Academic Labs Breaks New Ground with $AAX Token Reveal

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Academic Labs Breaks New Ground with $AAX Token Reveal


Singapore - In a pivotal development poised to disrupt the Web3 educational sphere, Academic Labs has announced the introduction of its native token, $AAX, marking a significant rebrand from its original $ACAD token, as documented in its early whitepaper iterations. This change manifests at a crucial junction before the project's Token Generation Event (TGE), set for the first quarter 2024.

Terry Tan, CEO of Academic Labs, elaborated on the decision, indicating that the renaming reflects a strategic alignment with the platform's technological bedrock and long-term vision. The $AAX token symbolizes the integration of "AI And Web3(X)"—the core technologies that form the backbone of the Academic Labs initiative. The pronunciation of $AAX is X, symbolizing the unlimited future of the Crypto World.

"The rebranding to $AAX, before our Token Generation Event, is more than a mere change of nomenclature; it's a reaffirmation of our mission to deliver an education system that's not just contemporary but future-proof," Tan articulated. "It is about setting the tone for what we stand for and the groundbreaking changes we aim to introduce in the educational landscape."

The platform's integration of Web3 technologies aims to forge a thriving ecosystem where educators and learners can engage and transact using $AAX tokens. This approach promises unprecedented transparency and efficiency in the educational content market space.

Academic Labs introduces a pioneering tokenomics model featuring $AAX and Educator, Learner, and Achievement NFTs. This model is designed to offer:

  • Continuous learning incentives
  • A precise, transparent pricing mechanism for educational resources
  • Motivation for educators to enhance content quality

With a focus on areas such as Blockchain Programming, Cryptocurrency Trading, Business English, AI Start-up Methodologies, and Digital Marketing, Academic Labs targets critical skills that will empower the next generation of professionals. The platform's commitment to leveraging artificial intelligence aims to personalize learning, making it more efficient and impactful for users.

As Academic Labs gears up for its Token Generation Event, the platform has begun seeding the market with high-quality educational videos on YouTube. This content serves as a precursor to the full suite of offerings that will accompany the launch of their MVP(Minimum Viable Product). Additionally, an airdrop event is in the planning stages, promising early users of the platform not only access to top-tier educational materials at no cost but also the opportunity to earn $AAX tokens.

In a forward-looking statement, Kingston Kwek, the founder of Academic Labs, has endorsed Academic Labs' new token as a milestone in technology's role in advancing human potential. Kwek asserts, "AAX, with two As in the front, shows the project's commitment to excellence. It will also be among the top 5 Altcoins in Alphabetical Order. The pronunciation X also aligns with Elon Musk's Twitter, showing the potential massive mass media appeal Academic Labs could have on online platforms." Echoing this sentiment, partners at Academic Labs, Ken Nizam and Sky Wee of Asia Token Fund, highlight the token's pivotal role in enhancing online education through Web3, an underserved area. Their collaboration signifies a significant leap forward for the industry, aiming to meld technological innovation with practical education.

The transition to $AAX from $ACAD is a calculated move to underscore Academic Labs' intent to harness the power of AI and Web3 to create an unparalleled online educational experience. With the Token Generation Event on the horizon, Academic Labs is cementing its position as a trailblazer in the educational technology sector, reshaping how knowledge is consumed and valued in the digital age.

About Academic Labs

Academic Labs stands at the forefront of the educational revolution. By seamlessly integrating AI and blockchain technologies with gamified learning and its native token $AAX, it is redefining how knowledge and skills are acquired.

In a world characterized by constant change, Academic Labs exemplifies how AI and blockchain technologies are reshaping the educational landscape. Its approach offers an exciting journey for learners of all ages, providing opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge while enjoying the learning process. Welcome to the future of education with Academic Labs!

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Media Contact


Contact: Terry Tan


SOURCE: Academic Labs

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    1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
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    為適應快速變化的非同質化代幣(NFTs)和元宇宙趨勢,Yuga Labs完成了全面的重組,將重點轉向其元宇宙項目"Otherside"。
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    區塊內幕 Cryptoinsiders 消息- Yuga Labs 首個比特幣序數不可替代代幣 (NFT) 系列的拍賣已經結束,該公司在短短 24 小時內就淨賺了 1650 萬美元。共有 288 名競標者贏得了“TwelveFold”系列中的比特幣 NFT 之一。 Yuga 表示,中標者將在一周內收
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     究竟在五個月的英文直升在上些什麼? 有比考檢定輕鬆嗎? 會不會只是付了一大筆錢去換一張證書而已? 語言學習的路上本來就沒有誰對誰錯,路要怎麼走要看你想為自己投資多少! 課程介紹 簡介 學術英文基本介紹請看上一篇 時間: 8:20-2:30pm 或 10:25-4:35pm 天數:
    來國外留學,語言檢定是第一個需要擊破的關卡! 來澳洲留學,你還有另一個途徑,讓你讀語言學校銜接專科、大學(本科)、碩班的語言標準。 英文不再只是生活溝通,以Una的農科碩班舉例,科學報告的書寫規格、(團體)上台報告、實驗課的操作和動不動就三個小時起跳的期末考試。 在學校內的報告作業實況 以repo