全民英檢中級口說 第二部分回答問題 ep.4

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Who do you spend the most time with your family? What do you do?

  • I spend the most time with my younger sister. We’re really close, and we often hang out after school, watch movies, and help each other with homework. It's cool having a sibling as a built-in friend.
  • I usually spend a lot of time with my mom. We share a love for cooking, so we often team up in the kitchen to try out new recipes. It’s a fun way for us to bond and create some delicious meals together.
  • I spend most of my time with my dad. We’re both into sports, so we play basketball or go for a run together. It’s a great way for us to stay active and connect while enjoying something we both love.

What would you do if someone next to you hurt his finger?

  • Oh, if someone next to me hurt their finger, I’d probably offer them some tissues or a band-aid if I have one. I mean, accidents happen, right? Just trying to help out.
  • Well, if someone hurts their finger, I’d check if they’re okay and maybe ask if they need any help. I’d offer to get a first aid kit if it’s more serious. It’s important to be there for each other.
  • If someone next to me hurt their finger, I’d likely ask if they’re alright and if there's anything I can do to help. Maybe suggest going to the nurse or finding someone who can assist with first aid. It’s about being supportive and caring, you know?

What are you going to do this weekend?

  • I’m planning to hang out with friends on Saturday, maybe catch a movie or grab some food. Then on Sunday, I’ll likely work on homework and relax at home.
  • This weekend, I have a soccer game on Saturday morning, and in the afternoon, I’m helping organize a charity event with my school club. Sunday, I’ll dedicate some time to studying for upcoming tests.
  • I’m excited for the weekend! I’ll be attending a music concert with my cousin on Friday night. On Saturday, I have a family gathering, and Sunday is reserved for catching up on some Netflix and getting ahead on my assignments.

Who is your best friend? Describe him or her.

  • Oh, my best friend’s name is Jake. He’s super chill and always has this contagious energy. We share a lot of interests, like gaming and playing basketball.
  • My best friend is Emily. She’s incredibly creative and has this amazing sense of humor. We’ve been through so much together, and she’s the one I can always turn to for advice or just a good laugh.
  • Well, my best friend is Alex. We often explore new places together and have these deep conversations about life. Alex is someone who pushes me to be better, and I appreciate the honesty and genuine connection we share.

Is it more important to help the world or make money?

  • Well, I think it’s crucial to find a balance between helping the world and making money. While making money is essential for personal stability, contributing to the greater good through charity or social initiatives is equally important for a meaningful life.
  • In my opinion, it’s a bit of both. Making money provides security and opportunities, but helping the world ensures a positive impact on society. Striking a balance allows for personal success while also contributing to the well-being of others.
  • I believe making money is important for a comfortable life, but it’s equally crucial to use those resources to make a positive impact on the world. Combining financial success with social responsibility can create a fulfilling and purposeful life.
5Content count
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
越接近年底,不知道大家最近有沒有常常看到WiFi 7的相關新聞(原因內文有),聯發科、立積…等相關個股常常出現在版面上,但是有一家「隱形冠軍」在發展WiFi 7的道路上完全不能沒有它,就是跟閎康一樣屬於檢測產業的耕興!!!
6.4 緊急應變計劃 在前面的章節裡,我們已經介紹過,盡可能的在不同的公司及作業層級,透過各式各樣的危害辨識和風險緩解措施,來減少航空公司發生意外事故。但經過各式各樣的努力後,我們無法保證因為未辨識到的危害,或其他無法預防的事件而導致較為嚴重的安全事件。因此,在平常時期,仍要做好緊急應變的準備。
一般來說美股會扣30%的股息稅,那要怎麼去減輕這個傷害呢? 也就是要用英股來做出對應的措施。 股息稅長期下來也會對投資造成巨大的損失 因此,快來看什麼是英股吧 閱讀更多: 英股VWRA是什麼?如何買進? 🍕有興趣朋友,可以來IG 看看,一起進化 IG 📩免費電子報訂閱(成長、投資、創業):
今年度空頭/多頭第四次檢驗 前天發文說過,台股底部形成有四種型態最常出現,目前已經排除『W底』、『頭肩底』、『圓弧底』,只剩下最少出現『V型反轉』,而V轉是否形成,就看頸線位置13902.02及季線位置13939.65是否站上,後續是否站穩。 這就是本蛙一直不推薦空現股,只建議空ETF原因。
與獨居者相比,極簡媽媽在規劃生活時需要以「家庭」為單位,確實少了對居家空間隨意控制的自由。除此之外,還得與同住的家人建立默契,包容尊重彼此的理念。 總結
放牛 國中三年級放牛班的英文課應該教甚麼呢? 1989年9月,當可怕與殘暴的天安門事件尚在餘波盪漾之際,我卻是踏上了第三個國中的校門,當我獨自在教務處辦理轉學時,教務主任看了看我的國二成績之後很仔細、很有耐心的向我說明即將幫我安排到非升學班(就是放牛班)
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
越接近年底,不知道大家最近有沒有常常看到WiFi 7的相關新聞(原因內文有),聯發科、立積…等相關個股常常出現在版面上,但是有一家「隱形冠軍」在發展WiFi 7的道路上完全不能沒有它,就是跟閎康一樣屬於檢測產業的耕興!!!
6.4 緊急應變計劃 在前面的章節裡,我們已經介紹過,盡可能的在不同的公司及作業層級,透過各式各樣的危害辨識和風險緩解措施,來減少航空公司發生意外事故。但經過各式各樣的努力後,我們無法保證因為未辨識到的危害,或其他無法預防的事件而導致較為嚴重的安全事件。因此,在平常時期,仍要做好緊急應變的準備。
一般來說美股會扣30%的股息稅,那要怎麼去減輕這個傷害呢? 也就是要用英股來做出對應的措施。 股息稅長期下來也會對投資造成巨大的損失 因此,快來看什麼是英股吧 閱讀更多: 英股VWRA是什麼?如何買進? 🍕有興趣朋友,可以來IG 看看,一起進化 IG 📩免費電子報訂閱(成長、投資、創業):
今年度空頭/多頭第四次檢驗 前天發文說過,台股底部形成有四種型態最常出現,目前已經排除『W底』、『頭肩底』、『圓弧底』,只剩下最少出現『V型反轉』,而V轉是否形成,就看頸線位置13902.02及季線位置13939.65是否站上,後續是否站穩。 這就是本蛙一直不推薦空現股,只建議空ETF原因。
與獨居者相比,極簡媽媽在規劃生活時需要以「家庭」為單位,確實少了對居家空間隨意控制的自由。除此之外,還得與同住的家人建立默契,包容尊重彼此的理念。 總結
放牛 國中三年級放牛班的英文課應該教甚麼呢? 1989年9月,當可怕與殘暴的天安門事件尚在餘波盪漾之際,我卻是踏上了第三個國中的校門,當我獨自在教務處辦理轉學時,教務主任看了看我的國二成績之後很仔細、很有耐心的向我說明即將幫我安排到非升學班(就是放牛班)