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US forfeits $2.1 million worth of property purchased with alleged bribes paid to the family of the former president of Taiwan◎ICE(2012.11.14)

Manhattan condominium and Virginia residence forfeited

WASHINGTON – The Department of Justice (DOJ) has forfeited a Manhattan condominium and a Virginia residence with a combined value of nearly $2.1 million.  These properties were purchased with the proceeds of bribes paid to the family of former Taiwanese President Shui-Bian Chen. These efforts stem from an investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and DOJ's Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative.

On Oct. 23, U.S. District Judge Norman Moon, Western District of Virginia, entered a final forfeiture judgment against a residence in Keswick, Va., and on Oct. 24, U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest, Southern District of New York, entered a final forfeiture judgment against a condominium in Manhattan. Both properties were previously owned by the former first family of Taiwan through a British Virgin Islands shell company.

Earlier today, HSI special agents took possession of the Virginia property. The title of the Manhattan condominium has been vested through court order to the government.

According to the civil forfeiture complaints filed in this case, during former President Chen's administration, Yuanta Securities Co. Ltd. paid a bribe of 200 million New Taiwan dollars ($6 million) to former first lady Sue-Jen Wu in 2004. This bribe was paid to ensure that the Taiwanese government would not oppose Yuanta's bid to acquire a financial holding company.

The former first family used Hong Kong and Swiss bank accounts, British Virgin Islands companies, and a St. Kitts and Nevis trust to purchase the two properties. One of the shell companies, Avallo Limited, which held titles to both properties through U.S. domestic companies, settled both forfeiture actions under terms that provide for the sale of the property and forfeiture to the U.S. government of approximately 85 percent of the net proceeds from the sale of both properties.

"This most recent seizure of luxury properties in New York City and Keswick, Va., belonging to the son of the former president of Taiwan Shui-Bian Chen, is part of a continued effort by HSI special agents to identify, locate and seize properties and accounts in the United States belonging to him and his family," said ICE Director John Morton. "HSI will continue to find and seize the U.S. assets of foreign corrupt officials who try to use our country to conceal the illicit proceeds and profits of their crimes."

"The Kleptocracy Initiative was established to prevent corrupt leaders from using the United States as a safe haven for their ill-gotten gains," said Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer. "The former president of Taiwan's family allegedly accepted millions in bribes in exchange for official action favoring Yuanta Securities, and we have now taken possession of two valuable properties purchased with their alleged spoils. We are committed to using every tool available to root out foreign official corruption."

The case was investigated by HSI's Foreign Corruption Investigations Group, HSI's Miami Asset Identification and Removal Group and HSI Hong Kong. HSI was assisted by Taiwan's Ministry of Justice, Special Investigations Division.

HSI's Foreign Corruption Investigations Group in Miami targets corrupt foreign officials around the world that attempt to utilize U.S. financial institutions to launder illicit funds. The group conducts investigations into the laundering of proceeds emanating from foreign public corruption, bribery or embezzlement. The objective is to prevent foreign derived ill-gotten gains from entering the U.S. financial infrastructure, to seize identified assets in the United States and repatriate these funds on behalf of those affected.

The case was prosecuted by Deputy Chief Linda Samuel and Trial Attorney Jennifer Wallis of the DOJ Criminal Division's Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section. The Criminal Division's Office of International Affairs provided valuable assistance.

This case is part of the DOJ's Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative. This initiative is carried out by a dedicated team of prosecutors in the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, working in partnership with federal law enforcement agencies to forfeit the proceeds of foreign official corruption and where appropriate return those proceeds to benefit those harmed.

Individuals with information about possible proceeds of foreign corruption located in or laundered through institutions in the United States should contact federal law enforcement or send an email to kleptocracy@usdoj.gov.


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    根據外媒 Semafor 引述「知情人士」的消息,美國司法部(DoJ)正在考慮指控全球最大加密貨幣交易所幣安 Binance 詐欺,但他們之所以仍未起訴幣安,是擔心用戶恐慌所導致的擠兌,或將再度上演 FTX 破產事件等級的災難。該報導稱,美國司法部正尋求其他訴訟方式,諸如罰款、暫緩起訴或協商不起訴。
    今日幣圈大小事早知道: 幣安試圖招募Gary Gensler 美國司法部推動對FTX崩盤的獨立調查 Elon Musk轉移注意力致狗狗幣下跌 Polygon代幣今年上漲61% 最新加密貨幣資訊 幣安對與美國的關係感到不安,試圖招募Gary Gensler 據華爾街日報報導,幣安團隊擔心美國監管機構會
    2021年1月20日,拜登(Joe Biden)宣誓就職,成為繼奧巴馬(Barack Obama,又譯作歐巴馬)、特朗普(Donald Trump,又譯作川普)後,第三位處理阿富汗撤軍問題的美國總統。(本篇為系列文章之三)
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
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    面對未知時我們總是恐懼,魚龍混雜的看法總是讓人害怕迷茫,有時還會增加焦慮 讓曾經勇敢過,現在也正在勇敢的我,陪著你熬過令人低落的時刻
    美國司法部(DOJ)於週四對蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)提出訴訟,聲稱其iPhone生態系統形成了壟斷市場,這不僅推高了蘋果的“天文估值”,同時也以消費者、開發人員以及競爭手機製造商的利益為代價。
    根據外媒 Semafor 引述「知情人士」的消息,美國司法部(DoJ)正在考慮指控全球最大加密貨幣交易所幣安 Binance 詐欺,但他們之所以仍未起訴幣安,是擔心用戶恐慌所導致的擠兌,或將再度上演 FTX 破產事件等級的災難。該報導稱,美國司法部正尋求其他訴訟方式,諸如罰款、暫緩起訴或協商不起訴。
    今日幣圈大小事早知道: 幣安試圖招募Gary Gensler 美國司法部推動對FTX崩盤的獨立調查 Elon Musk轉移注意力致狗狗幣下跌 Polygon代幣今年上漲61% 最新加密貨幣資訊 幣安對與美國的關係感到不安,試圖招募Gary Gensler 據華爾街日報報導,幣安團隊擔心美國監管機構會
    2021年1月20日,拜登(Joe Biden)宣誓就職,成為繼奧巴馬(Barack Obama,又譯作歐巴馬)、特朗普(Donald Trump,又譯作川普)後,第三位處理阿富汗撤軍問題的美國總統。(本篇為系列文章之三)