查理蒙格生前最後一次訪談影片 by CNBC
在這段內容中的 1 分 16 秒處 ,主持人問到 Charlie Munger 的人生心願清單上還有任何未竟之事嗎?
Charlie Munger 提到他年輕時很想釣到一隻重達 200 磅的魚,但隨著年紀增長 , 他變得老了、體力不如以前,因此不再願意花太多力氣去捕捉這麼大隻的魚。他提到,年輕時很願意為此付出任何代價,但現在已經不再追求這種機會了 。
1. 這是一種隨著年齡增長而改變價值觀的人生哲學。隨著時間流逝,人們可能不再追求曾經渴望的目標,而是會轉向更符合當下生活方式和興趣的事物。
2. 有些人生清單上的目標,值得在當下把握,因為時間改變後,無論是個人意願還是外在條件,可能都不再允許那樣的追求。
以下有請 GPT 梳理:
Well, that's an interesting question.
「我現在比起 96 歲時,已經又老又弱了,所以我不再想去捕捉 200 磅的鮪魚。」
I am so old and weak compared to when I was 96 that I no longer want to catch a 200 lb tuna.
It's just too goddamn much work to get it in,
takes too much physical strength.
So, I don't know.
「年輕時,我會不惜一切代價去捕捉 200 磅的鮪魚。」
I would have paid any amount to catch a 200 lb tuna when I was younger.
I never caught one.
And now if given the opportunity, I would just decline.
I won't even go out after them.
There are things you give up with time.
And you're pretty active; you've got a busy social schedule.
「你使用 Zoom,吃早餐和午餐。」
You're on Zoom, you have breakfast and lunch.
I like it that way.
Yeah, that's my idea of a proper old age for me.
And I didn't plan it; it just happened.
And when it happened, I welcomed it.
I am very good at recognizing unfair advantages, and I got unfair advantages in old age, the way I got unfair advantages in non-old age.
And when they came, I just grabbed them—boom, boom, boom.