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The Five Precepts and Cyber Scam
The Five Precepts and Cyber Scam
Recently, the Taiwanese media have reported extensively on cyber scams in Southeast Asia and associated human trafficking issues. Those who are involved in human trafficking, are employed in a cyber scam, frequently lured by incentives to earn much more than they presently are earning. Then, whether they are voluntarily or involuntarily involved, they face forced labor, abuse, sexual assault, other physical and mental abusing and torture. It is really very horrifying!
Cyber scams are a serious social problem, because the people being deceived not only lose money, but also the mutual trust between people is shaken. What's more, some people who are deceived by a cyber scammer, have lost all their life savings. Accordingly, their lifestyles are adversely affected. Such scams, there are many levels of the fraud and the scope of the scams and fraud involved. What is even more frightening is that cyber scams often include numerous human trafficking dealers. These cyber scam criminals, for the sake of money, deceive people of all ages by any means, and recruit them through job recruitment to commit cyber scams. If forced labor workers do not do as what the organizers dictate, they will be tortured with electric shocks, suffer from physical violence, be sexually abused, experience food deprivation, be isolated in water-jails, and be locked up in dark rooms, etc. Even those who voluntarily commit cyber scam, if their performance, meaning the amount of money to be gained by deceiving people, does not meet the requirements of the cyber scammer, they will experience the above-mentioned abuse just the same as those who are involuntarily forced to do the same work.
Because of the Covid-19 epidemic, the lives of many people have been affected. Some people have taken the risk to commit cyber scam while others have fallen into the hands of cyber scammers; lured by the promise of false high-paying advertisements, offered by the cyber scammer. Those who accept the enticement are subjected to various inhumane abuses.
Such social problems are no longer confined to Taiwan. Cyber scammers are now involved internationally, in criminal acts undertaken by organizations. These cyber scammers recruit or lure people from Taiwan, China, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai, India, Bangladesh, etc. to engage in cyber scams. They deceive people to gain illegal money by means of cyber scam from all over the world. This is already an issue that frequently hides in dark corners of the globe.
Many governments around the world have begun to remind their people to be more vigilant about cyber scams to protect their body, mind and money. Moreover, police departments of various countries are cooperating across countries to crack down on these cyber scammers. Even so, cyber scams still exist. Furthermore, there are people willing to do cyber scamming for money. And, those who are tricked into doing cyber scams, are frequently physically and mentally abused and tortured.
How can these tragedies be prevented?
The Five Precepts mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures, not killing, not stealing, not committing sexual misconduct, not lying, and not drinking alcohol or taking drugs, can provide a person's inner reflection and provide an umbrella of protection for ourselves and others.
If a person follows the trainings of not killing, not stealing, not committing sexual misconduct, not lying, and not drinking or taking drugs, cyber scammers cannot survive.
Do not kill: We cherish our lives. When we are sick, we go to see a doctor, take medicine, etc. Likewise, others cherish their lives too. No matter how others hurt us in any form, our bodies will hurt and our minds will suffer. If we harm other beings, they will also experience physical and mental pain just like we do. Not to kill is not just not to kill a being, but also not to inflict harm. If there is no killing, then there will be no abuse. If one has such loving-kindness, those forced labor abuses for illegal money from those cyber scammers will not arise.
No Stealing: Cyber scam itself is stealing. No one wants their money or possessions to be stolen. The same way, since we don't want to lose what we have, we shouldn't steal what doesn't belong to us. When we can think like this way, stealing other people's money and goods becomes a taboo in our hearts. Think if we've ever lost our beloved things? How did we feel at that time? Likewise, when we use high tech cyber scams to steal other people’s money, how much pain will those people feel when they find out that their money has been lost?
No sexual misconduct: We do not want our partner to have deviant affairs with others. Similarly, others do not want their partner to have deviant behavior with others. This is a most basic concept of non-sexual misconduct. However, the meaning of no sexual misconduct is not only on this level, but at a deeper level. It is the respect for a person's body and mind. Forcing others to engage in sexual conduct trading, raping people in order to force them to engage in cyber scam, are forms of "sexual misconduct." These activities disrespect and harm a person's body and mind. This is a very basic common sense. As a human being, if you can't even see this or follow it, you are worse than some animals. Some animals only produce instinctive mating behavior when the hormones of the opposite sex are high. Animals are driven by instinctive hormones, and have behaviors such as pan-copulation and forced copulation. However, those cyber scammers are like animals, consciously threatening, coercing, and abusing those innocent people who have been deceptively lured into cyber scam. This kind of behavior really shouldn't occur. If there is a belief in not committing adultery, sexual misconduct, these physical and mental abusing will not occur!
No telling lies: As the name implies, don't cheat, fabricate, or say things that are untrue. Anything that is inconsistent with one's heart and that does not tell the truth, in order to achieve the purpose of deceiving others and blinding the truth, cannot be done. Why? Because we don't like people doing this to us, and likewise, we shouldn't do this to others. In order to obtain illegal money, these cyber scammers use all kinds of false words and tricks to achieve their goals, illegally get money from others. Some even lead to the destruction of other people's families and loss of lives. If a person has the belief not to lie, and believes that being truthful can bring other people's true trust in us, and can also gain others' respect for us, then the cyber scam industry cannot exist.
不飲酒吸毒:酒與毒,導致一個人失去正常判斷力,進而導致各式各樣的悲劇,例如:車禍等等。失去正常的判斷力、失去正念,一個人可以做出平常不會、不敢做的事,例如殺人、打人、虐待人、說謊、強暴、偷竊等等。一個不吸毒飲酒的人,去做電信詐騙或落入電信詐騙集團的圈套的機會,就 會微乎其微。
Do not drink and use drugs: Alcohol and drugs cause a person to lose normal judgment, which in turn leads to various tragedies, such as car accidents and so on. Without normal judgment and mindful awareness, a person can do things that they would not normally do or dare to do; such as killing, beating, abusing, lying, raping, stealing, and so on. A person who does not use drugs or drink has little chance of committing cyber scam or falling into the trap of cyber scammer syndicates.
故此,佛經裏面說的五戒,實是一個準則可以提醒我們、保護我們。這不是關於宗教,而是一個任何人都可以理解的道理。把它當成一種訓練,訓練我們的心,培育我們的心, 淨化我們的心,而不是把它視爲一種宗教教。 如果社會上更多人能有五戒的信念,這個世界上,一個就會有少一點犯罪行爲,少一點社會問題,電信詐騙也會衰落式微。
Therefore, the Five Precepts mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures are actually guidelines that can remind us and protect us. This is not about religion, but a truth that anyone can understand. Take it as a training, training our heart, nurturing our heart, purifying our heart, not as religious teaching. If more people in society can have the belief of the Five Precepts, in this world, there will be less crime and less social problems, and cyber scammers will decline.
Santiyanee written in Chiang Mai
August 18, Buddhist Era 2565
    1Content count
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
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    圖:有熱心粉絲運用 AI 技術,巧妙地將高雄市議員陳美雅與《火影忍者》中的綱手結合,展現出兩位女性領袖的共同魅力。 【李婉如/ 報導】台北市長蔣萬安南下為自家國民黨的立委候選人對談,宣傳政見之餘聊到了彼此喜愛的動漫角色。因此有熱心粉絲運用 AI 技術,巧妙地將高雄市議員陳美雅與《火影忍者》中的
    解鎖草屯國姓甚至承諾的九份二山 我還是跑到更遠的埔里 不 我的目的是翻越一座山的武界 我只覺得它名字很熟 當我發現它不就是濁水溪的源頭 我內心開心不已外眼睛也為之一亮 是的 就是它了 我嘀咕著九份二山應該是極盡了 但我仍是無法抗拒它的誘惑 這是第幾次出發了呢 沒辦法總是到了一個
    念佛人的五戒與五常(象山慶’23.9.1) 《無量壽經》卷下:   今我於此世間作佛,處於五惡、五痛、五燒之中,為最劇苦。教化群生, 令捨五惡,令去五痛,令離五燒;降化其意,令持五善,獲其福德度世長壽泥洹之道。 此經卷下描述「末法眾生」廣造五惡而備受五痛、五燒之苦報;以此勸導眾生信佛念佛,往生
    最近有一個熱門的議題那就是柬埔寨的求職詐騙, 包括台灣民眾在內的各個國家的人士,被騙到當地打工, 以為是高薪的工作,最後可能淪為人力市場上被販賣的產品, 各種悲劇和慘烈的故事被曝光之後,越來越多的討論是有關於怎麼樣防止被經濟詐騙?!
    有些人說:不接近就不會受傷。但這句話到底是扼殺著一個給予自己的可能性,抹煞了一個團隊的努力,還是一個不想要離開舒適圈的借口呢?為什麼每月都有這麼多的被盜新聞,圈內人仍然選擇待在圈中,而且有更多的人正嘗試加入呢?到底要如何去避免自己受騙或被割,但又不會錯過那些擁有潛在價值的實力團體及 NFT 呢?
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    蹭著國旅券最後使用期限,上了旅遊平台參加了「武界一日輕旅行」。 也一年沒出門了,忙是藉口,疫情嚴峻更是最佳的理由。 一位熱情的旅遊司機嚮導、一對移居美國30年,退休回台探親的夫婦、一雙因長輩因緣,雖無血親但從小一起長大的姐妹花,是這趟旅程的同行夥伴
    圖:有熱心粉絲運用 AI 技術,巧妙地將高雄市議員陳美雅與《火影忍者》中的綱手結合,展現出兩位女性領袖的共同魅力。 【李婉如/ 報導】台北市長蔣萬安南下為自家國民黨的立委候選人對談,宣傳政見之餘聊到了彼此喜愛的動漫角色。因此有熱心粉絲運用 AI 技術,巧妙地將高雄市議員陳美雅與《火影忍者》中的
    解鎖草屯國姓甚至承諾的九份二山 我還是跑到更遠的埔里 不 我的目的是翻越一座山的武界 我只覺得它名字很熟 當我發現它不就是濁水溪的源頭 我內心開心不已外眼睛也為之一亮 是的 就是它了 我嘀咕著九份二山應該是極盡了 但我仍是無法抗拒它的誘惑 這是第幾次出發了呢 沒辦法總是到了一個
    念佛人的五戒與五常(象山慶’23.9.1) 《無量壽經》卷下:   今我於此世間作佛,處於五惡、五痛、五燒之中,為最劇苦。教化群生, 令捨五惡,令去五痛,令離五燒;降化其意,令持五善,獲其福德度世長壽泥洹之道。 此經卷下描述「末法眾生」廣造五惡而備受五痛、五燒之苦報;以此勸導眾生信佛念佛,往生
    最近有一個熱門的議題那就是柬埔寨的求職詐騙, 包括台灣民眾在內的各個國家的人士,被騙到當地打工, 以為是高薪的工作,最後可能淪為人力市場上被販賣的產品, 各種悲劇和慘烈的故事被曝光之後,越來越多的討論是有關於怎麼樣防止被經濟詐騙?!
    有些人說:不接近就不會受傷。但這句話到底是扼殺著一個給予自己的可能性,抹煞了一個團隊的努力,還是一個不想要離開舒適圈的借口呢?為什麼每月都有這麼多的被盜新聞,圈內人仍然選擇待在圈中,而且有更多的人正嘗試加入呢?到底要如何去避免自己受騙或被割,但又不會錯過那些擁有潛在價值的實力團體及 NFT 呢?