The seller chooses T/T or D/A payment; which is better?

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In international trade, T/T 30 days and D/A 30 days are standard payment methods, but their benefits to the seller differ.
Sellers can receive payments faster to maintain their liquidity and operations. T/T 30 days mean the buyer pays within 30 days of receiving the goods. This method is relatively beneficial to the seller because the buyer must pay immediately after receiving the goods.
D/A 30 days mean the buyer can pay after receiving the acceptance document within 30 days. This is beneficial to the buyer as they have a longer time to raise funds after delivery, but not to the seller as the seller has to wait for the buyer to receive the goods and the document of acceptance before receiving payment. If the buyer cannot honor the record, the seller may risk not receiving pay.
Therefore, T/T 30 days are more beneficial to the seller because it can guarantee the seller receives the money quickly, and the risk is lower. However, it also depends on the creditworthiness and financial situation of the buyer. D/A 30 days may also be a better choice for the seller if the buyer has high creditworthiness and can pay promptly, providing the buyer with more flexibility and convenience because at least the buyer needs to go to his correspondent bank to make a "guaranteed payment acceptance bill" after 30 days and have the minimum performance documents. If the other party fails to pay by then:
  • At least he will have a bad credit record in his bank (the bad credit record will affect the buyer's rejection of any bank loans in the future).
  • Due to the process mentioned above and the provision of relevant documents and certificates, there is sufficient evidence when a trade dispute arises in arbitration or resort to law.
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    bobwang@Letsgo的沙龍 的其他內容
    在國際貿易中,T/T 30天和D/A 30天都是常見的付款方式,但它們對賣方的利益是不同的。 T/T 30天是指買方在收到貨物後30天內進行付款。這種方式對賣方相對較有利,因為買方必須在收到貨物後立即付款。賣方可以更快地收到款項,以維持其資金流動性和營運運營。
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    This article introduces the solutions drivers should take when they find that the goods are missing when exporting them in Taiwan and China. The artic
    在國際貿易中,T/T 30天和D/A 30天都是常見的付款方式,但它們對賣方的利益是不同的。 T/T 30天是指買方在收到貨物後30天內進行付款。這種方式對賣方相對較有利,因為買方必須在收到貨物後立即付款。賣方可以更快地收到款項,以維持其資金流動性和營運運營。
    This article introduces the general procedure of Taiwan’s subcontracted processing export and import, including five steps: (1) Apply for inspection a
    這篇文章介紹了台灣委外加工出口入口的一般程序,包括五個步驟:(1) 出口前申請備查並檢附文件;(2) 出口時填列報單並檢附用料清表;(3) 出口時申請留樣並自行保管;(4) 復運進口時填列報單並檢附用料清表;(5) 復運進口時核對留樣與取樣,或提供相關證明文件。
    This article introduces the solutions drivers should take when they find that the goods are missing when exporting them in Taiwan and China. The artic
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    網購,對忙碌的現代人是添購日用品最佳的方式。 若買到故障的瑕疵品,賣家不肯退款, 不能接受你給的一星負評,留言罵他是騙子! 惱羞成怒展開報復行動,天天活在恐懼中的你, 是否會悔不當初那刻的貪圖方便,貪小便宜呢? 搬了新家的秀賢(申惠善 飾演),急需買台洗衣機。 但她負責的新店裝潢工程,因
    為自己安排社交活動,是第六天的功課。 約一個很就沒有見面的朋友咖啡,或是以前一起工作總是逗得你哈哈大笑的同事吃午餐。 這些我們有意識投入時間與精力的社交活動,跟我們的幸福息息相關。這些與其他人接觸的頻率及質量,都是幸福感重要的指標。 這裡的keyword是友情的質量。一些你珍惜並且想要保持連絡的朋友
    I can feel your interest towards me I know that I can make you feel like you fell in love in a heartbeat But I know if that's real I can feel the ener
    最可怕的不是失去生命,而是被獨自留下。「若是,你們其中之一出事了(另一個人)怎麼辦?」 但也許這也應出,我成功長大了,但並不是個快樂的孩子,或者是我是個快樂的孩子,但我並沒有辨別、感受到父母給我的愛。也許真實感受到愛的人,才有勇氣承擔養育孩子的挑戰(但是偏偏周遭很多反例)。
    Can you imagine a comedy that teaches you philosophy? Here’re 3 reasons why you should watch “The Good Place”. No spoilers guaranteed!
    Throughout my tenure at Taipei City Government, I sought to actualize an open door policy and make my office a one-stop shop for all members of Taipei
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    New York, NY - June 15, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - Recently, the TE Group has launched PCMP, the solution for proactive health management. The Preventative
    準時起床 看了一部好電影 嚴格來說 是一個電影解說 ~朝聖之路~ 女兒幫我按摩 我們一起做完空中腳踏車後 本來要關燈了 女鵝問:好像還有一件事 主動幫我按摩 心很暖 有房子住 有東西吃 凌晨起床 在電鍋放了早餐 家人睡醒就可以吃
    網購,對忙碌的現代人是添購日用品最佳的方式。 若買到故障的瑕疵品,賣家不肯退款, 不能接受你給的一星負評,留言罵他是騙子! 惱羞成怒展開報復行動,天天活在恐懼中的你, 是否會悔不當初那刻的貪圖方便,貪小便宜呢? 搬了新家的秀賢(申惠善 飾演),急需買台洗衣機。 但她負責的新店裝潢工程,因
    為自己安排社交活動,是第六天的功課。 約一個很就沒有見面的朋友咖啡,或是以前一起工作總是逗得你哈哈大笑的同事吃午餐。 這些我們有意識投入時間與精力的社交活動,跟我們的幸福息息相關。這些與其他人接觸的頻率及質量,都是幸福感重要的指標。 這裡的keyword是友情的質量。一些你珍惜並且想要保持連絡的朋友
    I can feel your interest towards me I know that I can make you feel like you fell in love in a heartbeat But I know if that's real I can feel the ener
    最可怕的不是失去生命,而是被獨自留下。「若是,你們其中之一出事了(另一個人)怎麼辦?」 但也許這也應出,我成功長大了,但並不是個快樂的孩子,或者是我是個快樂的孩子,但我並沒有辨別、感受到父母給我的愛。也許真實感受到愛的人,才有勇氣承擔養育孩子的挑戰(但是偏偏周遭很多反例)。
    Can you imagine a comedy that teaches you philosophy? Here’re 3 reasons why you should watch “The Good Place”. No spoilers guaranteed!
    Throughout my tenure at Taipei City Government, I sought to actualize an open door policy and make my office a one-stop shop for all members of Taipei