About Us Egoo-Un TW is here to provide better

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About Us

Egoo-Un TW is here to provide better shipment alternatives for our customers. Even though we have never met, even then, we will still provide our customers with 100% of our quality services.
Our focus is to provide safe, fast, and cost effective door to door package delivery service from Mainland China to Taiwan. Our quotation is tax included, users will not have to worry about import taxes and other tax fees.
Very important note: We import via airplanes, not by ferries or boats! So please, do pay attention to what you are shipping to us! We do not accept products that are larger than 70*70 (width and heights), and we do not accept any form of food, and health regulation related products.
We offers:
-Step by step assistance for those who lack shipping experience on Taobao or other Chinese shipping websites
-Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English customers service via LINE Application
-Duty free
-Upgrade packaging for free ( From bags to paper boxes), even free water resistant packaging is available during rainy seasons!
-Photo proofs and re-weights packages services are FREE!! You can double check anytime you want before you send out your shipping request!
- We accept payments such as: cash at delivery, credit cards, wire-transfer, even 7-11 convenience store payments are available!
Our members can use our service on our website or download our app, and request service on our app.

How to Register?

For Taiwanese citizens, it is very important to register for our membership with information that matches the information you registered on the EZ WAY application.
For foreigners, just register with your real information that matches with your passport, in the ID section, please fill in your passport number.

Customer Services:

We only provide customer service via LINE application, please add our LINE account: LINE官方帳號 (@lef9542d) and provide us your membership ID (TW + 6 digits number).
We do not provide customer services on Facebook or Instagram, but you are more than welcome to come hang out with us on social media or leave us messages and comments on social media and google reviews. We will definitely get back to you as soon as we can!

Forbidden Items:

In order for us to provide fast and safe delivery, we will not accept any medical use equipment and drugs, even contact lenses and microblading needles and knives; we also will not accept any forms of food and beverages, anything that is ILLEGAL!!
Common forbidden items:
  • Anything that is medical related
  • Any form of food and beverages, even dried mushrooms, dates, cookies and candies, cereals, milk, tea, juices, beer; wine, liquor; no foods and drinks allowed
  • Any animal foods and supplements are not allowed either! No import food for bunnies, kittens, puppies, mice, turtles and whatever pets you may own.
  • Large voltages of batteries
  • VIVO cellphones
  • Anything that is ALIVE or DEAD, none of living things or deceased things are allowed.
  • Anything that is explosive and flammable
  • CASH/ Credit Cards/ Gold, Sim Cards, etc are not allowed. (basically what postal office and airplane are not allowed, we are not allowed either!)
  • Any form of drugs!! Please do not make things hard for yourself, this could get you in serious trouble!
For other items, if you are not sure, please do not hesitate to ask! We are always here to give an answer!

How to Use Our Services?

First, you need to register our membership! Don’t worry, it’s FREE!
After you successfully register for our membership, you can start setting up your recipient information on the shopping websites such as Taobao or 1688, or any other shopping website that would ship to our warehouse in China.
Second, once you register for our membership, you will get your unique membership ID and warehouse address.
Start changing your recipient information to our warehouse and remember to include your unique membership ID!
Then, you may start shopping!
NOTE: Before you make any purchase, we advise you to check the packaging size with the seller, and estimate the shipping cost! Be considerate, because we do not offer return services after we receive the packages.

  1. Place order
  2. Once the seller sends out your order, come to our website to sign up your packages
  3. Wait for the packages to be received by our warehouse and organized on shelves
  4. Request shipment and complete payment
  5. Wait for your package to arrive at your address in Taiwan

SING-UP Your Parcels!

It is important to sign-up your parcels correctly. This information will be used for declaration on both borders. Therefore, each parcel must sign-up accurately.
When do you sign-up for your parcel?
When you receive shipping information from your seller, then you must sign-up for your parcel as soon as you can.
What information do you need to fill in when sign-up for your parcel?
When you sign-up for your parcel, you need to fill in: parcel ID, items\ name, quantity, and price.
Parcel ID:
Parcel ID can be found in shipping information given by the seller. Many beginners usually confuse the ID with order ID.
These two different IDs are completely different. Order ID is no use for us. We cannot scan parcels and recognize order ID. We can only scan and recognize parcel ID (delivery ID).
Where is the parcel ID?
Parcel ID (delivery ID) can usually be found at the shipping information page. There is a |copy” function, just find the ID number, click it, and then paste it on our parcel sign-up page.
Please do not fill in the item's name too generally. If so, we cannot declare properly.
“Tools, toys, supplies, kitchen products, stuffs, car stuffs, home items, accessories, etc” these are the meanings of too general.
Please fill in exactly what you have purchased, such as water bottles, plates, vas, key chains, necklace, socks, storage boxes, etc. Remeber, be EXACT!
This section, please fill in the exact number of single items you purchased. If you have more than one item in the parcel, please click on “add more items”

Please fill in the price you paid for each item, in RMB currency.
For example, if your parcel ID is: YT123456789123, it has two water bottles 10 RMBS each, and three cutting boards 25 RMBS each, then you must fill in the following information:
Parcel ID->YT123456789123 
Name-> Water bottles
Quantity-> 2
then click on “add more items”
then fill in:
Name-> cutting boards
Price 25
then submit the form.


We will notify our member via LINE application when our warehouse receives parcels that are not previously sign-up, yet it has our member’s ID number.
Some of our new members might consider this notification as a fraud. But, it is not. That’s ok, you can first ignore the notification, then request your original packing list. Once you receive your package, you will know whether you are short of the items you purchased.
This situation is quite common, since some of the sellers are pretty lazy. They don’t let you know if they shipped your order together or separately. This is usually troublesome when they don’t tell you how they packed and shipped your order, then it costs you more money and time to gather everything.
With us, we will notify you if possible, which saves you time and money. Just remember to add us on the LINE application and tell us who you are! If otherwise, we cannot offer this extra service for you.

Parcels’ Processes and Status

➡已到件:It means our warehouse has received your parcel.
➡已入庫:It means after receiving your parcel, our staff members have recorded your parcel with its weight and picture. At the same time, you will receive an email notification.
➡已上架:It means the parcel has been stored on a member's unique shelf. Each member then can request packing lists and finish the payments.
➡已集運:It means we have received the requests for the packing list, once the payments are completed, our staff will pack up the parcels on the list and ship out the parcel as soon as we can.
➡已送出:It means the parcel has left our warehouse. If everything goes smoothly (flight arrangement, declaration on both borders, and local delivery), you are most likely to receive your parcels within a day or two.
(Please note: During the period of Covid-19, we cannot guarantee every single package goes on board on the same day of request! )
➡已簽收:We are asking our members to click parcels received on our site. In the meantime we are welcoming all comments that are left publicly, such as google, facebook, or instagram story. hashtag us!

Request a Shipment

Click the parcels you want to pack, and submit the form. Please remember to go to “Order Management” to complete payment.
We accept credit cards, ATM, Web-ATM, and payment Convenience stores.


  1. We offer Paid Transportation Service Insurance, it must be applied on customers’ own terms. If customers’ choose to have the insurance, please do fill in the correct value of your parcels, our system will automatically calculate the total cost of insurance (It is calculated by the total value of the parcels multiplied by 5%). The total cost of the insurance will be additional fees of your order. The maximum reparation is 2000 RMB, additional fees are not refundable. The final reparation amount is subject to the compensation standard of our company.
  2. For those who choose not to pay additional fees on insurance, if any of the goods are lost, our company will compensate 3 times the shipping fee, and only the shipping fee.
  3. If the parcel posted is confirmed by the local customs to be imitation brand, contraband and other items. There will be no remedy.
  4. Insurance will only be activated if goods are lost which are confirmed by our firm. Any goods that are broken will not be able to receive any remedy.


Responding to environmental friendly and sustainable development, We offer paper-box packaging without additional charges, but if the size of parcels cannot fit our paper-boxes, or are too heavy to fit in paper-boxes, or parcels that are irregular shapes, we will not be able to provide paper-box wrapping. If there are any parcels that individually need to add more packaging materials for protection, please write notes on your order submit form. For ex.: YT12345876878765 needs extra protection. Please do not leave a message for extra protection without a package ID. These paper-boxes and packaging materials are free of charge, please cherish and be kind to our one and only earth, don't waste too much packaging consumables


Usually once the payment is secured, we will arrange flights on the very same day, if flight arrangement, declaration on both borders, and local delivery are successful, you should be able to receive our shipment within 2 to 3 business days.
1. Orders can only be arranged by 4PM Monday to Friday
2. During the period of Covid-19, we cannot guarantee every single package goes on board on the same day of request!

Why Us?

We use a user friendly online system, our member can arrange a packing list on his/her own.
Our customers can manage when to pack and what to pack, it is all up to our member to decide on his/her own will.
It is very user friendly for everyone, and especially for those who use our services as its company import route.
The bonus of using our service is our member can set up as many shipping addresses in Taiwan as he/she wants, there are no limitations on only being able to ship to one address!
There are many businesses like us, the differences are they are cost-down on the system of work, most of them don’t even have their own website, not even to mention a system that allows members to operate on his/her own. These cost-down companies usually ask customers to add them on WeChat. They do everything on WeChat! They weigh packages and list package ID in WeChat conversations, and you place your packing order over on WeChat. This is very dangerous, because if anything happens, they can just block you or delete the WeChat account and start FRESH, like nothing happened before!
The most frequent issue of shopping on Taobao is that when sellers don’t pack everything on your order all together, they typically have several warehouses across China, which means, the seller him/herself may not even know whether your order is shipped as a parcel or multiples! This situation is bad with other companies because they WON’T tell unless you ASK! Why do they do that? Because then they can make you pay one more time! With us, that’s something you don’t have to worry about. We will LINE message you if we receive more packages than you sign-in on the site!
Also, very importantly, we do our transactions via ECPay, it is the first fintech service company in Taiwan, we are verified by the system, and our customers can pay by credit card, ATM, Web-ATM, and even at convenience stores like 7-11. Our customers can also pay in cash at delivery to the delivery man!
So, why us? Because we are trustworthy with your packages and with our delivery system! Also, because we are fast.

2Content count
AA的沙龍 的其他內容
『易達樂購集運』這是一間專注中國集運台灣的專線,我們的存在就是為了會員,有更好的選擇運輸品質!我們這輩子素未謀面,即便如此我們依就為您全力以赴。 提供中國購物平台等多類型貨物做合併跨境物流宅配到府(中國進口台灣空運服務),全程系統化作業,重量級距節省運費及包稅服務,時效2-3工作天支持刷卡、貨到付款
『易達樂購集運』這是一間專注中國集運台灣的專線,我們的存在就是為了會員,有更好的選擇運輸品質!我們這輩子素未謀面,即便如此我們依就為您全力以赴。 提供中國購物平台等多類型貨物做合併跨境物流宅配到府(中國進口台灣空運服務),全程系統化作業,重量級距節省運費及包稅服務,時效2-3工作天支持刷卡、貨到付款
1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
寧願當句點,也不當驚嘆號。 好不容易拿到對方的聯絡方式, 那種無比興奮的感覺, 當天一來一往的訊息讓人滿心歡喜, 然而過幾天,對話卻冷清得可憐,連廣告訊息的數量都比不上, 想著想著好不甘心,鼓起勇氣丟點什麼, 卻又還是被句點,被已讀不回, 那說不上來的椎心痛, 誰人知,誰人懂。 所以這次要跟大家說
首先, 我們該理解的是,自信不是一種行為,是一種狀態。 理解一件事情能不能做, 該不該做, 與會不會做, 是自信的核心價值, 而非只有想不想做。 能不能做=這件事情是否符合常理,自己能去做到 該不該做=這件事情是否違反道德觀念,或是影響他人感受 會不會做=當自己與上列兩者有所牴觸,是否能避免因情
男生在面臨很多事情前, 總會被所謂的自信心所左右, 尤其在異性面前。 多少是因為就算有自信也不知道該怎麼做, 想著要表現自己, 跟對方卻常常聊沒幾句就沒有下文, 這種不知為何的反覆失利,之後就可能變得沒自信。 然而,當市面上的雞湯文總說: ///////////////////// 人要相信自己
事緣早前我陷入了低潮期,徹底迷失在這場人生遊戲中(雖然現在仍舊迷茫),然後偶然跟朋友展開以下對話:   你有甚麼持之以恆的習慣? ……寫電影觀後感? 那為甚麼不試試開個page寫電影心得?  蹉跎到2021年,眼見未來雲開見月明的可能性越來越低,又懶又怕麻煩的我終於鼓起勇氣在不同平台講電影。
Aimee 是一位創作者、分享者、臺南藝術大學博物館研究生,現職為博物館人,致力於思考如何透過商業模式來幫助非營利機構永續生存的課題。平時喜歡思考、書寫以及藝術創作,「美的手記」是一個單純的個人分享空間,因為不想要被主流價值給綁架,所開創的一畝呼吸之地。透過個人所見所聞,為觀看者提供思想的激盪與啟
[歌詞翻譯/外電編譯] 希望這首歌盡可能為大家帶來片刻樂觀的意念,因為我認為要度過這艱難的時刻,為了身體健康與心靈平靜,保持樂觀是相當重要的。 -FINNEAS與華盛頓日報雜誌(WSJ. Magazine)採訪中說到
1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
寧願當句點,也不當驚嘆號。 好不容易拿到對方的聯絡方式, 那種無比興奮的感覺, 當天一來一往的訊息讓人滿心歡喜, 然而過幾天,對話卻冷清得可憐,連廣告訊息的數量都比不上, 想著想著好不甘心,鼓起勇氣丟點什麼, 卻又還是被句點,被已讀不回, 那說不上來的椎心痛, 誰人知,誰人懂。 所以這次要跟大家說
首先, 我們該理解的是,自信不是一種行為,是一種狀態。 理解一件事情能不能做, 該不該做, 與會不會做, 是自信的核心價值, 而非只有想不想做。 能不能做=這件事情是否符合常理,自己能去做到 該不該做=這件事情是否違反道德觀念,或是影響他人感受 會不會做=當自己與上列兩者有所牴觸,是否能避免因情
男生在面臨很多事情前, 總會被所謂的自信心所左右, 尤其在異性面前。 多少是因為就算有自信也不知道該怎麼做, 想著要表現自己, 跟對方卻常常聊沒幾句就沒有下文, 這種不知為何的反覆失利,之後就可能變得沒自信。 然而,當市面上的雞湯文總說: ///////////////////// 人要相信自己
事緣早前我陷入了低潮期,徹底迷失在這場人生遊戲中(雖然現在仍舊迷茫),然後偶然跟朋友展開以下對話:   你有甚麼持之以恆的習慣? ……寫電影觀後感? 那為甚麼不試試開個page寫電影心得?  蹉跎到2021年,眼見未來雲開見月明的可能性越來越低,又懶又怕麻煩的我終於鼓起勇氣在不同平台講電影。
Aimee 是一位創作者、分享者、臺南藝術大學博物館研究生,現職為博物館人,致力於思考如何透過商業模式來幫助非營利機構永續生存的課題。平時喜歡思考、書寫以及藝術創作,「美的手記」是一個單純的個人分享空間,因為不想要被主流價值給綁架,所開創的一畝呼吸之地。透過個人所見所聞,為觀看者提供思想的激盪與啟
[歌詞翻譯/外電編譯] 希望這首歌盡可能為大家帶來片刻樂觀的意念,因為我認為要度過這艱難的時刻,為了身體健康與心靈平靜,保持樂觀是相當重要的。 -FINNEAS與華盛頓日報雜誌(WSJ. Magazine)採訪中說到