
閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

來源: 6 Minute English-What's the key to happiness?

いただきます/ 圖片來源:Loose Drawing/ https://loosedrawing.com/

いただきます/ 圖片來源:Loose Drawing/ https://loosedrawing.com/


There are tips for finding happiness, as well as those for avoiding unhappiness.
Experts recommend seeking alignment, practicing gratitude, and being mindful of how we respond to life events and the extent to which we compare ourselves to others.
Seeking alignment means ensuring that your actions and emotions are in harmony.
It involves being aware of what we're doing and finding happiness in it, as the Chinese saying goes 表裡如一.
When it comes to happiness, gratitude is the path to happiness. We can practice gratitude by finding three things, no matter how small, to be thankful for each day.
For example, drinking clean water, being grateful for each breath, and appreciating our family members.
Another aspect is viewing things with a positive perspective, like considering whether the glass is half empty or half full.
It's common to compare ourselves to others, but how can we make it beneficial for ourselves?
The book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind emphasizes this concept.
We can appreciate someone who has achieved what you aspire to.
Viewing things positively and with gratitude is essential.
Remember, it's a poor workman who blames his tools isn't correct attitude.
Finally, we should carefully consider seeking happiness in external possessions.
The experts warn us to avoid becoming a victims of hedonic treadmill.
This phenomenon suggests that we easily adapt to our improved cirumstances and the desire even more, even when it's unnecessary.
This might manifest in purchasing better cars, beatiful clothing, owning luxury goods, chasing higher income, or pursuing perfect partner.
If we confuse happiness with pleasure, we can find ourselves stuck in a never-ending cycle, much like a hamster running endlessly on a wheel.
Happiness and pleasure are distinct. The former is enduring and consistent, while the latter is fleeting and characterized by ups and downs.


  • seeing the glass half full- looking at things in a positive way.
  • alignment- being in the correct relation to things.
  • gratitude- being grateful and giving thanks.
  • satisfaction- the pleasant feeling of achieving something you really wanted to.
  • a victim of the hedonic treadmill-
    • hedonic treadmill- the human tendency to return to the same level of happiness after something very good or very bad has happened.
    • victim- someone or something that has been hurtdamaged, or killed or has suffered, either because of the actions of someone or something else, or because of illness or chance.


  • among
    • I search for meats among the salad.
    • I saw a few familiar faces among the crowd.
  • seeing the glass half empty & full
    • My lifestyle is always seeing the glass half full.
    • Amy is always seeing the glass half empty.
  • seem to be out of our control
    • Economy seem to be out of our control.
    • Child seem to be out of our control.
    Camping is all about turning adversity into wonderful experiences.
    學習焦點: go on , pick up , come back
    Camping is all about turning adversity into wonderful experiences.
    學習焦點: go on , pick up , come back
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    如果神給了人類一份禮物 那或許是時間 因為只有有限的一切 才能讓人珍惜
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    我從不知道,我是否走在對的方向之上 如果這一切結束了,請你叫醒我
    如果神給了人類一份禮物 那或許是時間 因為只有有限的一切 才能讓人珍惜
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