Pros and Cons of Being A Cockroach 3.

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"I know it's you. And I'm not shocked at all. For, one, I was secretly joking to myself that if this cockroach was a man, he then is the man I've seen the most.”
"I didn't know you thought of it."- Roach cannot believe he is talking to the lady already.
"One day, I was talking to myself that how nice it would be to have a company, even if he was a cockroach, and it'd be even better if it could talk. I have been thinking this thought since then, and I don't remember for how it's been. Last night, a spirit named herself the Goddess of the Lonely came into my dream, actually I am not sure it was a dream. It's like I was in between sleep and awake."
"She came to you too?"- Roach now believes everything is happening now is real.
"Yes, she told me: 'Anne, tomorrow after the sun comes down and when the moon rises, I'll have the little bug you've been seeing and feeding every night be a human man, to keep you company, to take away your loneliness. But you mustn't let him walk out of your apartment, or both of you will be punished, for the rest of your lives. Do you want it or not?' I didn't get too much time to think, and the answer just popped out so effortlessly. So here we are." -Anne replies.
Anne looks so naïve and innocent, like a 5-year-old girl, so happy to meet the boy just moved to next door and can't wait to play with him. The loneliness that she carried for centuries now is nowhere to be found.
They sit down at the kitchen table which has been here since the last tenant, or maybe many more previous tenants. Anne doesn't like it at all because it is too big for the kitchen, and it's made of glass. Besides, she never has so many guests to fill the seats around the table.
Roach very quickly starts preparing the tea. He knows where the tea is, where the tea pot is, where the cups are, like he has been living here as long as Anne has. Well, remember, when he was the cockroach, he had been through everywhere and everything in this apartment. All Anne has to do is be seated and be served. It's quite an experience, she has been living alone for a long time after all, and it's the first time someone waits on her. Every night Roach shows up, they sit down at the table or they get cozy on the couch in the living room, having their teas and talking through the night.
So Roach gets to know Anne. She's a middle-aged woman. Has seen the world when she was younger. She worked in Europe for years. She's been through a lot of turmoil and ended up alone. She stays at home a lot because all though she worked for some organizations she found her passion for words and languages, and for working solitarily. She spends most of her time doing translation and writing, that's the way she makes living. She doesn't often go out except sometimes when she eagers for fresh air.
They have a great time together. Roach would share his experience as a cockroach, where he has been, what he has seen through the senses of a cockroach, and he tells the secrets he knows about the neighbors upstairs, downstairs, next doors. Anne would laugh, sometimes weep and some other times her jaw falls for how ridiculous things could get and people could be. Sometimes she just can't believe what can happen behind those walls, and listening to what Roach has to say is so much fun, as if she had traveled as a bug with him.
Anne feels consolation. "This man, though actually a cockroach, knows me better and is right here with me more frequently than any friends of mine, or those once boyfriends or lovers, or even the ex-husband."
23Content count
黃金花枝圈的沙龍 的其他內容
One night when the cockroach falls asleep, a spirit comes into its dream, and the spirit whispers.....
長著獅爪、山羊角與紅眼睛的白馬 瓦爾基麗亞馳騁其上.......
Every night before she goes to bed, she heads to her kitchen to pour herself a mug of hot water and drinks it as a part of the.....
One night when the cockroach falls asleep, a spirit comes into its dream, and the spirit whispers.....
長著獅爪、山羊角與紅眼睛的白馬 瓦爾基麗亞馳騁其上.......
Every night before she goes to bed, she heads to her kitchen to pour herself a mug of hot water and drinks it as a part of the.....
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
"Golden-Prosperity Street, January 8th" was honored to be included in the 2022 collection
以1968年的潛水腕錶為設計藍本,結合擁有豐富生態系的沖繩西表島(Iriomote)特色,不鏽鋼錶殼搭配綠色面盤,完美地將日本自然風光與製錶工藝融合。 由SEIKO岩手縣雫石製錶廠製造且手工組裝而成,設計靈感來自SEIKO 1968年潛水錶,錶殼線條俐落堅固。深綠色錶盤中秒針與防水深度指示以金色點
  雖然這不是一個具有共識的說法,但從這裡要討論的角度來說,現在已經進入了一個Web 2.5(或後2.0)的時代。如果要找一個關鍵詞來說明從Web 2.0到2.5,那個關鍵詞會是「使用者生成內容」(User-Generated Content,簡稱UGC)。
高中時期的我,一定沒想到,在台灣也能看韓國原創音樂劇!大部分來台灣的音樂劇作品都是耳熟能詳的大製作《貓》、《悲慘世界》⋯⋯等等,還是很感謝C Musical 讓這一切成真,這樣小而治癒的原創作品是我更喜歡的,平日晚間仍然座無虛席。 我總是帶著問號進劇場,而這一齣音樂劇,也同樣讓我帶著些許自我懷疑離
原蟬 (Prosholidae sp.)   年代:晚侏羅紀至早白堊紀 (Late Jurassic  ~ Early Cretaceous  150 mya~125 mya) 產地:中國遼寧北票市黃半吉溝 (Huangbanjigou, Beipiao of western
#韓劇#真正勝負#真劍勝負#진검승부#BadProsecutor#韓国ドラマ #koreandrama 劇情簡介: 此劇講述了真正的檢察官陳正(都敬秀飾), 把自己偽裝成弔兒郎當的不良檢察官,為了弱者和受害者,為了實現正義,痛快地粉碎檢察官組織和韓國國內所有腐敗的故事。
女人的性能量,可療癒跟轉化男人。 我第一次接觸到這個概念,是在看《妳天生就是性愛女神》這本書的時候我也十分有共鳴: 在蘇美人的記載當中,一個女祭司/寺廟娼妓是潔淨、未玷污的。她們能夠透過與男人做愛,將一個狂野充滿獸性的人,轉變成成熟的男人。她幫助男人變得有智慧,並且透過她的性能量讓男人「有如神一般」
The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
"Golden-Prosperity Street, January 8th" was honored to be included in the 2022 collection
以1968年的潛水腕錶為設計藍本,結合擁有豐富生態系的沖繩西表島(Iriomote)特色,不鏽鋼錶殼搭配綠色面盤,完美地將日本自然風光與製錶工藝融合。 由SEIKO岩手縣雫石製錶廠製造且手工組裝而成,設計靈感來自SEIKO 1968年潛水錶,錶殼線條俐落堅固。深綠色錶盤中秒針與防水深度指示以金色點
  雖然這不是一個具有共識的說法,但從這裡要討論的角度來說,現在已經進入了一個Web 2.5(或後2.0)的時代。如果要找一個關鍵詞來說明從Web 2.0到2.5,那個關鍵詞會是「使用者生成內容」(User-Generated Content,簡稱UGC)。
高中時期的我,一定沒想到,在台灣也能看韓國原創音樂劇!大部分來台灣的音樂劇作品都是耳熟能詳的大製作《貓》、《悲慘世界》⋯⋯等等,還是很感謝C Musical 讓這一切成真,這樣小而治癒的原創作品是我更喜歡的,平日晚間仍然座無虛席。 我總是帶著問號進劇場,而這一齣音樂劇,也同樣讓我帶著些許自我懷疑離
原蟬 (Prosholidae sp.)   年代:晚侏羅紀至早白堊紀 (Late Jurassic  ~ Early Cretaceous  150 mya~125 mya) 產地:中國遼寧北票市黃半吉溝 (Huangbanjigou, Beipiao of western
#韓劇#真正勝負#真劍勝負#진검승부#BadProsecutor#韓国ドラマ #koreandrama 劇情簡介: 此劇講述了真正的檢察官陳正(都敬秀飾), 把自己偽裝成弔兒郎當的不良檢察官,為了弱者和受害者,為了實現正義,痛快地粉碎檢察官組織和韓國國內所有腐敗的故事。
女人的性能量,可療癒跟轉化男人。 我第一次接觸到這個概念,是在看《妳天生就是性愛女神》這本書的時候我也十分有共鳴: 在蘇美人的記載當中,一個女祭司/寺廟娼妓是潔淨、未玷污的。她們能夠透過與男人做愛,將一個狂野充滿獸性的人,轉變成成熟的男人。她幫助男人變得有智慧,並且透過她的性能量讓男人「有如神一般」
The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty