salon cover




























Fun story:

到這裡之後,我去過Deer Lake Park之後就覺得「天呀!我要住在這裡」


某天好奇心去查詢一下維琴河到底是在哪裡拍的。才發現原來有部分就是在Deer Lake 拍的!


English version

Everyone I met in Vancouver was very talkative, you could chat while waiting for the bus, or have a casual conversation when sitting down at a restaurant.

Whenever I meet new friends, they always ask "Why Vancouver?"

There's a Netflix series called "Virgin River". Although the plot isn't particularly exciting, the scenery is captivating. Every time I watch it, I love admiring the landscapes.

I hope that I can be like the female lead, letting go of everything around me, and moving to a remote, warm-hearted town, living in a beautiful place.

"I really wish I could live in a place like that"

"I really wish I could jog in the forest every day"

After finishing the first season, I couldn't help but google the filming location, turns out it wasn't filmed in the United States, but in Canada?!

So, the dreamlike place is in Canada!

I had always planned to work and holiday before turning 30, be it in Australia or Japan.

When I brought home all the books from the Taiwan library about working holidays to do my research. One night my mom called me, "Honey, have you considered going to Canada? You can look into it." It was only then that I added Canada to my list of considerations.

After finishing the books about Japan and Australia, I went to the library to borrow books about Canada to prepare at home.

Then I realized that Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Vancouver, Yellowknife, Banff, the Great Lakes, Calgary... Canada is really "big", where should I go?

Canada seems great, but it seems hard to get a spot, so let's start with put myself in waiting pool.

On the waiting journey, I was actually overly lucky, the waiting process for the draw was very short, and I got it right away.

So I spent a whole year thinking, why go? When to go? What to do when I get there? What do I want?

Having had the experience of being an exchange student in Sichuan, I know that a year's time is very short, it's important to make good use of the time.

I reflect on myself three times a day, asking myself three times, what do I want to do?

After quietly releasing the news that I was going to Canada, many benefactors appeared around me, offering a lot of help and advice. And some of the encounters were very unexpected.

Knowing myself, I want to go into nature, I don't want to go to another Taipei or Shanghai.

Make the ultimate choice between culture and nature.

In the end I chose Vancouver, with mountains to the north and the coast to rely on.

Because I firmly believe that I am a natural girl, born in the mountains and living in the ocean.

This is where my heart belongs.

Here, every day when I open the window and stroll in the city's forest, I thank myself over and over again for making the right decision.

Thank you for the beauty of life, that lets me stand here.

Fun story:

After arriving here, when I visited Deer Lake Park, I felt "Oh my goodness! I want to live here"

So I rented a house nearby and moved in.

One day out of curiosity, I looked up where Virgin River was filmed. Turns out some parts were filmed at Deer Lake!

What a coincidence~ Although I didn't know it at first, I didn't expect to encounter it.



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