The carbon tax is coming, how can OEMs avoid risks!

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From the manufacturer's perspective, as a joint brand owner, can OEMs levy a carbon tax on new and remanufactured products? In addition, will carbon tax affect the procurement policy of the company's supply chain, and how can we reduce the cost of carbon tax risk?

The implementation of carbon taxes may have an impact on supply chain procurement policies. When facing a carbon tax, companies often consider purchasing raw materials and components with low carbon emissions to reduce carbon emissions in the product life cycle. This could lead to a reassessment and adjustment of the supply chain, looking for more environmentally friendly and low-carbon alternatives or suppliers.
First, we need to understand what a carbon tax is. A carbon tax is a fee levied on greenhouse gas emissions that aims to make emitters bear the cost of the environmental damage caused by carbon emissions and provide an economic incentive to reduce emissions. A carbon tax can be a special public tax (Sonderabgaben), such as an air pollution charge or a specific purpose tax (green impact. cc). Different countries or regions have other carbon tax systems. For example, Singapore, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, etc., all charge some fees for carbon emissions (green impact. cc, 2023).
Second, we need to understand what is a carbon border tax. The carbon border tax is a special tariff on carbon dioxide emissions imposed on imported high-energy-consuming products. It is mainly levied on carbon-intensive products (high-carbon emission products) among imported products. Products with higher carbon emissions in manufacturing will have to pay a higher carbon border tax. The European Union has announced the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), which regulates that high-carbon emission products imported into the European Union must set a fair price for the carbon emitted during the production process to encourage companies in non-EU countries to move towards the clean industrial chain. In addition, the United States, Japan, and South Korea have also considered or proposed related carbon border tax policies (, 2023) (, 2023).
Next, we analyze the possibility that the OEM, as a joint brand owner, can impose a carbon tax on new and remanufactured products. There is no clear answer to this question, as different countries may have additional regulations or standards defining what constitutes new and remanufactured products and how their respective carbon emissions are calculated and taxed. In general, OEMs may face higher cost pressures or Competitiveness drops. However, suppose the OEM's new and remanufactured products have lower carbon emissions during the production process or have paid a carbon fee or carbon tax equivalent to or higher than that of the destination trading body at the export location. In that case, the OEM may be exempted or pay less carbon border tax (, 2023)(e.g.,, 2023).
Finally, we want to analyze whether a carbon tax will affect the procurement policy of the supply chain and how to reduce the cost risk of a carbon tax. Generally speaking, if there are many high-carbon emission production links or sources in the supply chain, the cost and risk of the supply chain may increase when faced with differences in carbon prices between different trading entities. There is also no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as other supply chains may have different compositions, characteristics, resilience, and adaptability. Therefore, the supply chain may need to adjust procurement policies, such as finding lower carbon emissions or more sustainable raw materials, parts, equipment, services, etc.; improving production efficiency and energy use; transitioning to cleaner or renewable energy sources; reducing logistics, Shipping, and packing, etc. In addition, the supply chain can also manage and report the carbon footprint of itself and its partners by establishing a more transparent and traceable information system; demonstrate social responsibility by participating in voluntary or mandatory emission reduction programs; invest in innovative technologies or Models to create differentiated advantages, etc. (, 2023) (, 2023).
To reduce the risks posed by carbon taxes, companies can take the following measures:
  • Improve energy efficiency: Reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions by improving production processes and using more efficient equipment.
  • Use renewable energy: Switch to renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.
  • We are optimizing the supply chain: Work with suppliers to promote low-carbon measures, such as reducing transportation emissions or using sustainability.
  • Support carbon emissions: Establish an effective carbon emissions tracking and reporting system to keep abreast of the company's carbon footprint and formulate corresponding emission reduction strategies.
Taking the above measures into consideration, enterprises can better reduce the risks brought by the carbon tax and promote sustainable supply chain management.
As a joint brand owner, the OEM imposes a carbon tax on new and remanufactured products. How to reduce risks and maintain a competitive advantage in the market:
  • Carbon tax cost: Imposing a carbon tax will increase production costs for OEMs. The carbon tax rate may be determined based on the carbon emissions of products, so products with high carbon emissions will bear a higher tax burden. This could have an impact on OEM profitability and competitiveness.
  • Carbon emission management: OEMs will need to pay more attention to product carbon emission management to avoid high carbon tax payments. This could involve using greener production techniques, sourcing low-carbon raw materials, and reducing energy consumption. This will require additional investment and effort to improve production processes and supply chain management.
  • Supply chain impact: Implementing a carbon tax could lead to changes in supply chains. This may affect supply chain reliability, cost, and sustainability and requires supplier evaluation and selection. As an OEM, you may need to work with your suppliers to ensure they also take steps to reduce emissions and provide carbon-compliant raw materials and components.
  • Competitive advantage in the market: Once the carbon tax is implemented, OEMs that adopt low-carbon measures may gain a competitive advantage. Consumers are increasingly concerned about environmentally friendly products, while reducing carbon emissions may be seen as an advantage for brand image and market competitiveness.
OEMs can take the abovementioned measures and pay close attention to relevant policy and regulatory changes to reduce the risks brought about by carbon tax. In addition, cooperate with other stakeholders such as the government, industry associations, and environmental protection organizations to jointly promote the carbon emission reduction and sustainable development agenda to reduce the negative impact of a carbon tax on enterprises.

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本文分析了作為共同的品牌所有者,OEM 可以對新產品和再製造產品徵碳稅的可能性,以及碳稅是否會影響供應鏈的採購政策,該如何降低碳稅成本風險。首先,本文介紹了碳稅和碳邊境稅的概念和目的,並列舉了一些實施或計劃實施這些稅收制度的國家或地區。其次,本文從法規、標準、碳排放量等方面探討了OEM 對新產品和再
This article introduces the approximate sailing time from important ports in Taiwan to ports of different destinations and the shipping companies and
This article introduces the differences between general processing trade enterprises and processing trade project-specific enterprises regarding bonde
本文介紹了一般加工貿易企業與加工貿易專項企業在保稅優惠方面的區別。 本文解釋說,前者通常必須支付進口關稅,然後在出口成品時申請退稅。 同時,後者在進口原材料時可享受進口關稅減免。 文章內容還指出,具體的保稅優惠政策可能因地區或行業而異,並會隨著時間的推移而變化,因此加工製造商應諮詢專業機構或當地海關
This article is a case study of a fire accident that occurred on a ship carrying goods from China to the UK. The seller and the buyer had agreed on CF
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
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New York, NY - June 15, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - Recently, the TE Group has launched PCMP, the solution for proactive health management. The Preventative
準時起床 看了一部好電影 嚴格來說 是一個電影解說 ~朝聖之路~ 女兒幫我按摩 我們一起做完空中腳踏車後 本來要關燈了 女鵝問:好像還有一件事 主動幫我按摩 心很暖 有房子住 有東西吃 凌晨起床 在電鍋放了早餐 家人睡醒就可以吃
一本揭露所有關於碳的真相,並即時改變之書。 The Carbon Almanac Network (碳年鑑網路團隊)。城邦文化。202209。陳正芬、何玉方譯。 ❦推薦給:對碳相關氣候生態議題還未入門的小白、想補充更新、更多、更量化的碳知識的人。而且請趕快閱讀,因為碳觀念更新得很快…… 這真
老規矩,邊聽歌邊看文字吧。 看到標題應該都會以為是at17的歌吧? 那天看到推薦歌單有這首歌,想說天吶,那是多久遠的事情了。 那一年配著電影畫面然後加上這首歌,陪伴了我很長一段時間。 上次發這個專題的文章已經是23天前。 妳們知道23天可以改變什麼嗎? 根據行為心理學研究指出,21天可以改變原有
最可怕的不是失去生命,而是被獨自留下。「若是,你們其中之一出事了(另一個人)怎麼辦?」 但也許這也應出,我成功長大了,但並不是個快樂的孩子,或者是我是個快樂的孩子,但我並沒有辨別、感受到父母給我的愛。也許真實感受到愛的人,才有勇氣承擔養育孩子的挑戰(但是偏偏周遭很多反例)。
We recently came back to the States for the summer, my lovely wife and I, as we so often do. And we set about doing normal people stuff, by which I me
台灣南投 || 杉林溪森林生態渡假園區 翻閱今年初的日記 那時候的我仍然反覆經歷飲食失調的痛苦與掙扎 總覺得已經是好久以前了 這些文字記錄了曾經的黑暗,同時也見證了自己的成長 這幾年 失去了一些東西,修了幾門人生課題,也挖掘出新的自己 練習感受,學著接受,懂得享受 重新定義自己的樣子,體會
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
New York, NY - June 15, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - Recently, the TE Group has launched PCMP, the solution for proactive health management. The Preventative
準時起床 看了一部好電影 嚴格來說 是一個電影解說 ~朝聖之路~ 女兒幫我按摩 我們一起做完空中腳踏車後 本來要關燈了 女鵝問:好像還有一件事 主動幫我按摩 心很暖 有房子住 有東西吃 凌晨起床 在電鍋放了早餐 家人睡醒就可以吃
一本揭露所有關於碳的真相,並即時改變之書。 The Carbon Almanac Network (碳年鑑網路團隊)。城邦文化。202209。陳正芬、何玉方譯。 ❦推薦給:對碳相關氣候生態議題還未入門的小白、想補充更新、更多、更量化的碳知識的人。而且請趕快閱讀,因為碳觀念更新得很快…… 這真
老規矩,邊聽歌邊看文字吧。 看到標題應該都會以為是at17的歌吧? 那天看到推薦歌單有這首歌,想說天吶,那是多久遠的事情了。 那一年配著電影畫面然後加上這首歌,陪伴了我很長一段時間。 上次發這個專題的文章已經是23天前。 妳們知道23天可以改變什麼嗎? 根據行為心理學研究指出,21天可以改變原有
最可怕的不是失去生命,而是被獨自留下。「若是,你們其中之一出事了(另一個人)怎麼辦?」 但也許這也應出,我成功長大了,但並不是個快樂的孩子,或者是我是個快樂的孩子,但我並沒有辨別、感受到父母給我的愛。也許真實感受到愛的人,才有勇氣承擔養育孩子的挑戰(但是偏偏周遭很多反例)。
We recently came back to the States for the summer, my lovely wife and I, as we so often do. And we set about doing normal people stuff, by which I me
台灣南投 || 杉林溪森林生態渡假園區 翻閱今年初的日記 那時候的我仍然反覆經歷飲食失調的痛苦與掙扎 總覺得已經是好久以前了 這些文字記錄了曾經的黑暗,同時也見證了自己的成長 這幾年 失去了一些東西,修了幾門人生課題,也挖掘出新的自己 練習感受,學著接受,懂得享受 重新定義自己的樣子,體會