
閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

I have a lot of interests mainly because I am open to many things. This is not just a general idea, to be open to many things is very important. The willingness to discover the world that I am used to, or the way I used to do. Walk out of comfort zone, be not afraid of failure. Bear the critical time while struggling in the high cliff of learning curve stage. Create my own zone.

I like sports: baseball, basketball, running, swimming, biking, anatomy, kinesiology, outdoor activities, textile, literature, aboriginal culture, travel, photography...etc still adding.

The most serious topic I focus on these years, is the film photography that acquires analogue material(film and chemistry) to create the image of its own. By that darkroom lab is another requirement, or I shall say it is "a" way of (can be part of the method) create art. Anyway, I had thought I am totally "in" until I participated in an event held in Tainan, called Photo Go.

Basically, I know how to take pictures, I admire the power and zest that brought by images created from film, and I love making prints in darkroom. And then what? I had never asked myself this question.

It was in a winter time, when I attended the event, having a table listing many of works that I loved and created (photographed, and developed into the style I preferred) by myself. For many times, people passed by my table, and chatted a little bit about the pictures, and never neglect the question :"hey, what is your focus, or topic." The next day, I met Huang on my table when he reviewed my "listing" and asked if I have any question? I said so far no. He replied "yeh, it is due to you do not have one... you don't find them, them find you." Also I met some few other reviewers having the similar reaction like what is this?

By that, I had found myself out of circle of "knowing what I am doing."

I am pretty ashamed and regret being foolish by listing a bunch of photos and saying nothing with no questions. Question marks are crowded in my head.

Good friend of mine once said that time will come and I will know it when it is time. That is, I may have been doing something, but I don't know yet. I will know someday.

From then on, I still do film photography, still make prints from my own darkroom lab. I take it more seriously that I will not release shutter if I am not sure, and I will not make prints to just experiment something I already know that might turn out no closer to my perfection. I do study my doubts much more then before.

Just few days ago, the news about Entry of Photo Go 2023 popped out again from my FB page, I smiled. With bitter, with sweet, with little sour maybe from the uncertainty, I appreciate and thank the event, that leads me to reflect myself and assess the status of my creation.

Perhaps, I am advanced a little, I am in-between "I know I am not ready" and "I don't know, yet."

Self-reflection now may be adding to one of my new interests!

PhotoGo by 1image --

    15Content count
    藍色狗狗的沙龍 的其他內容
    因為剛來到方格星球, 沒有拜見大老, 又, 或者說是我早就來此星球了, 可是荒廢沒做為, 直到許赫赫的斯巴達貼文讓我想回她或讚她, 才發現我是星球人之一 然後藍色狗狗簽證不知在哪個環節有問題出錯, 沒有寫作權限, 向方格大老報告, 兩天後, 藍色狗狗就落地了 藍色狗狗有一個來由, 要從某一個求學
    因為剛來到方格星球, 沒有拜見大老, 又, 或者說是我早就來此星球了, 可是荒廢沒做為, 直到許赫赫的斯巴達貼文讓我想回她或讚她, 才發現我是星球人之一 然後藍色狗狗簽證不知在哪個環節有問題出錯, 沒有寫作權限, 向方格大老報告, 兩天後, 藍色狗狗就落地了 藍色狗狗有一個來由, 要從某一個求學
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    近期,市場熱議的一個議題,就是所謂的中性利率(neutral rate)的話題,這話題可能會在本周Jackson Hole的會議上(8/25),Powell可能會談及。 簡單講,淺白一句話,就是,Powell可能會在會議上談及是否2023年是否會需要進一步升息來控制通膨。而這也是最近市場相對動盪的
    【這本書在說什麼】 這本書開宗明義就問了我們一個問題:「幹嘛要有趣?」對啊!為什麼我想要成為有趣的人呢?是想要去取悅別人還是...? 這裡我截取三個作者給我的啟示 1、避免後悔 2、看重自己 3、驅逐無聊 【如何成為有梗的人】 一、保有赤子之心 二、跨出舒適圈 三、樂於分享
    Living in San Francisco is expensive. There was news about Google engineer living on Google campus, so he can save money on rental and save time on p
    雖然《星際效應》Interstellar 充滿了最前衛的科學知識,但是,在這個描述又深又遠的宇宙,最最深處,隱藏的,是關於 生命的事實。而這個事實,其實也與我們一直以來以為的鬼神迷信,息息相關。
    Saturn(Cronus)是個「農業之神」。所以很有趣,電影裡,所剩的,也那還能種植得起來的食用植物,剛好就是玉米(corn)。而玉米一詞,就是來自 Cronus 農業之神 的希臘名稱。
    第一種看《星際效應》的心態可以是,想帶著一種,見識宇宙知識 的真實面貌,親眼看見:「相對論、黑洞、蟲洞、重力、其他次元、時空的同時性、平行世界(或說多重宇宙)、奇點(singularity)」等等的 具象(真實)呈現。
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    近期,市場熱議的一個議題,就是所謂的中性利率(neutral rate)的話題,這話題可能會在本周Jackson Hole的會議上(8/25),Powell可能會談及。 簡單講,淺白一句話,就是,Powell可能會在會議上談及是否2023年是否會需要進一步升息來控制通膨。而這也是最近市場相對動盪的
    【這本書在說什麼】 這本書開宗明義就問了我們一個問題:「幹嘛要有趣?」對啊!為什麼我想要成為有趣的人呢?是想要去取悅別人還是...? 這裡我截取三個作者給我的啟示 1、避免後悔 2、看重自己 3、驅逐無聊 【如何成為有梗的人】 一、保有赤子之心 二、跨出舒適圈 三、樂於分享
    Living in San Francisco is expensive. There was news about Google engineer living on Google campus, so he can save money on rental and save time on p
    雖然《星際效應》Interstellar 充滿了最前衛的科學知識,但是,在這個描述又深又遠的宇宙,最最深處,隱藏的,是關於 生命的事實。而這個事實,其實也與我們一直以來以為的鬼神迷信,息息相關。
    Saturn(Cronus)是個「農業之神」。所以很有趣,電影裡,所剩的,也那還能種植得起來的食用植物,剛好就是玉米(corn)。而玉米一詞,就是來自 Cronus 農業之神 的希臘名稱。
    第一種看《星際效應》的心態可以是,想帶著一種,見識宇宙知識 的真實面貌,親眼看見:「相對論、黑洞、蟲洞、重力、其他次元、時空的同時性、平行世界(或說多重宇宙)、奇點(singularity)」等等的 具象(真實)呈現。