宇宙虛空,幽暝深處 用點點繁星,描繪你的模樣 是否,就能在流星雨中 聽見你的低語 以絢麗彩虹,著色你的身影 是否,就可於玻璃光裡 看見你的笑靨 記憶中的月光森林 你轉身,在來去之間 你漫步,在夢裡夢外 悄悄地,銘刻了你的曾經 輕輕地,留下了你的印記 仰望宇宙虛空,幽暝深處 天邊的那道彩虹 依然在流星雨中 在時間的恆河裡 訴說著光陰為主角的故事
--- In the infinite void of universe, In the darkness that is upon the face
of the deep, Drawing your appearance with thousands of stars, Is it possible to hear your whisper when
being in the meteor shower? Painting your silhouette with brilliant rainbows, Is it possible to see your smile when
being in the vitreous lustre? In the moonlight forest in memory, You turn around between coming and going, You stroll in and out of dreams, Quietly engraving your past, Gently leaving your imprints. Looking up into the infinite void of universe, and the darkness that is upon the face
of the deep, That rainbow in the sky Still being in the meteor shower, In long river of years, Tells a story that time is the protagonist. — 沈香 Shen Hsiang
✳️ 【星紋印記】精選巴西天狼星晶簇 ✨️ 礦物介紹: 晶簇各主晶體有著流星雨般美麗且密集的蝕刻紋路 天狼星蝕刻紋之星際系統編碼的傳說 更添美麗與神秘 此件透亮如冰,帶彩 有女神面,時光隧道 生長方向非常均勻對稱 整體型態均衡端正 有如幽馨淡雅的一盆蘭花 如白月光照耀下的森林 亦如宇宙星系中閃耀的神秘國度 ✨️ 作品賞析: 流星如夜空中的美麗花火,稍縱即逝;彩虹亦如是,虛實中變幻無常,剎那而短暫,唯留在心中的真摯情感及愛戀思念,願將剎那化為永恆。
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