What is Project Management System? Why Use It?

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Implementing a project management system is crucial for any business looking to increase efficiency and productivity. A project management system provides a structured approach to planning, organizing, and monitoring projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. This article will provide a detailed guide on how to implement a project management system in your business.

What is a Project Management System?


A project management system refers to the entire process and principles used to complete a project, or the technical tools used to plan, organize, and manage projects. These tools include common software applications like spreadsheets and emails, or specific project management applications. Project management systems can be used to create estimates, schedules, and budgets; allocate resources; manage risks; control changes; and share information and updates. Sometimes, these are referred to as "project management solutions."

Why Use a Project Management System?

There are several reasons why businesses use project management systems:

● Improved Communication: Project management systems provide a central place to store and share project-related information (e.g., documents, plans, and updates), facilitating better communication among team members and stakeholders.

● Enhanced Collaboration: These systems make it easier for team members to work together and collaborate on tasks and projects, regardless of their location.

●Better Organization: Project management systems help centralize all project-related information, making it easier for team members to find the information they need and stay on track.

● Greater Visibility: They offer better insights into the progress and status of projects, allowing team members and stakeholders to understand what has been completed and what still needs to be done.

● Increased Efficiency: By streamlining communication, collaboration, organization, and visibility, project management systems help teams work more efficiently and effectively.

How 8Manage PM project management system can benefit your company?

8Manage PM is an advanced and user-friendly project management system that can effectively help organizations plan, execute, and monitor their project portfolios. Here are some key features of 8Manage PM:


● Comprehensive Functionality: Includes dynamic project scheduling, communication, change, issue, risk, quality, delivery, acceptance, documentation, cost, and revenue management.

● Integrated Planning and Execution: Real-time and reliable tracking of each changes cause and impact, reducing excuses and enhancing accountability.

● Dynamic Resource Management: Plans and tracks resource types, skills, workloads, and schedules, and provides real-time insights into resource changes and availability; supports multi-department, multi-site, multi-project, and multi-resource type management.

● Versatile Project Types: Suitable for various project types including general project management, business project management, R&D project management, engineering project management, and production project management.

● Reporting and Analysis Tools: Provides various reports and analysis tools to help management monitor project health, make decisions, and optimize resource allocation.

● Customization: Can be tailored and configured according to the specific needs of the organization, adapting to different industries and project requirements.

● Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other software systems, ensuring smooth data flow between systems, eliminating manual data entry, and reducing the risk of errors.

● Comprehensive Training and Support: Offers extensive training materials, user documentation, and responsive customer support to help employees make the most of the tool. The support team is available to address any questions or issues that may arise.

8Manage has established a strong reputation as a reliable project management solution provider, with a proven track record of successful implementations across various industries and organizations of different sizes. Choosing 8Manage as your supplier ensures collaboration with a dependable and experienced provider.


Implementing a project management system is a useful and effective way to organize and track project progress, helping to increase efficiency, reduce errors, and improve communication among team members. A well-implemented project management system, such as 8Manage PM, can bring numerous benefits including improved organization, increased transparency, and better collaboration among team members.

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