more, and feel happier at the same time.
Then, how can we reach a flow state? All of us might have tasted “flow” already, but we just did not notice or did not know it. Do you remember the last time you fully focused on studying, chatting with friends, or even playing video games, and you did not notice several hours have gone at all? Then, that is flow. Can you recall the feeling at that moment? It is happiness and contentment. Flow is one of the most wonderful things in our life.
But we cannot reach flow while doing everything. If we want to enter a flow state, we need to engage in activities that are challenging. So we are interested in it. And we also have enough ability to implement, so that we will not get frustrated all the time.

My reflection and thought

I heard the concept of “flow” about a year ago when I was taking a Stanford micro-course “ What matters most to you, and why? “. So, I had a basic understanding of this concept, I thought that flow is a nice-to-have in our life. But I did not try to dig deeper or explore more about the relationships between happiness and flow.
Fortunately, I still got the chance to learn more about this important concept. After watching this ted talk video and browsing some relevant articles, I have a better comprehension of “flow”. And when I look back to that Stanford micro-course now, I come to understand why they taught this concept in the class. Flow is essential in our life.
As the speaker said, flow can bring happiness to our lives and help us accomplish more. Moreover, figuring out what things could trigger you into entering flow states is critical. Therefore, combining these two experiences — that Stanford micro-course and this TED talk, I realize the importance of flow and I start trying to find out what kind of activities can trigger me reaching flow states.
There are some activities I have noticed after exploring. The first activity is writing. I found that writing can facilitate me entering a flow state because I am always concentrated while writing diaries, which is a habit I developed for the sake of recording my life a year ago. I particularly love organizing my thoughts, pondering what to say, and sharing my ideas with others. From this exploration, I not only grasp what I love but also realize what factors (organizing my thoughts, pondering what to say, and sharing my ideas with others) make me love this activity.
Exercising and chatting with friends can help me enter flow states frequently, too. I have not found any reasons for that. I think that these are just innately human states of flow.
Other activities, which can also trigger me reaching flow states, are reading, studying, programming, and applying my knowledge. I love reading and studying because I can gain more knowledge and become a better and more successful person. Programming and applying my knowledge are almost the same thing for me. These two are delightful. I think the reason why I love programming and applying my knowledge is similar to reading and studying — becoming a better and more successful person.

The reality

It sounds excellent. I find what I love and the reasons why. I can be happy by reaching flow states everyday and every time if I want! But if I try to dig deeper and ask myself: why do I have the motivation to be a better and more successful person? The answer turns out to be very realistic: I want to make money.
Money can definitely help me achieve more therefore be happier to some degree, no matter what I want to do. If I want to make my life good, I need money. ( and when I say “make money”, most people will link what I actually want to these things anyway), like traveling around the world, having good houses, or living a luxurious life. However, if I have higher goals (most people believe that money is not important for these things), including contributing to society, helping others, or making this world better, I also need money.
Yeah, you can argue that if my goals are helping others and this world. Then, without money, I can still help others and this world. Agree, but money just makes all of these easier and more efficient and gives me larger influences on those things. In other words, compared to a poor me, a rich me has much more ability to help the world. It is the truth.

Happiness is complex

So, what do I want to convey? What I am trying to say is that once “flow” gets involved in happiness, the whole thing will be very complex.
If our goal is to be happy, learning flow is important. But there are many more matters, including money and achievements, which are relevant to happiness, too. All people who read this article should not think that if we can reach a flow state, we can be certain to have ONLY happiness or that it is permanent. It is not true. (LACK of money and achievements are more directly related to unhappiness)
I do not appreciate people who claim that money is not important, and only claim money is not important. I agree that money is not everything. But only claiming money is not important is far from accurate. For people who have other life goals instead of a “normal life” — having children, owning houses, and traveling around, money may not be important for them. It makes sense. But let’s put it realistically. For most people, who want to have a “normal life”, money is necessary and important.
Therefore, my understanding is — Flow is an essential part of a happy life. But flow is still far from enough to form a happy life.
Originally published at https://www.juliansweb.com on November 15, 2020.
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在2024年2月,參加了Linking Your Thinking Workshop的過程中,我從Nick Milo的分享中獲得了深刻的啟示。他介紹的ARC框架,即Add, Relate, Communicate,為我提供了一個全新的視角來理解知識工作的流程。這一框架不僅促進了我的思考,也讓我對如何
烏布,一處古老的療癒之地。烏布這個名字實際上來自“obat”(巴厘島語/印尼語)一詞,意思是醫學。這裡曾有治療師種植自己的藥用植物。因此,在烏布做瑜珈來實現自我療愈,是遵循峇裡島烏布小鎮的療癒傳統。 早上7點整的課,意味著六點多要起床、叫車出門,才能在上課前抵達教室報名課程。 「真的好早!」我
這個網站從刻意要求自己去做,轉變成為送給自己的禮物 — 它是我對內心渴望的回應,是我有能力去創造那個想望的未來的象徵,是走向屬於我的道路的第一步。
#鳳飛飛#FongFeifei#流水年華#YearsFlowasWater#あなただけを#國語歌曲#Chinesesongs#中国語の歌#翻唱#cover#カバー 鳳飛飛 流水年華 魔鏡歌詞 https://mojim.com/twy100515x22x6.htm 朦朧的街燈 靜靜躺在小雨中 
關於塑膠件的設計流程中,除了模具設計部門(或廠商) 對於機構設計部件所做的 tooling DFM之外,做重要的就是 "模流分析" 了。 IG:https://instagram.com/tomdaddydesign/
#加密貨幣 的價格起伏不定,長久以來,大家一直期待能使用模型來分析和預測加密市場和單個數字資產的價格走向。本期節目中,我們將探討Stock-to-Flow模型,這是用於預測 #比特幣 價格的最知名的分析模型之一,Shudan也會跟大家聊一聊為什麼它最近會受到以太坊聯合創始人Vitalik But
One day in Qigong class, when the teacher talked about Tao, she said that she felt so relieved that we don’t need to be in charge of everything….