D19@2 Jun 2021 Plain Covid Diary in Taiwan

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added 488 local cases, 12 deaths. 2 Jun 2021 (Wed)
I don't want to tell foreigners how bad the virus' situation is in Taiwan anymore since my English teacher told me something in the class. Unless someone asks me. I feel like Taiwanese people have no rights to complain.
People here are incredibly anxious and constantly blaming the officials irrationally. In fact, our enemy is not only the virus itself, but the international and domestic politics, the foolish citizens, contumacious mayors, and numerous disinformation.
I have no idea which one is tougher, the virus or the people.
I saw a person who said today:
Taiwan is like a model student who always gets full marks. One day, it got 90 scores and feels like it's the end of the world, then it's harshly blaming itself.
That's an accurate description. Those malicious guys should open their eyes to know what the world has been happening for over one year.
I feel like it is a trick when being asked about COVID in Taiwan by some foreigners. The conversation is always going like this way:
"Do you have any plans for this weekend?"
"Nah, we have self-lockdown, we won't go anywhere"
"Let me give you advice as I've been suffering from lockdown since Mar last year"
"Do you know anyone who caught COVID?"
"None of them is Taiwanese, only few foreign friends, the effects were...blah blah"
"Both my dad and mom caught COVID, glad to hear you don't know someone who caught COVID in Taiwan"
They made me feel we shouldn't complain as a Taiwanese citizen. It's always ended with "I heard that Taiwan has done it well, you will be fine"
It made me reflect if I should just say nothing.
I will just say this from now on: "All good, aside from the political issues are much more serious than the time of the US election"
They weren't wrong. It's good to know how we sound like when we complain to other countries. I think, we should be reminded in that way. Many Taiwanese people neglected the whole world and just focused on what we're losing, not how many lives we've saved. I've got tired of all politics and conspiracies.
Vsy的沙龍 的其他內容
I Just want to share memes that were spread on Twitter after John Cena had apologised for calling Taiwan a country.
All the war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
I hope the rain can last longer, at least one week.
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
“Taiwan, you are too late to join the party, now you don't deserve our empathy anymore, you missed the most exciting moment.”
I Just want to share memes that were spread on Twitter after John Cena had apologised for calling Taiwan a country.
All the war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
I hope the rain can last longer, at least one week.
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
“Taiwan, you are too late to join the party, now you don't deserve our empathy anymore, you missed the most exciting moment.”
Google News 追蹤
Hi 我是 VK~ 在 8 月底寫完〈探索 AI 時代的知識革命:NotebookLM 如何顛覆學習和創作流程?〉後,有機會在 INSIDE POSSIBE 分享兩次「和 NotebookLM 協作如何改變我學習和創作」的主題,剛好最近也有在許多地方聊到關於 NotebookLM 等 AI 工具
Vivaldi, The four seasons 講到四季,最耳熟能詳(因為也常常被當廣告配樂)的就是紅髮主教韋瓦第的小提琴協奏曲四季系列,分為春夏秋冬,結構引用維基百科的註解如下: E大調第一協奏曲,Op. 8,RV 269,《春》(La primavera) 快板(Allegro)、廣板
昨天也是一個趕稿到晚上11~12點的一天,想說今天早上不知道我是否能夠準時早起,幸好我還是鬧鐘按下,準時早起了。  這個週休我完全都沒有休息,完成了三樣設計主視覺的稿件,我真的覺得我自己太強了,假日在家工作雖然是沒有人打擾,但是自己很容易陷入一種散漫的狀態,尤其是在設計主視覺時,是最需要尋找靈
近期也正值選課階段,可以發現學校有相當多的永續類別、或是能源應用的相關課程。因為比較多的課程是MBA開的,加上也提供給外所的人申請,所以即便在外院也可以蹭MBA的課喔! 這點相當的讚,如果有研究過Haas的話,就會知道這邊有多難考了... 分享一下,學校是如何進行我非MBA背景人的選課?
老爸一向不喜歡拿自己的事去麻煩別人,連家人也不例外;有太多的例子與故事,讓我們深刻體會到他的貼心。   這次,在讓全家人為他擔心不過才短短兩個月的時間,今天凌晨老爸決定不再繼續下去,結束了他的人生故事。儘管我們心中有太多的不捨,有太多想說卻來不及說的話, 在此時也只為他終能脫離病痛、離開紛擾凡塵,合
每天上班已經累的沒命,下班當然是好好休息,看看劇食食零食,正職雖然辛苦但是每個月都有固定工資,即使這份工作沒有就找下一份,不必那麼辛苦做副業吧,這個是你內心想法嗎? 如果這是你的想法,相信我,你的人生將會過得很悲慘........
很久沒有向大家說故事 不知道大家小時候有沒有聽過國王的驢耳朵這個故事 故事是這樣的,從前有一個富裕的王國 那裏的國王十分英明全國和樂融融 但是,國王有一個不為人知的煩惱 就是他天生有一對驢耳朵.............
   【寫在前面的三言二語】 長久以來筆者一直對於無線網路的佈建安裝都非常感興趣,但屢屢總對於困難複雜的設備設定及訊號因為距離等因素造成不穩定等諸多因素讓人往往深感挫折,有鑒於此,世界級網通大廠D-Link友訊科技榮譽出品的COVR-1100 AC1200雙頻Mesh Wi-Fi無線路由器可以說結
Hi 我是 VK~ 在 8 月底寫完〈探索 AI 時代的知識革命:NotebookLM 如何顛覆學習和創作流程?〉後,有機會在 INSIDE POSSIBE 分享兩次「和 NotebookLM 協作如何改變我學習和創作」的主題,剛好最近也有在許多地方聊到關於 NotebookLM 等 AI 工具
Vivaldi, The four seasons 講到四季,最耳熟能詳(因為也常常被當廣告配樂)的就是紅髮主教韋瓦第的小提琴協奏曲四季系列,分為春夏秋冬,結構引用維基百科的註解如下: E大調第一協奏曲,Op. 8,RV 269,《春》(La primavera) 快板(Allegro)、廣板
昨天也是一個趕稿到晚上11~12點的一天,想說今天早上不知道我是否能夠準時早起,幸好我還是鬧鐘按下,準時早起了。  這個週休我完全都沒有休息,完成了三樣設計主視覺的稿件,我真的覺得我自己太強了,假日在家工作雖然是沒有人打擾,但是自己很容易陷入一種散漫的狀態,尤其是在設計主視覺時,是最需要尋找靈
近期也正值選課階段,可以發現學校有相當多的永續類別、或是能源應用的相關課程。因為比較多的課程是MBA開的,加上也提供給外所的人申請,所以即便在外院也可以蹭MBA的課喔! 這點相當的讚,如果有研究過Haas的話,就會知道這邊有多難考了... 分享一下,學校是如何進行我非MBA背景人的選課?
老爸一向不喜歡拿自己的事去麻煩別人,連家人也不例外;有太多的例子與故事,讓我們深刻體會到他的貼心。   這次,在讓全家人為他擔心不過才短短兩個月的時間,今天凌晨老爸決定不再繼續下去,結束了他的人生故事。儘管我們心中有太多的不捨,有太多想說卻來不及說的話, 在此時也只為他終能脫離病痛、離開紛擾凡塵,合
每天上班已經累的沒命,下班當然是好好休息,看看劇食食零食,正職雖然辛苦但是每個月都有固定工資,即使這份工作沒有就找下一份,不必那麼辛苦做副業吧,這個是你內心想法嗎? 如果這是你的想法,相信我,你的人生將會過得很悲慘........
很久沒有向大家說故事 不知道大家小時候有沒有聽過國王的驢耳朵這個故事 故事是這樣的,從前有一個富裕的王國 那裏的國王十分英明全國和樂融融 但是,國王有一個不為人知的煩惱 就是他天生有一對驢耳朵.............
   【寫在前面的三言二語】 長久以來筆者一直對於無線網路的佈建安裝都非常感興趣,但屢屢總對於困難複雜的設備設定及訊號因為距離等因素造成不穩定等諸多因素讓人往往深感挫折,有鑒於此,世界級網通大廠D-Link友訊科技榮譽出品的COVR-1100 AC1200雙頻Mesh Wi-Fi無線路由器可以說結