Saint Bella Holdings Limited has invested into Nexus Media

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Currently with 17 editions in 29 countries and territories, Robb Report Hong Kong is recognised as the leading voice for its discerning global UHNW audience that appreciates and desires quality, exclusivity, heritage, taste, and fine design. Robb Report is synonymous with affluence, luxury, and the best of the best, and it belongs under Penske Media Corporation (PMC), which includes globally acclaimed media titles and event IPs in its portfolio, such as Billboard, WWD, Variety, Rolling Stone, The Hollywood Reporter, SXSW, Sourcing Journal, Beauty Inc, American Music Awards, and many more.


Robb Report Hong Kong is the region's definitive luxury lifestyle media title, highlighting the very finest in luxury living. Alongside its prestigious annual Best of the Best print magazine, Robb Report Hong Kong publishes daily digital content and serves as the ultimate guide to lifestyle and luxury in the city.


With this strategic investment, Robb Report Hong Kong will work with Saint Bella to invite its selected ultra-high-net-worth clientele to apply for the global RR1 membership, which allows privileged access to international RR1 events. RR1 is a by-invitation-only private members’ community that gives its discerning members access to one-of-a-kind luxury experiences curated by Robb Report, bringing the pages of the magazine to life. As the leading voice of luxury, Robb Report is strategically positioned to provide RR1 members with exclusive access to the most influential and extraordinary experiences around the world.



RR1 members may also gain one-of-a-kind access to select experiences under various PMC titles and IPs, such as the Golden Globes, SXSW Austin, SXSW Sydney, Billboard Music Awards, American Music Awards, Life is Beautiful, WWD, Red Sea Week, Culinary Masters, Car of the Year, House of Robb, and more.


Saint Bella Holdings Limited, parent company of SAINT BELLA, the leading luxury family care brand in Asia, has announced a strategic equity investment as a shareholder in Nexus Media Limited, publisher of Robb Report Hong Kong and its RR1 private membership community.


Saint Bella Holdings Limited is an award-winning leader in luxury family care across Asia, offering an unparalleled suite of premium and ultra-premium services and products. These include top-tier postpartum care centers, comprehensive home child care, wellness and nutritional supplements, and specialized elderly care. The luxury family care provider serves over 10,000 members and clients annually across more than 25 cities in Asia and now expanding into the US. Its flagship luxury brand, SAINT BELLA, is the largest ultra-premium maternity care provider.


“I am pleased to announce that this investment will create mutual benefit for Saint Bella and Robb Report Hong Kong through the RR1 private membership and access to global events that will build a stronger network of UHNW individuals for the global RR1 programme,” says Tak Man, CEO and founder of Nexus Media Limited and publisher of Robb Report Hong Kong. “As part of our exclusive social community, members enjoy truly unique access to luxury with a remarkable group of peers who share similar passions. Lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories are made among a community of connoisseurs at RR1 events around the world.”


CEO of Saint Bella, Danny Xiang, is delighted to announce this strategic equity investment. It is a great opportunity for the two companies to work together and provide access to unique global luxury experiences for UHNW clientele.


"We are excited to partner with Nexus Media Limited to bring the exclusive luxury experiences of Robb Report RR1 membership and PMC networks to Saint Bella's distinguished clientele worldwide. This collaboration will introduce the esteemed RR1 membership to our ultra-high-net-worth clients in Asia. Together with Robb Report Hong Kong, we are redefining luxury maternity experiences for families globally, creating a unique community with access to unparalleled, one-of-a-kind luxury offerings."


Saint Bella Holdings Limited has a diverse portfolio of investors, including Tencent, C Capital, Swire Properties New Ventures, Mirae Asset, and China Life, and it has recently raised US$100 million over a Series C fundraising round.


About Nexus Media Limited


Tak Man founded Nexus Media Limited as a privately owned company under Nexus Media Group. Nexus Media Limited is the licensed publisher of Robb Report Hong Kong. Nexus Media Group includes media companies that specialise in the commercialisation of international titles, custom publishing, live events and experiences, digital media platforms, and more.


About Saint Bella Holdings Limited


SAINT BELLA stands at the forefront of luxury family care services, driven by a vision to become the world’s leading provider and redefine excellence in care for a new generation of families. Established in 2017, Saint Bella Holdings Limited has attracted strategic investment from renowned partners and institutions, quickly establishing a presence along the value chains of top online portals, insurance, and properties.


Its group-wide business covers a wide range of services, including maternal and child care, home child care, internet hospitals, wellness and nutritional supplements, elderly care and investment. Saint Bella Holdings Limited is known for its acclaimed sub-brands SAINT BELLA, Bella ISLA, and baby bella, which are synonymous with unparalleled excellence and the largest and most influential high-end direct-operated postpartum care centres in Asia. With recent expansions into the USA and plans to establish presence in major global cities, Saint Bella Holdings Limited is poised to redefine family care on a truly global scale.

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    就像你在標題上看到的,今天的主題是聖加侖 (St. Gall) / 加魯斯 (Gallus)關於聖加侖本人你或許從來沒聽過但或許你曾經聽過瑞士的世界遺產 — 聖加侖修道院 今天的主題 · 到底誰是聖加侖呢 · 聖加侖 - 傳教活動 · 傳說: 聖加侖與熊 · 聖加侖生平: 隱居和逝 · 瑞士:聖加侖
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    今天起了個大早坐了小巴前往奧赫里德市以南 29 公里處,位於 Ljubaništa 村的邊界內的聖瑙姆修道院 ( Monastery of Saint Naum ) 。
    抵達起點的法國小鎮 SJPP,這裡真的很美很美 隨意在小巷亂竄,不知不覺踏上前往城堡的樓梯
    之前在翻譯的文章中一直出現saint Gilles, 我們今天就來認識一下基督教中的14位救難聖者之一隱士聖吉勒. 網路上對saint Gilles有不同的音譯, 例如雅典的聖艾智德或聖吉爾斯. 我就以法文發音為主翻為聖吉勒. 聖吉勒 (saint Gilles)。聖吉勒為出生於雅典的基
    YSL Niki 包的美好,你一定要來感受! 真的超級棒的,包身以黑色揉製小牛皮打造,觸感柔軟細緻,輕巧美形,可雙鍊肩背, 可單鍊斜背,能上得了正式的餐宴場合,都沒有問題. YSL Niki包的設計源自於聖羅蘭創意總監Anthony Vaccarello的個人風格,他使用了已經用到舊的抓皺小牛
    這次要介紹的是一個在俄烏戰中發跡的品牌「Saint Javelin」。 聖標槍(Saint Javelin),又譯標槍聖母,在俄烏戰爭期間成為「抵抗迷因」而在網路上流行。
    波爾多普榭甘-聖愛美濃太陽堡2010紅酒 2010Chateau Soleil, Puisseguin-Saint-Emilion 家樂福765元,開瓶時果味香氣奔放,放兩小時少很多,但還是有乳酪香氣,帶點梅子。 不建議醒太久,酸度中高,單寧也微高,口感集中緊縮,但也有厚度和香氣,還不錯。 2010
    就像你在標題上看到的,今天的主題是聖加侖 (St. Gall) / 加魯斯 (Gallus)關於聖加侖本人你或許從來沒聽過但或許你曾經聽過瑞士的世界遺產 — 聖加侖修道院 今天的主題 · 到底誰是聖加侖呢 · 聖加侖 - 傳教活動 · 傳說: 聖加侖與熊 · 聖加侖生平: 隱居和逝 · 瑞士:聖加侖