{English#01}'Wafuku',' Kimono' and 'Gofuku'

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Hi, everybody! I am Clearwater (清水)!For most of the foreigners, Kimono is one of the cultural symbol of Japan. Even though you haven’t visited Japan before, you might come across some lovely kimono girls when you search ‘Japan’ in your Instagram search.
A woman dressing in kimono ( Source:写真AC )
I know that some might find it weird when they first look at the title, just because they might never come across the other two terms ‘Wafuku’ and ‘Gofuku’. We used to call this traditional Japanese clothing as kimono. In Japan, this traditional clothing can also be called as ‘Wafuku’ or‘Gofuku’.
Even though these three terms can all be used to refer to the same idea , there are still differences between their meanings. Don’t worry, I am here to explain all these to you!

What is Wafuku(和服)?
In Japanese, Wafuku refers to all the Japanese traditional clothing. ‘Wa’(和) stands for Japan and ‘fuku’(服) stands for clothing. Before the Meiji period(1868–1912), the Japanese used to call all their clothing as ‘kimono’ (着物). However, after western culture entered Japan, the Japanese started to wear western clothing. In order to distinguish between western clothing and Japanese traditional clothing, the term ‘Wafuku’ was created.
What is Kimono(着物)?
Before the Meiji period(1868–1912), the Japanese used to call all their clothing as ‘kimono’ (着物). At that time, ‘kimono’ means ‘ garments which people wear’.This word also represented ‘all the garments that Japanese wear’ at that time. However, after western culture entered Japan, the word ‘Wafuku’ (和服) was created to represent all the Japanese traditional clothing. Due to this reason, some people treat ‘kimono’ and ‘Wafuku’ as synonyms that represent the same idea. Although most of the Japanese treat them as synonyms, some point out that ‘kimono’ normally refers to ‘nagagi’(長着).
What is ‘nagagi’?
Nagagi ( Source: shutterstock)
Nagagi is a type of Japanese traditional clothing in which it is long till the ankle. It is derived from ‘kosode’, another Japanese traditional garment which used to be worn by people in Edo period (1603–1867).
What is Gofuku (吳服)?
There is another word ‘ gofuku’ which also represents Japanese traditional clothing due to its history. It was said that the fabric-making techniques of those garments were introduced to Japan from China‘s ancient kingdom ‘Go’. During the Edo period, garments made of silk were called ‘gofuku’ and were sold at ‘gofuku yan’. Garments made from cotton, hemp were called ‘futomono’ and were sold at ‘futomono yan’.
There are no more ‘futomonoyan ‘ in Japan nowadays, but ‘gofukuyan’ still exists and they now sell different Japanese traditional clothing of different fabrics , not only limited to silk, cotton or hemp. Because of this reason, Japanese traditional clothing can also be called ‘gofuku’.

Similar, but still different

It seems that all three terms can refer to the same meaning, but as what I have mentioned before, some Japanese thought that ‘kimono’ is different from ‘ Wafuku’.
Their argument is that ‘Wafuku’ refers to all the Japanese traditional clothing, while ‘kimono’ is usually used to refer to ‘nagagi’, a category of Japanese traditional clothing. Wafuku is not only limited to nagagi, but also includes other categories, like hakama or haori.

Two points of view

These arguments have lead to two kinds of points of view.
  1. No matter ‘ Wafuku’, ‘Kimono’ or ‘Gofuku’, they all refer to all the Japanese traditional clothing. This is also an idea that most of the Japanese come as a consensus.
  2. ‘ Wafuku’ and ‘Gofuku’ mean the same concept, but ‘kimono’ used to refer to nagagi, especially for those who wear them.
Then, which is correct? Two of them are also correct. But they might be different based on different Japanese. For the first point of view, the answer is correct based on Japanese history. For the second point of view, the use of the word’ kimono’ is used to distinguish it from other categories. But still, some will also use the word to stand for all the Japanese traditional clothing.
Thanks for reading!
由零開始學懂日本和服着物的基本知識。 即使不懂日語,不懂日本文化或不穿和服着物的人也能理解日本和服着物(除非唔係) 本社志力盡量推廣着物。盡自己能力盡快更新。
不知大家到日本旅行時,有沒有到日本穿過和服或着物的經驗呢?如果有的話 ,你還記得你穿着物或和服時總是有個人在你身旁幫你穿著嗎?就算沒有這樣的經驗,也不要緊!因為我今天就是來介紹這個人和相關的知識給你們哦!
大家好,我是清水!今天是想跟大家說一些日本和服着物Kimono用語。我喜歡和服👘。不!還是應該説是着物呢? 啊!!究竟應該說甚麼?說到底究竟代表什麼?究竟代表什麼?
不知大家到日本旅行時,有沒有到日本穿過和服或着物的經驗呢?如果有的話 ,你還記得你穿着物或和服時總是有個人在你身旁幫你穿著嗎?就算沒有這樣的經驗,也不要緊!因為我今天就是來介紹這個人和相關的知識給你們哦!
大家好,我是清水!今天是想跟大家說一些日本和服着物Kimono用語。我喜歡和服👘。不!還是應該説是着物呢? 啊!!究竟應該說甚麼?說到底究竟代表什麼?究竟代表什麼?
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1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
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Since I would like to practice my translation ability, I decided to translate the book “Children Learning English” by Jayne Moon (ISBN 978-1-4050-8002
Dear Terence,   Thank you for the email.   I already add your account into my Line list. Finally, it did work.   I want to share some of my experience
EF English Live是我使用過CP值最高,幫助最大的學習平台,過去我曾用過付費平台如"Tutor ABC"、"希平方",也用過許多免費平台如"Voice tube"。但用過EF後,還是覺EF對我幫助最大,因此推薦二位同事,他們試用後也加入EF,我也因此獲得EF提供二個月免費學習。 最吸引
2018.01 1.x Perfect: Karaoke, chinese lyrics, lyrics, adapted, symphony, Ed Sheeran MV 2.x All of me: Karaoke, chinese lyrics, lyrics, adapted, John